Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 27 June 97

Foil 27 Example: TVR Prototype at NPAC (II)

From Distributed Simulation (DIS,HLA) HPCC and the Object Web Visit to ARL Aberdeen -- June 5-6 97. by Wojtek Furmanski *

1 Networking and backend was implemented using JSDA (Java Shared Data API) - a next generation Java framework (currently at the alpha release stage in JavaSoft) which offers high level, portable and stable support for multi-user collaboratory environments.
2 Effectively, our network configuration was similar as in the WebDIS prototype, but we used high level JSDA session servers rather then custom networking daemons. The advantage of using the JSDA layer is that it will run over a variety of networks and communication protocols, including multicasting, software conference bus etc.
3 We used 'human-in-the-loop' rather than 'dead reckoned vehicle' paradigm with the mouse motion events coming from session participants represented as simple avatars (moving cones in 3D rooms).

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