Given by Wojtek Furmanski at JSU HPC Summer Institute for Undergraduates, Jackson MS on June 15 1998. Foils prepared July 5 98
Outside Index
Summary of Material
This describes in overview and pictorial fashion |
FMS, IMT, SBA(Simulation Based Acquisition), HLA, POW(Pragmatic Object web) |
NPAC's approach to WebFlow, JWORB, TVR |
and NPAC's training in SPEEDES ModSAF and CMS (Comprehensive Mine Simulation) |
Outside Index
Summary of Material
Wojtek Furmanski |
Northeast Parallel Architectures Center |
Syracuse University, Syracuse NY | |
presented at JSU HPC Summer Institute |
June 15, 1998, Jackson, MS |
FMS = Forces Modeling and Simulation = One of the CTAs (Computational Technology Areas) within the DoD HPCMP (High Performance Computing Modernization Program) |
Develops and Applies HPC Technologies for Large Scale `Wargaming' Simulations |
Two CTAs are involved in Modeling and Simulation within the Modernization Program |
FMS addresses large scale, forces level simulations (many vehicles, joint forces, strategic weapons, logical time based etc.) |
IMT (Integrated Modeling and Testing) is focused on single (but high fideliy) vehicle simulation in the battlefield background |
SBA - Simulation based Acquisiton |
New concept in advanced DoD M&S - full product development cycle in Synthetic Environment |
This includes all operation tests (i.e. Physics simulations like CFD, CEA etc.) and requires HPC power |
First real product prototype in the SBA process is fully tested, finished product |
Boeing (777), Automotive, Caterpillar are already doing SBA and saving ~50% |
SBA requires both FMS (realistic battlefield) and IMT (high fidelity product simulation) |
CHSSI - Common High Performance Computing Software Support Initiative - develops core software technologies for HPC M&S |
PET - Programming Environments and Training - tracks, monitors, evaluates and recommends new technologies, develops training for CHSSI systems |
Grand Challenges - large scale HPC applications relevant for the war-fighter |
For PET, current users are:
For CHSSI, current users are:
Lead: Robert Wasilausky, SPAWAR (previous NRaD), San Diego |
Strategy: Focus on porting and running existing stable M&S codes (e.g. ModSAF, SPEEDES) for joint problems on shared memory machines (Origin2000); |
Participants: SPAWAR, Metron, NRL, Colsa, BYU, (Syracuse joins for HPC RTI) |
SPAWAR: Bob Wasilausky, Larry Peterson, Jeff Wallace, Guy Leonard |
Metron: Jeff Steinman, Jim Brutocao |
NRL: Bob Smith, Henry Ng, Roger Nielsen |
Colsa: Mark Roberts |
SMDC: Jackie Steele |
BYU: Alan Whitehurst |
FMS-2: Simulation Based Acquisiton |
FMS-3:Efficient PDES (Parallel Distributed Event Simulation) for Analysis |
FMS-4: HPC Frameworks for Wargaming and Training Simulations |
FMS-5 (just starting): HPC RTI |
SPEEDES - Synchronous Parallel Environment for Emulation and Discrete-Event Simulation (Metron) |
E-ModSAF - Extended Moduar Semi-Automated Forces Simulator (Colsa) |
IMPORT - High Level Simulation Language (SPAWAR) |
TEMPO - Logical Time Simulation Kernel (NRL) |
HPC RTI - High Performance Run-Time Infrastructure (SPAWAR) |
SPEEDES - Synchronous Parallel Environment for Emulation and Discrete-Event Simulation (Metron) |
Logical Time Optimistic Simulation Kernel (40K lines of C++) based on the Breathing Time Warp |
Developed by Jeff Steinman at NASA/JPL |
Distributed by Metron Corporation |
To be used by major joint simulations: JSIMS, Wargame2000 |
ModSAF - Modular Semi-Automated Forces Simulator - a major (1.5 million lines of C) simulation environment for the Army, maintained by STRICOM |
E-ModSAF - Extended version of ModSAF under development by Colsa Corp. to run on shared memory machines (Origin2000) |
IMPORT - High Level Simulation Language derived from Modula-2, ModSIM, MODLOG (Jeff Wallace, Alan Whitehurst) |
Cooperates with ISLE (Integrated Simulation Language Environment) object-oriented source code database |
