Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 12 April 98

Foil 4 Collaboratory systems: Taxonomy III

From Overview of Tango Collaboratory XII and DISA Meetings -- January--March 98. by Marek Podgorny

1 Is chat server a collaboratory?
  • Chat servers multiply and offer 1D, 2D and even 3D interfaces:
    • Comic Chat (MS - 2D), Passport (BlackSun - 3D), Traveler (OnLive - 3D), The Palace (2D) .........
  • While technically similar, these products are geared towards creation of Gibsonian Cyberspace rather than towards a collaboratory
    • Collaboratory paradigm easily breaks when combined with orthodox cyberspace visualization paradigm
      • two avatars reading a Word document on a screen of the virtual computer rendered in VRML browser???
    • Conclusion: chat servers are not a collaboratory!

in Table To:

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