HPC Training and Education Centre - Queen's University Belfast (DENI funded)
http://www-pcc.qub.ac.uk/ is basic site
http://www-pcc.qub.ac.uk/tec/courses/courselist.html contains excellent list of courses including Datamining
HPTCE: Training and Education Centre - University of Wales College of Cardiff
Web Site http://www.cm.cf.ac.uk/Hpc/ has notes on F90 and MPI plus genetic algorithms in postscript
HPCTE: HPC Training and Education Centre University of Edinburgh
Web Site http://www.epcc.ed.ac.uk is excellent and includes technology watch reports
HPCTE: HPC Training and Education Centre - SEL(London)-HPC Consortium
Reasonable Web Site http://www.lpac.ac.uk/SEL-HPC/ includes links to Hensa preprint and software resource
Course Materials http://www.lpac.ac.uk/SEL-HPC/Materials/ were largely postscript