Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at Case Minnowbrook Meeting on 22 September 95. Foils prepared 12 October 1995
Abstract * Foil Index for this file
See also color IMAGE
Now is the most exciting time I have known for computing and communication technology development |
Convergence of
Changing opportunities and challenges in technology and product development, jobs , educational needs |
The World Wide Web levels the computer technology (software) arena
This table of Contents
Geoffrey Fox |
111 College Place |
Syracuse NY 13244-4100 |
Now is the most exciting time I have known for computing and communication technology development |
Convergence of
Changing opportunities and challenges in technology and product development, jobs , educational needs |
The World Wide Web levels the computer technology (software) arena
ECS is very strong in Computing, Communication and basic Information Science |
Other parts of University are strong in Using and Delivering Information e.g. Newhouse, IST, Maxwell, VPA, School of Education ... |
Rome Laboratory is premier national resource in Computing, Communication, Information Technology |
NYNET and its host sites provide unique leading edge infrastructure |
Innovative Medical Informatics/Telemedicine program at SUNY HSC |
Business interest from NYNEX, IBM as well small entrepreneurial organizations (NYSERNET ...) |
Natural base for strong Community Network CNYCITI |
Technologies built around ISDN/ATM networking and high performance computing
Applications including:
Technology Transfer through InfoMall |