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LOCAL foilset Dual Issues and a discussion of HPCC Defense Applications

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at IDA Presentation on October 31,1994. Foils prepared April 9,1995
Abstract * Foil Index for this file

See also color IMAGE
This presentation was central part of a presentation given by Geoffrey Fox to the Institute of Defense Analysis on Halloween Day 1994. It was backed up by World Wide Web resources listed on next foil and some older foils collected together in another foil set (labelled IDA1 -- "Background"). The purpose of the presentation was to indicate how valuable Department of Defense applications of HPCC could be built in dual-use fashion as companions to the civilian enterprise. We also discussed areas where the civilian driving forces were not sufficient to advance use of HPCC fast enough. These included Manufacturing and other simulation activities.

Table of Contents for full HTML of Dual Issues and a discussion of HPCC Defense Applications

1 Dual-Use Issues for HPCC Defense Applications
2 Abstract of Dual-Use Applications of HPCC given at IDA
3 Components of Presentation
(Available on World Wide Web)

4 The Dual-Use Philosophy
5 An Example to Illustrate Importance of Dual-Use Philosophy
6 Opportunities for HPCC in the Science and Engineering Simulation Arena
7 Some Simulation Areas which will be Difficult to exploit in near term
8 Suprisingly Difficult and Suprisingly Promising Areas for HPCC in Simulation
9 Why is it hard to use HPCC in Manufacturing-I?
10 Why is it hard to use HPCC in Manufacturing-II?
11 Multidisciplinary Analysis and Design as a Critical use of HPCC in Manufacturing?
12 Role of Government and DoD in HPCC Simulation Applications
13 The HPCC Software Industry is not Viable in Simulation Area ?
14 Anecdotes from HPCC Software Industry Arena
15 National Challenges will drive the adoption of HPCC in the "Real World"
16 The National Challenges Identified by the Federal HPCC Initiative
17 Program in Computational Science
Implemented within current academic framework

18 Program in Information Age Computational Science Implemented Within Current Academic Program
19 Federal 1994 Blue Book Comparison of National and Grand Challenges
20 Why is Dual-Use Critical for National Challenges?
21 Dual-Use Command and Control HPCC Applications and Why is Global Grid Concept Essential
22 Naive Definition and Discussion of Global Grid
23 Dual-Use Applications of InfoVision to Command and Control: Video Information on Demand
24 Dual-Use Applications of InfoVision to Command and Control: Image Information on Demand
25 Dual-Use Applications of InfoVision to Command and Control: Text Information on Demand
26 Dual-Use Applications of InfoVision to Command and Control: 3D Interactive Terrain Navigation
27 Dual-Use Applications of InfoVision to Command and Control: Path Planning for Spatial Reasoning
28 Dual-Use Applications of InfoVision to Command and Control: Correlation Analysis for Spatial Reasoning
29 Dual-Use Applications of InfoVision to Command and Control: Simulation on Demand

This table of Contents Abstract

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Foil 1 Dual-Use Issues for HPCC Defense Applications

From HPCC Defense Applications IDA Presentation -- October 31,1994. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
InfoMall -- The Virtual Corporation for
HPCC Software and System Development
Institute for Defense Analysis Meeting
October 31,1994
Geoffrey C. Fox
Northeast Parallel Architectures Center
111 College Place
Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244-4100

HELP! * GREY=local HTML version of LOCAL Foils prepared April 9,1995

Foil 2 Abstract of Dual-Use Applications of HPCC given at IDA

From HPCC Defense Applications IDA Presentation -- October 31,1994. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
This presentation was central part of a presentation given by Geoffrey Fox to the Institute of Defense Analysis on Halloween Day 1994. It was backed up by World Wide Web resources listed on next foil and some older foils collected together in another foil set (labelled IDA1 -- "Background"). The purpose of the presentation was to indicate how valuable Department of Defense applications of HPCC could be built in dual-use fashion as companions to the civilian enterprise. We also discussed areas where the civilian driving forces were not sufficient to advance use of HPCC fast enough. These included Manufacturing and other simulation activities.