Parallel IMPORT is developed by FMS-4, based on IMPORT to SPEEDES translation |
TEMPO - Logical Time Simulation Kernel, developed by SAIC based on research by Richard Fujimoto, Georgia Tech |
Similar mission as SPEEDES but more focused and optimized for shared memory machines |
Used in FMS-2 for Simulation based Design and Acquisition project at NRL (Henry Ng) |
HPC RTI - High Performance Computing port (to Origin2000) of Run-Time Infrastructure |
RTI - software bus and communication middleware for DMSO HLA |
DMSO - Defense Modeling and Simulation Office |
HLA - High Level Architecture - new DoD-wide standard for Modeling and Simulation |
Led by Syracuse Team: Geoffrey Fox, David Bernholdt, Wojtek Furmanski |
Close ties with FMS CHSSI: FMS PET presence at CHSSI Project Reviews, PET training for CHSSI technologies |
Projects at ARL: Visual HLA Tools, FMS Training Space, SPEEDES Training, Data Mining for VPG |
Projects at CEWES: Object Web RTI, Parallel CMS Planning |
Visual Tools for HLA Simulations |
FMS Training Space |
SPEEDES Training |
Data Mining for Virtual Proving Ground |
Object Web (Java/CORBA) RTI |
Planning Parallel CMS Port to Origin2000 |
To be yet defined |
Will be addressed after the release of FMS CHSSI codes |
Possible candidates:
We joined FMS PET program in Summer `97 |
Our approach before Summer `97: 3-Tier Web Computing, WebFlow over Java Web Servers |
Object Web (Java meets CORBA) concepts become visible in Summer `97 |
HLA - new DoD standard for Modeling and Simulation Interoperability - starts stabilizing in Summer `97 |
We base our approach on the synergy between these two emergent technology standards |
Previous generation M&S: several paradigms (e.g. DIS for real time, ALSP for logical time), focused use, poor reusability or interoperability |
New DoD M&S Vision e.g. SBA calls for maximal interoperability of simulations |
HLA offers the global interoperability framework in terms of a high level distributed object model and a set of object management services |
Web started from HTML client and HTTP server |
CGI added simple third layer (poor man's 3-tier) |
Servlets offered a better model but still poor interface to legacy codes (C/C++/Fortran..) |
CORBA offers complete solution for stable CGI |
Other distributed object models: Java, COM, WOM => Pragmatic Object Web |
Based on synergies between DIS/ALSP => HLA and Web => Object Web |
Both use distributed objects as the base abstraction entity |
CORBA viewed by DMSO as technology transfer platform to industry (via OMG consortium of 700+ companies) |
Both domains will gradually include modern HPC technology insertions (NT clusters) |
Our `97 roadmap / vision still right on target by mid `98... |
Developed by DMSO (Defence Modeling and Simulation Office) |
Accepted as DoD-wide standard in `96 |
Continued development by SISO (Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization) and AMG (Architecture Management Group) |
Specs available at |
Public IEEE standards - natural dual-use for training, collaboration, multiplayer online gaming |
DoD Policy: |
" Under the authority of [DoD Directive 5000.59], and as prescribed by [the DoD Modeling and Simulation Master Plan], I designate the High Level Architecture as the standard technical architecture for all DoD simulations." |
Dr. Paul Kaminski 10 September 1996 |
The High Level Architecture is comprised of three elements:
Live |
Participants |
Runtime Infrastructure |
Data Collector/ |
Passive Viewer |
Federation Management Declaration Management |
Object Management Ownership Management |
Time Management Data Distribution Management |
C++ |
Ada-95 |
Java |
HLA RTI 1.3 |
Mod 2, Update 1 |
01 April 98 11 |
Category |
Functionality |
Federation Management |
Create and delete federation executions |
Join and resign federation executions |
Control checkpoint, pause, resume, restart |
Declaration Management |
Establish intent to publish and subscribe to object attributes and interactions |
Object Management |
