Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 13 October 97

Foil 28 AWT GUI Components

From Java Tutorial, July 1, 1996 CSC499(JSU) CPS406/606 -- Fall Semester 97. by Nancy J. McCracken,Geoffrey C. Fox

In Java, the GUI (Graphical User Interface) is built hierarchically in terms of Components -- one Component nested inside another starting with the smallest Buttons, including Menus, TextFields etc. and ending with full Window divided into Frames, MenuBars etc.
The placement of components in the window is controlled in a fairly high-level way by one of several Layout Managers.
The user can interact with the GUI on many of its components, by clicking a button, typing in text, etc. These actions cause an Event to be generated, which will be reported by the system to a class which is an Event Listener, and which will have an event handler method for that event. This method will provide the appropriate response to the user's action.

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