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Foil 3 Components of Presentation
(Available on World Wide Web)

From HPCC Defense Applications IDA Presentation -- October 31,1994. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
Specialized Foils on Dual-Use issues for HPCC DoD Applications
List of 33 Broad HPCC Application Areas coming from InfoMall Survey of New York State Industry
Set of Anecdotal Comments on various Industries gathered in Survey
Set of Computer Science Comments on Applications
  • Software and Hardware Architecture Issues
Set of Application Related Comments and Elaborations
Link to Federal Programs and Guidelines
  • Official 1994 and 1995 Federal HPCC and NII Documents
  • Technology pages from Federal agencies and laboratories -- examples given from ESC and Rome Laboratoryu
Links to World Wide Web Pages describing HPCC activities Internationally
  • For instance Home Pages for Grand Challenge Projects
List of InfoMall members and their relevant Expertise
Link to National Software Exchange for Detailed HPCC Technology Issues
  • In particular detailed High Performance Fortran Server
  • And to HPCC Glossary and list of Products

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Foil 4 The Dual-Use Philosophy

From HPCC Defense Applications IDA Presentation -- October 31,1994. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
This approach is built around observation that in today's shrinking defense budgets, military products must share wherever possible hardware software and maintenance components with civilian arena
Rapidly changing technologies accentuate the importance of this approach
  • A typical military system takes 5 to ten years to build and is out of date, when delivered
  • The dual-use philosophy advocates design as set of dual-use modules which can be replaced by latest (civilian) technology in incremental fashion
The same philosophy encourages multi-use or modular or component approach to produce reusable technologies and applications for several civilian and military applications
  • For example, multimedia databases can be used in
  • Military Command and Control, Health Care, Business and Government Decision Making, Education and Entertainment

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Foil 5 An Example to Illustrate Importance of Dual-Use Philosophy

From HPCC Defense Applications IDA Presentation -- October 31,1994. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
A Real Example: Need a data-base system for a military vehicle which will remain nameless
  • In year X, evaluate civilian databases and find them wanting (too slow)
  • Design proprietary hardware and software using technologies of year X
  • Deliver system in year X+5 and find
    • Civilian microprocessors have increased in performance by a factor of 25 but there are no resources to adapt custom hardware and software to use these new civilian technologies
    • The multi-billion dollar civilian database industry has:
    • Increased database functionality adding object-oriented features
    • Ported database to latest microprocessors
    • Parallelized Database
Thus resultant system cannot be improved, is a factor of 100 slower than best civilian alternative, and DoD must pay contractor to maintain system for next 20 years

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Foil 6 Opportunities for HPCC in the Science and Engineering Simulation Arena

From HPCC Defense Applications IDA Presentation -- October 31,1994. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
In spite of the large and very succesful national activity, simulation will not be a large "real world" sales opportunity for MPP's
  • Maybe difficulties for Thinking Machines illustrate this
However some areas of national endeavor will be customers for MPP's used for simulation
  • Large Scale Academic Calculations
    • Value of Increased Computation demonstrated in many disciplines
    • Codes are sufficiently small that software engineering considerations of adapting 1,000,000 lines not so important
  • Petroleum Industry
    • Resevoir Simulation
    • Siesmic Data Analysis
  • Some Earth and Space Science including
    • Climate and Weather Forecasting

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Foil 7 Some Simulation Areas which will be Difficult to exploit in near term

From HPCC Defense Applications IDA Presentation -- October 31,1994. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
Some areas which may adopt HPCC for simulation in relatively near future
  • Pharmaceutical Industry
    • Intense and brilliant academic (government research laboratory) effort in biochemical molecular modelling
    • But "Computer Designed Drugs" are not sufficiently promising to clearly justify purchase of large MPP's by drug industry
  • Financial Industry
    • MPP's being used by Prudential but in spite of success, they are not yet being generally adopted
    • Networks of Workstations severe competition as many problems are "embarassingly parallel"
  • Electrical Power Industry
    • Value seems clear for planning and real time control but
    • Industry conservative and faced with growing near term competition

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Foil 8 Suprisingly Difficult and Suprisingly Promising Areas for HPCC in Simulation

From HPCC Defense Applications IDA Presentation -- October 31,1994. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
The role of HPCC in Manufacturing is quite clear and will be critical to
  • Agile Manufacturing and the year 2010 Manufacturing Industry but for
    • Major fields including
    • Aircraft
    • Cars
  • HPCC will not have a major impact for simulation in the next few years
On the other hand for
  • War Games and Simulations of Complex Scenarios
  • Role of MPP's can be expected to grow especially when coupled as in (old) SIMNET with high speed geographically distributed networks
  • Note this is different basic software technology
    • Event driven -- not time stepped -- simulation

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Foil 9 Why is it hard to use HPCC in Manufacturing-I?