Create and delete object instances |
Control attribute and interaction |
publication |
Create and delete object reflections |
Ownership Management |
Transfer ownership of objects/attributes |
Time Management |
Coordinate the advance of logical time and its relationship to real time |
Data Distribution |
Management |
Controls the efficient routing of information between federates |
Data Distribution Management |
Defense Modeling and Simulation Office (Chair) |
Synthetic Theater of War |
Joint Simulation System |
Warrior Simulation for the Year 2000 |
Battle Force Tactical Trainer |
National Air and Space [Warfare] Model |
Joint Tactical Combat Training System |
Simulation Based Design |
Close Combat Tactical Trainer |
Joint Warfare System |
Joint Modeling and Simulation System |
Test & Evaluation/Electronic Warfare |
Integrated Air Defense Simulation |
Leading Edge Services/Global Command and Control System |
Battlefield Distributed Simulation-Developmental |
Joint Advanced Distributed Simulation Joint Test Facility |
Joint National Test Facility |
Mobility Analysis Support System |
Joint Simulation System-Maritime |
Ventronics Simulation Facility |
Computer Aided Modeling and Equipment Evaluation |
Modeling, Analysis & Simulation Center |
Naval Simulation System |
Joint Virtual Laboratory |
Distributed Mission Training |
Virtual Proving Ground |
Pragmatic Object Web - integrate competing models for distributed objects: Java, CORBA, COM, WOM |
High Performance Commodity Computing - traditional HPC modules managed by POW on new commodity clusters (PC with NT, Linux or Solaris OS) |
WebHLA - HLA on POW, extends M&S towards training, collab, gaming, TVR |
Distributed Computing becomes a commodity article (driven by Web techs) |
Market niches for orthodox MPP style HPC are shrinking |
NT clusters become a viable alternative |
Web/Commodity software - promising base to build new HPcc (commodity computing) |
3-(or more)-tier architecture - Web browser front-ends, legacy (e.g. databases, HPC modules) backends; fat (1+tier) middleware |
Alternative / competing Middleware models:
POW attempts at integrating various models in terms of multi-protocol middleware servers (JWORB) |
Facilities |
Object Bus over IIOP (Internet Inter-ORB Protocol) |
Services |
WebHLA implements DMSO HLA using Pragmatic Object Web technologies |
This is combined with the High Performance Commodity Computing approach to deliver modern Web/Commodity HPC to FMS |
WebHLA might in fact become relevant for broader Internet communities and real-time applications (training, gaming, edutainment) |
WebFlow - Web based visual dataflow programming |
JWORB - Java Web Object Request Broker - POW middleware server node |
Object Web RTI - DMSO RTI as JWORB service |
Visual HLA Authoring - integrates POW with commodity front-ends (VBA, Java scripting) |
Televirtual (TVR) Environments - 3D interactive front-ends for multi-user POW applications |
FMS Training Space - uses POW linked databases |
WebFlow - a visual programming environment for the Web with real-time dataflow graph authoring tools |
3-tier multi-server system with Web browser / Java applet front-end, Java Web Server middleware and (Java) computational modules in the backend |
Early prototype - pure Java system, controlled by servlet based Session, Module and Connection Managers |
POW middleware will support all languages |
JWORB - Java Web Object Request Broker - multi-protocol middleware network server (HTTP + IIOP + DCE RPC + RTP + ..) |
Current prototype integrates HTTP+IIOP i.e. acts as Web Server and CORBA Broker |
Next step: add DCE RPC support to include Microsoft COM |
JWORB - our trial implementation of POW |
Implements DMSO RTI as JWORB service with 2 major CORBA objects: RTI Ambassador and Federate Ambassador |
Offers natural Web interfaces to HLA simulations via HTTP or IIOP channels |
Natural support for human-in-the-loop (Web surfers join WebHLA federation and can collabortate as WebHLA federates) |
