Basic HTML version of Foils prepared June 27 97

Foil 3 3 Important Areas! What are we doing and What are we not doing!

From Master Set of Foils for Two Talks at Dayton (Multidisciplinary MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 Interoperable Interfaces: allow a given problem to be easily run on any one of many different hosts
2 Multidisciplinary Problems: A single job involves multiple different modules (say CFD and structures) which can on one or more machines
  • Call this a metaproblem
3 Metacomputing: Linkage of multiple, typically heterogeneous, computers to solve a given problem -- this is often a metaproblem
  • Metacomputing often used for multidisciplinary applications!

in Table To:

© on Mon Nov 24 1997