Given by Ian Foster, Gina Goff, Ehtesham Hayder, Chuck Koelbel at DoD Modernization Tutorial on 1995-1998. Foils prepared August 29 98
Outside Index
Summary of Material
This is First in Four Part Tutorial built loosely around Ian Foster's Book
This Introduction covers
Later talks cover
Outside Index
Summary of Material
(c) 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 |
Ian Foster Gina Goff |
Ehtesham Hayder Charles Koelbel |
A Tutorial Presented by the Department of Defense HPC Modernization Programming Environment & Training Program |
Day 1
Day 2
Individual consulting in afternoons |
Day 1
Day 2
Continuing demands for higher performance |
Physical limits on single processor performance |
High costs of internal concurrency |
Result is rise of multiprocessor architectures
Networking is another contributing factor |
Future software must be concurrent & scalable |
Multicomputer = nodes + network |
Node = processor(s) + local memory |
Access to local memory is cheap
Access to remote memory is expensive
Cost of remote memory access/communication (including synchronization)
Hence locality is an important property of good parallel algorithms |
Major architecture types
Model fits current architectures pretty well |
Multiple Instruction/Multiple Data |
Processors with local memory connected by high-speed interconnection network |
Typically high bandwidth, medium latency |
Hardware support for remote memory access |
Model breaks down when topology matters |
Examples: Cray T3E, IBM SP |
Processors access shared memory via bus |
Low latency, high bandwidth |
Bus contention limits scalability |
Search for scalability introduces locality
Examples: Cray T90, SGI PCA, Sun |
A hybrid of distributed and shared memory |
Small groups of processors share memory; others access across a scalable network |
Low to moderate latency, high bandwidth |
Model simplifies the multilevel hierarchy |
Examples: SGI Origin, HP Exemplar |
Workstations connected by network |
Cost effective |
High latency, low to moderate bandwidth |
Often lack integrated software environment |
Model breaks down if connectivity limited |
Examples: Ethernet, ATM crossbar, Myrinet |
A parallel computation is a set of tasks |
Each task has local data, can be connected to other tasks by channels |
A task can
A receiving task blocks until data available |
Concurrency is enhanced by creating multiple tasks |
Scalability: More tasks than nodes |
Locality: Access local data when possible |
A task (with local data and subtasks) is a unit for modular design |
Mapping to nodes affects performance only |
Goal: "Develop an efficient (parallel) solution to a programming problem"
We present
Goal: identify opportunities for concurrent execution (define tasks: computation+data) |
Focus on data operated on by algorithm ...
... or on the operations performed
Identify communication requirements
Example: finite difference computation |
Must communicate with each neighbor |
Xi = (Xi-1 + 2*Xi + Xi+1)/4 |
X1 |
X2 |
X3 |
Partition creates |
one task per point |
Once tasks + communication determined, "agglomerate" small tasks into larger tasks |
Place tasks on processors, to
Simulate atmospheric processes
Represent atmosphere state by 3-D grid
Computation includes
Discretize the (continuous) domain by a regular Nx??Ny ??Nz grid
Approximate derivatives by finite differences
Use domain decomposition
Finite difference stencil horizontally
Radiation calculations vertically
Diagnostic sums
In horizontal
In vertical, clump all points in column
Resulting algorithm "reasonably scalable"
Technique depends on load distribution |
1) Agglomerate to one task per processor
2) Extend (1) to incorporate cyclic mapping
3) Use dynamic, local load balancing