Attractive model for High Level Metacomputing |
DMSO specifies FEDEP (Federation Development Process) that enforces tools reuse via common DIFs (Data Interchange Formats) |
This maps naturally on the dataflow model of WebFlow with modules linked by DIF channels |
Textual/spreadsheet editor modules can be built from commodity tools using VBA scripting |
This project uses WebFlow and commodity software to support visual HLA authoring |
Object Model Builder (OMBuilder) at NPAC |
Ultimate Internet medium is likely a multi-user multi-server multi-sensory 3D Televirtual (TVR) Environment |
We approach it via technology iterations: networked VR, VRML+Java, now POW |
Our TVR `98 will use Object Web RTI for collaboration servers and Microsoft DirectX for client sensory front-ends |
TVR is a joint project with IBM Watson on exploring scalable VRML/Java3D based multi-user collaboratory environments (worlds) |
Previous demo used JSDA collab server and represented users as simple VRML avatars (cones) |
New demo uses CORBA collaboratory server |
We are also including avatar/humanoid animation |
A real-time multi-user training environment for FMS simulation software users and developers |
Databases with software documentation, manuals, object libraries, examples etc. linked with Object Web RTI managed real-time simulations |
Current Status:
Parallel CMS Port to Origin2000 |
DirectX/DirectPlay TVR Front-Ends |
NT Cluster as HPC Back-End |
SBA Challenges and Opportunities |
CMS = Comprehensive Mine Simulator |
DIS simulation developed by Steve Bishop countermine team at Night Vision Lab, Ft. Belvoir |
Uses ModSAF for terrain libraries and vehicle simulation |
Modern warfare includes rapid deployment of dynamic minefields with millions of mines => need for HPC simulations |
Shared memory Origin2000 a natural HPC platform - distribute mines (automatically), share vehicles and countermines |
NVLD research on countermines- need for high fidelity (CFD, CEA etc.) vehicle simulations (potential Grand Challenge application) |
Planned Metacomputing Application: E.g. Simulate Parallel CMS based Minefield at ARL and E-ModSAF based vehicles at CEWES |
DirectX - Microsoft COM library for interactive multimedia - geared towards multi-player gaming |
Fast - Direct means bypass Windows overhead while still Win32 and COM compliant |
Includes the following components: DirectDraw, Direct3D, DirectSound, DirectInput, DirectPlay |
DirectPlay offers support for networked game development - overall design similar to RTI in HLA. |
Session Management - open or close a comm channel or session |
Player Management - create, destroy or manage players within a session |
Group Management - create or destroy group of players within a session |
Message Management - distributes messages between game players |
Data Management - associates data with players and groups |
Similar to HLA/RTI but |
without object/database model |
(OMT, OML, FOMs, SOMs) |
Direct X / Play Multiplayer Gaming Samples |
New NPAC project with Sandia Labs - Explore JWORB/RTI as high level operating env for a commodity cluster |
Support for NT, Linus, PC Solaris OS-es |
Provide connectivity to high end Supercomputers in other DoE ASCI Labs |
Final step in our HPC FMS Roadmap |
We claim that WebHLA is capable to address SBA in the near term (1-2 years) |
We address it in a set of activities:
APG - Aberdeen Proving Ground - large Army facility in Aberdeen, MD hosting TECOM and ARL |
VPG - Virtual Proving Ground - new initiative in SBA (move APG to Virtual Env) |
We are working with VPG on using Data Mining to learn from historical test data |
Late start for PET FMS (licenses, accounts etc.) in `97 |
Good progress so far in `98 |
JWORB and Object Web RTI operational |
13 conf papers, book chapter and book in progress |
SIW Fall 98 paper on WebHLA accepted |
WebHLA based metacomputing (multi-MSRC) FMS systems (parallel CMS) planned for `99 |