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Designing and Building Parallel Programs 2: openMP Shared Memory Programming Language

Given by Ian Foster, Gina Goff, Ehtesham Hayder, Chuck Koelbel at DoD Modernization Tutorial on 1995-1998. Foils prepared August 29 98

Parallelism, Synchronization, and Environments
Restructuring/Designing Programs in OpenMP
Example Programs

Table of Contents for Designing and Building Parallel Programs 2: openMP Shared Memory Programming Language

001 Outline
002 Outline
003 OpenMP
004 OpenMP (2)
005 Shared Memory
006 Shared Memory in Pictures
007 OpenMP
008 OpenMP in Pictures
009 Design of OpenMP
010 Design of OpenMP (2)
011 Outline
012 Control Structures
013 Control Structures (2)
014 DO Scheduling
015 DO Scheduling (2)
016 Orphaned Directives
017 OpenMP Synchronization
018 OpenMP Synchronization (2)
019 OpenMP Data Environments
020 OpenMP Data Environments
021 OpenMP Environment & Runtime Library
022 OpenMP Environment & Runtime (2)
023 OpenMP Environment & Runtime (3)
024 Outline
025 Analyzing for Parallelism
026 Program Profile
027 Walking the Key Loop Nest
028 Multiple Parallel Loops
029 Example --Loop Nest
030 Restructuring Applications
031 Two Levels of Parallel Processing
032 Two Levels of Parallel Processing (cont.)
033 Determining Shared and Private
034 Types of Variables
035 Guidelines for Classifying Variables
036 Process of Classifying Variables
037 Process of Classifying Variables (2)
038 Process of Classifying Vars (3)
039 Firstprivate and Lastprivate
040 Firstprivate and Lastprivate (2)
041 Choosing & Placing Synchronization
042 What to Synchronize
043 Example -- Critical/Ordered Section
044 Reductions
045 (Flawed) Plan For a  Good Reduction
046 Good Reductions
047 Typical Parallel Bugs
048 Typical Parallel Bugs (2)
049 Typical Parallel Bugs (3)
050 Outline
051 Designing Parallel Programs in OpenMP
052 Designing Parallel Programs in OpenMP (2)
053 Jacobi Iteration: The Problem
054 Jacobi Iteration: OpenMP Partitioning, Communication, and 
055 Partitioning, Communication, and Agglomeration (2)
056 Jacobi Iteration: OpenMP Mapping
057 Jacobi Iteration: OpenMP Program
058 Jacobi Iteration/Program (2)
059 Irregular Mesh: The Problem
060 Irregular Mesh: Sequential Program
061 Irregular Mesh: OpenMP Partitioning
062 Irregular Mesh: OpenMP Communication
063 Irregular Mesh: OpenMP Agglomeration
064 Irregular Mesh: OpenMP Mapping
065 Irregular Mesh: OpenMP Mapping (2)
066 Irregular Mesh: OpenMP Program
067 Irregular Mesh
068 Irregular Mesh: Pictures
069 Irregular Mesh: Bad Data Order
070 Irregular Mesh: Bad Data Order
071 Irregular Mesh: Good Data Order
072 Irregular Mesh: Good Data Order
073 OpenMP Summary
074 Three Systems Compared
075 Three Systems Compared (2)
076 OpenMP + MPI
077 MPI + HPF
078 HPF + OpenMP

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