Title and abstract for

Distance Computing and Collaboration

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at DSWA HPCC REquirements Workshop TASC Building Rosslyn VA on 20 February 98. Foils prepared 21 February 98
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We discuss role of commodity (Web) technologies in future high performance computing environments
We describe how a network of Web/CORBA/COM servers architecture can naturally support both parallel and distributed computing while
We describe applications to both metacomputing, and parallel computing and suggest this approach can provide attractive user environments leveraging the huge commodity investment
We suggest critical importance of CORBA and component based software in HPCC -- Javabeans seem very important
This approach unifies distributed event driven simulations with classic massively parallel time stepped computations and so combines DMSO HLA/RTI with classic HPCC
We describe role of collaboration technology in linking computers with people
We finish with remarks on University requirements and issues in HPCC connected to research in HPCC, use of HPCC systems and education

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