Execution time (sums are over P nodes) is
Computation time comprises both
Idle time due to
Recall cost model
Model works well for many algorithms, and on many computers |
Computer ts tw |
IBM SP2 40 0.11 |
Intel Paragon 121 0.07 |
Meiko CS-2 87 0.08 |
Sparc/Ethernet 1500 5.0 |
Sparc/FDDI 1150 1.1 |
Times in microseconds |
Finite difference computation on N2Z grid
Decompose along one horizontal dimension |
Identical computations at each grid point
1-D decomposition, so each node sends 2NZ data to 2 neighbors [if ? 2 rows/node]
No significant idle time if load balanced
Therefore, T = tcN2Z/P + ts2 + tw4NZ |
During design
During implementation
Consider 2-D and 3-D decompositions
2-D Decomposition - On a ?P????P processor grid, messages of size 2N/?P???Z to 4 neighbors, so
Good if ts < twNZ(2-1/?P) |
3-D Decomposition - On a Px ? Py ? Pz grid,
What we have here is a failure to communicate... |
Multicomputer model assumes comm cost independent of location & other comms |
Real networks are not fully connected |
Multicomputer model can break down |
Ethernet |
2-D Mesh |
In many cases, a bandwidth constrained model can give sufficiently accurate results
Example: finite difference on Ethernet
Bandwidth-constrained model gives better fit |
High Performance Fortran (HPF) |
Message Passing Interface (MPI) |
Parallel Computing Forum (PCF) and OpenMP™ |
Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computations (PETSc) |
A standard data-parallel language
Programmer specifies
Compiler infers
PROGRAM hpf_finite_difference |
REAL x(100,100), new(100,100) |
!HPF$ ALIGN new(:,:) WITH x(:,:) |
new(2:99,2:99) = (x(1:98,2:99)+x(3:100,2:99)+ & |
& x(2:99,1:98)+x(2:99,3:100)) / 4 |
diff = MAXVAL(ABS(new-x)) |
end |
Good for regular, SPMD problems |
A standard message-passing library
An MPI program defines a set of processes
... that communicate by calling MPI functions
... and can be constructed in a modular fashion
main(int argc, char *argv[]) { |
MPI_Comm com = MPI_COMM_WORLD; |
MPI_Init(&argc,&argv); |
MPI_Comm_size(com,&np); |
MPI_Send(local+1,1,MPI_FLOAT,lnbr,10,com); |
MPI_Recv(local,1,MPI_FLOAT,rnbr,10,com,&status); |
MPI_Send(local+lsize,1,MPI_FLOAT,rnbr,10,com); |
MPI_Recv(local+lsize+1,1,MPI_FLOAT,lnbr,10,com,&status); |
ldiff = maxerror(local); |
MPI_Allreduce(&ldiff,&diff,1,MPI_FLOAT,MPI_MAX,com); |
MPI_Finalize(); |
} |
Good for performance-critical codes with natural task modularity |
Standardization (circa 1993) of shared memory parallelism in Fortran |
A PCF program is multithreaded, with explicit synchronization between the threads and shared variables |
A PCF program is divided into regions
PCF per se was not widely implemented
Its ideas resurfaced in OpenMP
!$& IF (N.GT.1000), |
X is a summation |
Conditional parallelization |
Iterations managed first-come, first-served, in blocks of 100 |
Iterations blocked evenly among threads (INTERLEAVE, GSS, RUNTIME scheduling also available) |
PCF standard |
X is a summation |
Iterations managed first-come, first-served, in blocks of 100 |
Iterations blocked evenly among threads (GUIDED scheduling also available) |
A good choice for shared-memory and DSM machines, but portability is still hard |
A higher-level approach to solving PDEs
User-level library provides:
Programmer supplies:
SLES snes |
Vec x,F |
integer n,its,ierr |
call MatCreat(MPI_COMM_WORLD,n,n,J,ierr) |
call VecCreate(MPI_COMM_WORLD,n,x,ierr) |
call VecDuplicate(x,F,ierr) |
call SNESSetFunction(snes,F,EvaluateFunction,PETSC_NULL,ierr) |
call SNESSetJacobian(snes,J,EvaluateJacobian,PETSC_NULL,ierr) |
call SNESSetFromOptions(sles,ierr) |
call SNESSolve(sles,b,x,its,ierr) |
call SNESDestroy(snes,ierr) |
A rather different beast from the other tools
Good for implicit or explicit PDE solutions |