From HPCC Defense Applications IDA Presentation -- October 31,1994. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
Return on Investment Unclear:
  • Amdahl's law for use of HPCC in Industrial Simulation
    • If Simulation was only 10% or less of original design and manufacturing cycle, then can only gain this 10% by speeding up simulation
    • And this speedup comes at huge software engineering cost !
    • Codes are long and expertise to convert to parallelism may no longer exist in new "slim" companies after layoffs , buyouts and freeze on hiring new employees with knowledge of new technologies such as HPCC
    • New codes must be validated by extensive tests before use
    • Remember we can't solve full Navier-Stokes Equations yet and so some approximations necessary
The Industry is in a very competitive situation and focussed on short term needs

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Foil 10 Why is it hard to use HPCC in Manufacturing-II?

From HPCC Defense Applications IDA Presentation -- October 31,1994. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
In March 1994 Arpa Meeting in Washington, Boeing(Neves) endorsed parallel databases and not parallel simulation
  • Similar comment made to me by Major Brokerage
    • "Financial Modelling (on MPP) gets the headlines but information services are the critical problem"
Aerospace Engineers are just like University Faculty
  • They prefer to use their own workstations and not central Supercomputers
There is perhaps some general decline of Supercomputer Industry
  • As performance of technology increases
  • Users don't take full advantage of this performance Increase
    • Rather buy somewhat more powerful computers at somewhat lower cost

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Foil 11 Multidisciplinary Analysis and Design as a Critical use of HPCC in Manufacturing?

From HPCC Defense Applications IDA Presentation -- October 31,1994. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
MAD (Multidisciplinary Analysis and Design) links:
  • Structural, Fluid flow, electromagnetic signature, manufacturing process computations
  • Design, Manufufacturing, Sales and Support Functions
(Includes MDO -- Multidisciplinary Optimization)
Link Simulation and CAD Processes
  • Technically link CAD databases (using parallel database technology) to MPP simulations
This is really important application of HPCC as addresses "Amdahl's Law" as we use HPCC to support full manufacturing cycle -- not just one part! Thus large improvements in manufacturers time to market and product quality possible.
BUT must change and even harder integrate:
  • ALL software used in Manufacturing and this now comes from different vendors
  • The way of doing business in company
    • New job skills and cultures -- the hardest problem

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Foil 12 Role of Government and DoD in HPCC Simulation Applications

From HPCC Defense Applications IDA Presentation -- October 31,1994. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
The limited nearterm industrial use of HPCC implies that it is critical for Government and DoD to support and promote
DoD Simulation: Dual-Use Philosophy implies
  • Can use Commercial MPP hardware and basic systems software
  • Cannot rely on commercial market for application and sophisticated systems software and indeed hardware targeted at engineering and science simulation
Manufacturing Support can lead to future US Industry leadership in advanced HPCC based manufacturing environments 10-20 years from now
  • Industry cannot afford and even consider long term investment needed to integrate HPCC into manufacturing
  • Government should support long-term not short-term needs
  • Government must involve manufacturing Industry in its plans
  • Currently federal Initiatives are correctly involving Industry in more major fashion than before but focussing on short term needs

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Foil 13 The HPCC Software Industry is not Viable in Simulation Area ?

From HPCC Defense Applications IDA Presentation -- October 31,1994. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
An HPCC Software Industry is essential if HPCC field is to become commercially succesful
The HPCC Simulation market is small
This market is not used to paying true cost for software
  • As cost traditionally bundled with hardware and one can get
  • Federal Grants to develop software yourself ....
There is a lot of excellent available public domain software (funded by federal government)
Small Businesses are natural implementation of HPCC Software Industry
  • Plenty of talented Entrepreneurs
Two InfoMall Success Stories
  • Portland Group: Commercializing High Performance Fortran Compiler developed at NPAC. We are not competing with them but adding value
  • Applied Parallel Technologies:Developing with NIST ATP and Venture Capital portable database exploitation tools
    • NPAC provides HPCC facilities, expertise and contact with best of class international software activities

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Foil 14 Anecdotes from HPCC Software Industry Arena

From HPCC Defense Applications IDA Presentation -- October 31,1994. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
Anecdotes from Thinking Machines (TMC) April 94 before the fall
  • "They would like to be a software company but you can only sell software if bundled with hardware"
  • Customers did not buy TMC hardware because TMC's software was too good and so one couldn't then get the federal grants to improve parallel systems software
Anecdote from Digital September 94:
  • Digital cannot make money on their scientific software package for alpha workstations
  • If Digital charged true cost of development and maintenance, users would make do with good (but not optimized or as complete) public domain software
  • So if workstation market not viable for simulation software, how can much smaller MPP market lead to viable business plans?

