Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 13 October 97

Foil 50 GridLayouts

From Java Tutorial, July 1, 1996 CSC499(JSU) CPS406/606 -- Fall Semester 97. by Nancy J. McCracken,Geoffrey C. Fox

GridLayouts for Foil 50
The first two arguments of the GridLayout constructor specify the number of rows of cells (i.e. number of cells in the y direction) and the number of columns of cells (in the x direction)
  • setLayout(new GridLayout (2, 3));
Additional arguments hgap and vgap specify the number of pixels inbetween the columns and rows:
  • setLayout(new GridLayout (2, 3, 10, 15 ));
The GridLayout Manager's strategy is to make each cell exactly the same size so that rows and columns line up in a regular grid.

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