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FMS: Forces Modeling and Simulation Handout

Given by Wojtek Furmanski, Subhash Nair, Tom Pulikal at JSU HPC Summer Institute for Undergraduates, Jackson MS on June 15 1998. Foils prepared July 5 98

FMS Training Space
ASP For Web linked Databases
NetMeeting Collaboration
CORBA Collaboration
Rational Rose
Visual Authoring for Jager

Table of Contents for FMS: Forces Modeling and Simulation Handout

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1 Forces Modeling and Simulation Demos and Lab Exercises
2 FMS Lab Demonstrations
3 Students Contributing Lab Materials:
4 Demos: FMS Training Space
5 PPT Slide
6 PPT Slide
7 Demos: ASP for Web / Databases
8 Active Server Pages
9 ASP - Built-in Objects
10 ASP - Example Code I
11 ASP - Example Code I (contd.)
12 ASP - Example Code I (contd.)
13 ASP - Example Code II
14 ASP - Example Code II
15 ASP - Example Code II (contd.)
16 ASP - Example Code II (contd.)
17 ASP - Example Code II (contd.)
18 ASP - Example Code II (contd.)
19 ASP - Example Code II (contd.)
20 Demos: NetMeeting Collaboration
21 Netmeeting in Careweb
22 Demos: CORBA Collaboration
23 CORBA - Common Object Request Broker Architecture
24 CORBA - Common Object Request Broker Architecture
25 Summer `97
27 IIOP:
28 Services & Facilities.
29 Simple GuideLines For Collaboration
30 2nd Generation Java-based Collaboration API's
31 Collaboration Environments - The Next Frontier
32 CORBA, RMI and Java (Convergence Of Object Models)
33 Java CORBA combination
34 JDCE Features
35 Dynamics Of Collaboration
36 Dynamics of Collaboration(contd)
37 Exception Hierarchy
38 JDCE Client Exceptions
39 Data Bahn Exceptions
40 Client Events - A Reporting mechanism.
41 JDCE Messages
42 JDCE MessageQueue
43 JDCE Worker Threads
44 Starting the servers & setting up JDCE
45 Starting the servers & setting up JDCE
46 Binding to the sessionScheduler (CORBA) Vs (RMI)
47 Getting a handle to the DataBahn (CORBA)
48 Getting a handle to the DataBahn (RMI)
49 Publishing the Client Object Reference (CORBA)
50 Publishing the Client Object Reference (RMI)
51 PPT Slide
52 PPT Slide
53 Demos: JWORB
54 JWORB - Java Web Object Request Broker
55 JWORB Demo for HTTP+IIOP Integration
56 JWORB Demo for HTTP+IIOP Integration
57 JWORB Performance
58 Demos: Rational Rose
59 UML Support in Rational Rose
60 Unravelling CMS Source
61 Demos: OMBuilder (Excel+VBA)
62 PPT Slide
63 PPT Slide
64 Demos: VBA Self-Tutor
65 Objects and the Object hierarchy
66 Objects and the Object hierarchy
67 What is VBA ?
68 PPT Slide
69 Objects and the Object hierarchy
70 Special Features
71 PPT Slide
72 PPT Slide
73 PPT Slide
74 Expressions and Operators
75 PPT Slide
76 PPT Slide
77 Working with numbers and Strings of Text
78 Numerical operations
79 String Operations
80 PPT Slide
81 Working with Objects
82 PPT Slide
83 PPT Slide
84 PPT Slide
85 Working with Excel Objects
86 PPT Slide
87 Working with Menus
88 PPT Slide
89 PPT Slide
90 PPT Slide
91 Recognizing Events
92 PPT Slide
93 PPT Slide
94 Forms and Dialog Boxes
95 PPT Slide
96 PPT Slide
97 PPT Slide
98 PPT Slide
99 PPT Slide
100 PPT Slide
101 Using VBScript in Outlook
102 Outlook Script Editor
103 PPT Slide
104 PPT Slide
105 PPT Slide
106 PPT Slide
107 PPT Slide
108 PPT Slide
109 PPT Slide
110 PPT Slide
111 PPT Slide
112 PPT Slide
113 PPT Slide
114 PPT Slide
115 PPT Slide
116 PPT Slide
117 VBA for Project-98
118 Demos: WebFlow
119 WebFlow SC'97 Demo
120 WebFlow - Demo Snapshots
121 WebFlow/HPcc - Demo Snapshots
122 Before Summer `97
123 PPT Slide
124 WebFlow HPC Architecture
125 WebFlow Server
126 WebFlow Front-End & Middlware
127 WebFlow Middleware & Backend
128 Use of WebFlow/JWORB in WebHLA
129 Writing a Module
130 PPT Slide
131 PPT Slide
132 PPT Slide
133 PPT Slide
134 Registering the Module
135 Demos: Visual Authoring for Jager
136 WebHLA -RTI 1.0 Jager demo
137 Visual HLA Authoring for Jager
138 WebFlow+OMBuilder for Jager
139 WebFlow based Visual Simulation Tools
140 Demos - TVR / VRML
141 TVR Architecture (JSDA and CORBA Server versions)
142 TVR Demo Snapshots
143 Demos: TVR / DirectX-DirectPlay
144 Direct X Framework
145 PPT Slide
146 WebHLA based Virtual Prototyping Environment
147 Basic steps for using DirectDraw
148 Basic steps for using DirectPlay
149 PPT Slide
150 PPT Slide
151 PPT Slide
152 PPT Slide
153 PPT Slide
154 PPT Slide
155 PPT Slide
156 PPT Slide
157 PPT Slide
158 PPT Slide
159 PPT Slide
160 PPT Slide
161 PPT Slide
162 PPT Slide
163 PPT Slide
165 What is XML
166 Continued
167 Continued
168 Drawbacks Associated with HTML
169 Drawbacks Continued
170 Use of XML
171 Use of XML Continued
173 Continued
174 A Sample XML Document
175 An XML Document
176 Continued
177 The DTD File for the XML Document
178 The use of the Schema for the XML Document
179 Continued
180 Applications of XML
181 Continued
182 The Extensible Style-up Language

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