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Foil 15 National Challenges will drive the adoption of HPCC in the "Real World"

From HPCC Defense Applications IDA Presentation -- October 31,1994. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
These can be defined simply as those HPCC applications which have sufficient market to sustain a true balanced HPCC computing Industry with viable hardware and software companies
  • With this definition, some "Grand Challenges" such as Oil Exploration are National challenges
Alternatively one can define National Challenges by the HPCC technologies exploited
  • High speed geographically distributed (ATM) networks i.e.
  • The National Information Infrastructure (NII) with several hundred million clients and perhaps some 10,000 MPP based high performance multi-media servers
  • Large scale text, Image and Video databases fed by Satellites, Information produced by National Enterprise such as credit card slips etc.

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Foil 16 The National Challenges Identified by the Federal HPCC Initiative

From HPCC Defense Applications IDA Presentation -- October 31,1994. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
Crisis and Emergency Management
  • Civilian words for scaled down Military Command and Control
Design and Manufacturing
Education and Lifelong Learning
Electronic Commerce
Energy Management
Environmental Monitoring
Health Care

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Foil 17 Program in Computational Science
Implemented within current academic framework

From HPCC Defense Applications IDA Presentation -- October 31,1994. * Critical Information in IMAGE
Full HTML Index

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Foil 18 Program in Information Age Computational Science Implemented Within Current Academic Program

From HPCC Defense Applications IDA Presentation -- October 31,1994. * Critical Information in IMAGE
Full HTML Index

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Foil 19 Federal 1994 Blue Book Comparison of National and Grand Challenges

From HPCC Defense Applications IDA Presentation -- October 31,1994. * Critical Information in IMAGE
Full HTML Index

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Foil 20 Why is Dual-Use Critical for National Challenges?

From HPCC Defense Applications IDA Presentation -- October 31,1994. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
The National Challengies have been correctly identified as the the major HPCC opportunity and there is a
Reasonable list of targeted Government areas BUT
The Entertainment and Consumer Information Industry will set the standards and drive the technology
One must set up collaborations with:
  • Companies such as Time-Warner, Disney, Nintendo and Microsoft
  • Fields such as Journalism and the Video Game Software Community
Health Care and Electronic Commerce may be large enough areas to sustain their own enterprise but some such as
Military Command and Control and Education are not
However the GII (Global Information Infrastructure) will force common standards and one canNOT go it alone in any area!
So Dual-use or Multi-use development of modular HPCC technologies, services and applications essential

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Foil 21 Dual-Use Command and Control HPCC Applications and Why is Global Grid Concept Essential

From HPCC Defense Applications IDA Presentation -- October 31,1994. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
Command and Control (C2 , C4I, BMC3IS ) is largest HPCC Opportunity in DoD
It is Dual-Use to the NII and Large Scale Database Decision Support Applications which will dominate the civilian use of HPCC
This Dual-Use approach to Command and Control demands the Global Grid Concept at the low (hardware) level
There will not be a separate DII (Defense Information Infrastructure) just as there is not a separate Interstate Highway System for DoD Vehicles
Even if you built the DII, the commercial GII will always have much higher bandwidth and so one would want to use it

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Foil 22 Naive Definition and Discussion of Global Grid

From HPCC Defense Applications IDA Presentation -- October 31,1994. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
The Communications System used in International Wartime Command and Control will be the commercial Global Information Infrastructure(GII) augmented by
  • Location(Theater) and DoD specific physical network extensions to take GII from commercial drop-off point to battlefields.
  • Necessary Security and Priority services on the commercial networks to ensure appropriate "quality of service" for use by DoD in battle-critical situations
Clearly Global Grid is essential and Critical Underlying Concept for Dual-Use Command and Control which needs major attention by DoD
An Anecdote: Similar cost arguments says that communities should not develop the NII separately for Public(Government) Information, Health Care and Education
  • We only want one NII with Multi-Use applications and technologies

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Foil 23 Dual-Use Applications of InfoVision to Command and Control: Video Information on Demand

From HPCC Defense Applications IDA Presentation -- October 31,1994. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
Basic InfoVision Service is Tens of thousands of hours of Digital Video with Index (Video Browsing) formed from
  • Text Database to resolution of a few seconds of clips
  • Later Speech Recognition including Language Translation
    • CMU InfoMedia Project with Public TV
  • Maybe Image Processing
Educational application uses Reuters and CNN News services as an online resource to support social studies, science and foriegn language classes
Medical Application stores Echo Cardiograms and other video material digitally as Online support for telemedicine
  • One Syracuse Doctor has several thousand such video tapes
Government Application uses multimedia data from world news services to support political decisions.
  • Pioneered by Maxwell School at Syracuse University
Defense applications stores combat videos to allow commanders to access and plan missions

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Foil 24 Dual-Use Applications of InfoVision to Command and Control: Image Information on Demand

