HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared March 10 97

Foil 9 Relationship to ECS Courses

From Master Set of Foils for Web Certificate Presentation Education Web Technology Day -- March 11 97. by Geoffrey C. Fox, Nancy McCracken * See also color IMAGE

Initial session A) to bpring people upto roughly equal Web Knowledge level
Middle sections B) and C) of certificate are CPS606 and CPS616
  • Note CPS606 similar to undegraduate courses ECS400/406
  • Web material allows re-use and convenient adaption of material to different levels
Last section (non-credit) is a summary of CPS640
CPS714 is a project course and has no certificate equivalent
Could offer different flavors of certificates in either Web or other Computer Science areas
DoD interested in parallel computing!
What material and what format do you want?

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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