Given by Wojtek Furmanski, Subhash Nair, Tom Pulikal at JSU HPC Summer Institute for Undergraduates, Jackson MS on June 15 1998. Foils prepared July 5 98
Outside Index
Summary of Material
This summarizes Laboratory Session for FMS Overview |
FMS, IMT, SBA(Simulation Based Acquisition), HLA, POW(Pragmatic Object web) |
NPAC's approach to WebFlow, JWORB, TVR |
and NPAC's training in SPEEDES ModSAF and CMS (Comprehensive Mine Simulation) |
Outside Index
Summary of Material
Wojtek Furmanski, Subhash Nair and Tom Pulikal |
Northeast Parallel Architectures Center |
Syracuse University, Syracuse NY | |
presented at JSU HPC Summer Institute |
June 15, 1998, Jackson, MS |
FMS Training Space |
ASP For Web linked Databases |
NetMeeting Collaboration |
CORBA Collaboration |
Rational Rose |
OMBuilder |
WebFlow |
Visual Authoring for Jager |
TVR/DirectX |
Praveen Aravamudham |
Bruno Goveas |
Meryem Ispirli |
Sunil Samuel Jos |
Subhash Nair |
Hasan Ozdemir |
Zeynep Ozdemir |
Shrideep Pallickara |
Tom Pulikal |
Mahesh Rengaswamy |
Sachin R. Shanbhag |
Abbasaheb Yadav |
We start with a Site Tour to illustrate the content organization in the FMS Training Space |
We then illustrate Web / Access Database support for SPEEDES, CMS and other software packages |
Next, we show document editor support and we verify changes in the Access Database |
Finally, we show PowerPoint foils database with SPEEDES talks by by Jeff Steinman |
We illustrate here Active Server Pages i.e. Microsoft IIS support for dynamic generation of HTML |
VBS code, inlined as <%..%> bracket is pre-processed by the server in the server-side-include style (similar to Netscape's LifeWire) |
ASP model offer convenient support for database inserts via the ADO (Abstract Data Object) interfaces (on top of OLE-DB) |
Microsoft real-time collaboratory env: supports audio, video, chat, whiteboard, browser sharing |
To be used as real-time collaboratory option in the FMS Training Space |
Current demo illustrates NetMeeting in action within our other collaboratory space for telemedicine, CareWeb. |
Our base communication framework to support distributed simulation, computing and collaboration is Object Web RTI, i.e. DMSO RTI as CORBA service over JWORB |
Here we show a demo of a similar but simpler collaboratory system JDCE (Java Distributed Collaboratory Env) by Shrideep Pallickara at NPAC |
JDCE implements collaboratory as a Java CORBA service (or pure Java, using RMI = Remote Method Invocation) |
Facilities |
Object Bus over IIOP (Internet Inter-ORB Protocol) |
Services |
JWORB (Java Web Object Request Broker) is our multi-protocol (now HTTP + IOOP) middleware server |
Difficult to demo as middleware invisible... |
We illustrate HTTP and IIOP integration by timing a ping call over IIOP channel while invoking a Web page from JWORB - to notice a transient ping performance drop |
We now move towards demos of high level visual authoring tools |
Rose by Rational is the leading implementation of the new standard UML (Uniform Modeling Language) |
UML supports OO design for various object-oriented languages in terms of a family of diagram topologies (class, sequence, interaction, activity, deployment..) |
Microsoft has a similar product called Visual Modeller as part of Visual Studio Enterprise Edition |
Another approach for object modeling was taken by HLA OMT (Object Model Template) |
Since HLA objects are simple (no methods, only attributes), a database / tabular / spreadsheet approach sounds more practical |
OMDT tool by Aegis Corp is one such editor |
We developed OMBuilder by using VBA scripting to customize Excel spreadsheet editor |
Object Model Builder (OMBuilder) at NPAC |
VBA (Visual Basic for applications) offers powerful macro programming capabilities on top of COM based Microsoft application suite |
We are now customizing other applications for their use in WebHLA, for example PowerPoint, Outlook98, Project98 etc. |
We are also developing VBA self-tutor tools to aid VBA scripting inside various applications |
We present first a few typical WebFlow demos for image processing |
Next, we show how to write a WebFlow module in Java |
It's easy: each Java class can become a module after it implements webflow.Module interface with methods: init, run, destroy. |
Jager is DMSO HLA application distributed together with the RTI release |
It is a simple multi-player video game with minimal 2D interface and keyboard control |
We integrated it with WebFlow and OMBuilder as a proof-of-concept visual authoring kit for HLA |
User can specify game topology using Webflow and parameters using OMBuilder |
TVR is a joint project with IBM Watson on exploring scalable VRML/Java3D based multi-user collaboratory environments (worlds) |
Previous demo used JSDA collab server and represented users as simple VRML avatars (cones) |
New demo uses CORBA collaboratory server |
We are also including avatar/humanoid animation |
We show first a few DirectX games that come with the release: Clowns, Duel, Paper Planes. |
Next, we show a minimal Hello, World demo and we walk you though the source code to point out all essential elements |
Similar to HLA/RTI but |
without object/database model |
(OMT, OML, FOMs, SOMs) |
Direct X / Play Multiplayer Gaming Samples |