From HPCC Defense Applications IDA Presentation -- October 31,1994. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
Basic InfoVision Service is a set of Images stored in Multiresolution (Kodak Photo-CD) format indexed by:
  • Text database as in current Kodak Picture Exchange service with some 100,000 professional photos indexed by hand by criteria of relevance to production houses
  • Image Processing to identify anomalies(medicine) or particular targets(Defense)
Cutural application stores all the photographs and pictures in museum
  • several examples available on Internet and more will come
Commercial enterprise has set of Images you can choose and edit for T-shirts on demand
Medical Application uses Image Processing to screen images to find those which surgeons need look at for potential pathologies
Defense application identifies targets for missions and in real-time for weopens

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Foil 25 Dual-Use Applications of InfoVision to Command and Control: Text Information on Demand

From HPCC Defense Applications IDA Presentation -- October 31,1994. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
Basic InfoVision Service is large scale Alphabetic and Numerical database supported by
  • Standard and enhanced SQL from Informix,Oracle, Sybase ....
  • Natural Language front end supporting advanced semantic and full text analysis
  • Set of "Data-Mining" (Statistical) Tools
Education application is full text analysis of current Dept. of Education ERIC database
Commercial application is Credit Card company analysing card transactions to discover customer preferences -- market segmentation
Government application is Patent Office using Semantic Analysis on existing 100 gigabyte database to process new patent claims more accurately
Defense application has Intelligence officers analysing the World's digitized Newspapers to identify terrorist patterns
Defense Logistic application analyses operational records to optimize stockpiling of parts and identify unreliable suppliers

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Foil 26 Dual-Use Applications of InfoVision to Command and Control: 3D Interactive Terrain Navigation

From HPCC Defense Applications IDA Presentation -- October 31,1994. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
Basic Infovison service uses digital map and elevation data (from Satellites and USGS) combined with 3D rendering to allow interactive journeys
  • Including ability to "click" on terrain locations to obtain multimedia information
  • This is natural "Mosaic" interface for spatially labelled data
Educational application allows teacher to generate historical and cultural multimedia data and allow classes to explore in "virtual field trips"
Local Government applications allows City Planners to superimpose building CAD data to support wide scale 3D Planning
Tourist application allows travel agencies to offer virtual trips to potential vacation locations
Community application offers a full Interactive Yellow Pages
Defense Application allow Mission planners to navigate potential battlefields to find unexpected hazards and opportunities

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Foil 27 Dual-Use Applications of InfoVision to Command and Control: Path Planning for Spatial Reasoning

From HPCC Defense Applications IDA Presentation -- October 31,1994. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
Basic InfoVision Service is Two or Three map superimposed with a set of Image Processing and Spatial Reasoning Tools
Common tool in systems such as ASAS (All Source Analysis System) is Minimum Path Algorithm
Commercial Application extends current CDROM based route planning systems such as Automap amnd Mapinfo using GPS if necessary (Global Positioning Satellite)
Can extend Service to multiple vehicle planning for aircraft and vehicle management
Defense application couples map, terrain data (which tanks can go in what areas in what weather) to plan and analyse both your and their troop movements

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Foil 28 Dual-Use Applications of InfoVision to Command and Control: Correlation Analysis for Spatial Reasoning

From HPCC Defense Applications IDA Presentation -- October 31,1994. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
Basic InfoVision service is a set of spatially labelled Information combined with appropriate decision support tools
Typical Defense application is a correlation algorithm which clusters electronic and other information into groups which are supposed to come from a single source. This is followed by an identification algorithm which classifies nature and behavor (moving or static) of source
Health Care application would use medical records and location of patients to plan optimal location of clinics and needed expertise of doctors
There are several similar commerce (where you you put bank branchs) and community (optimizing government services) applications
Using a global database, this type of anaysis of spatial data with geographic browsing can be used to study possible export and marketing strategies to choose best countries as targets for a particular product

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Foil 29 Dual-Use Applications of InfoVision to Command and Control: Simulation on Demand

From HPCC Defense Applications IDA Presentation -- October 31,1994. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
Basic InfoVision Service is ability to initiate and display simulations running on appropriate NII servers
Brokerage application allows trader to invoke several different economic simulations to support real-time trading decisions
Educational Application allows teacher to access library of Grand Challenge Simulations to illustrate Motion of Hurricanes and other Physical Phenomena (Valuable in all areas of education from K-12 to graduate physics education supported by colliding black hole simulation).
Defense Application supports Commander with "What-If" simulations for possible battle scenarios. This could be:
  • Event driven tactical simulation (war game) or
  • Time stepped weather simulation linked to terrain navigation application

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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