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Problem Solving Environments and the NPAC Activity for Black Hole Grand Challenge

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox, Tom Haupt, Scott Klasky at North Carolina Black Hole Meeting on April 26-27 1996. Foils prepared 5 May 1996

We desribe the proposed next step of the "computer science" component of the Colliding Black Hole Grand Challenge
DAGH (and HPF) provides a basic language technology which can be basis of a Problem Solving Environment (aka Toolkit) for this application
We propose a Web based system using Java for an adaptive AVS like system manipulating DAGH components
  • We inherit base Web Capibility such as collaboration
  • In last year, we will add VRML capabilities for visualization
We give examples of such Web Facilities
In second part of talk we review Syracuse activities which include work on the PSE as well as particular modules for PSE including
  • Elliptic Solvers, Clustering, Stability

This mixed presentation uses parts of the following base foilsets which can also be looked at on their own!
GeneralResFoils96  Miscellaneous Presentation Material used in 1996
MillsScreenDumps   Kim Mills Collection of GIF Images for NPAC 
                    Projects 96-
Webworkaddons      Additional Material for Web Technology 
                    Presentations July 95 -- March 96
SC95TutorialMaster Supercomputing 95 Tutorial on Web Technologies for 
                    Education Master Presentation
NPACAddons         Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects 

Table of Contents for Problem Solving Environments and the NPAC Activity for Black Hole Grand Challenge

Need to ADD PowerPoint Foils!!

  GeneralResFoils96 036 001 Problem Solving Environments and the 
                            Syracuse (NPAC) Activity for Black Hole 
                            Grand Challenge
  GeneralResFoils96 037 002 Abstract of Syracuse Presentation at Black
                             Hole PI Meeting
   MillsScreenDumps 030 003 Visible Human
      Webworkaddons 088 004 Factoring RSA Codes -- Software Resource 
      Webworkaddons 087 005 Digital Crime(!?) Home Page
 SC95TutorialMaster 021 006 A WWVM based on Web and PVM Technologies
         NPACAddons 110 007 Syracuse HPF Compiler on the Web-- Input 
         NPACAddons 111 008 Syracuse HPF Compiler on the Web-- Output 
  GeneralResFoils96 007 009 Java Interface for Performance 
         NPACAddons 105 010 Performance Visualization of Sorting 
   MillsScreenDumps 031 011 ECS 400 Homepage
      Webworkaddons 010 012 Figure 9: Example of use of VRML -- Black 
                            Hole Collision Diagram (NCSA)
         NPACAddons 089 013 New York State Interactive Journey: link 
                            to Herkimer Home
         NPACAddons 079 014 Link between Interactive Journey and 
                            classroom multimedia projects
   MillsScreenDumps 008 015 Java Terrain Viewer

List of Foils Used as they occur

GeneralResFoils96  Miscellaneous Presentation Material used in 1996
36 37 7
MillsScreenDumps   Kim Mills Collection of GIF Images for NPAC 
                    Projects 96-
30 31 8
Webworkaddons      Additional Material for Web Technology 
                    Presentations July 95 -- March 96
88 87 10
SC95TutorialMaster Supercomputing 95 Tutorial on Web Technologies for 
                    Education Master Presentation
NPACAddons         Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects 
110 111 105 89 79

Sorted List of Foils Used

GeneralResFoils96  Miscellaneous Presentation Material used in 1996
7 36 37
MillsScreenDumps   Kim Mills Collection of GIF Images for NPAC 
                    Projects 96-
8 30 31
Webworkaddons      Additional Material for Web Technology 
                    Presentations July 95 -- March 96
10 87 88
SC95TutorialMaster Supercomputing 95 Tutorial on Web Technologies for 
                    Education Master Presentation
NPACAddons         Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects 
79 89 105 110 111

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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