Basic HTML version of Foils prepared September 13 1998

Foil 30 Some Tango Futures

From Introduction to Tango and its Role in Distance Education and Collaborative Computing EuroPar Java Grande Workshop -- September 2-3 1998. by Geoffrey C. Fox

We intend enhancements to some applications -- such as full annotation (on the Java Whiteboard) with database access and archiving in WebWisdomNT
We will evaluate Internet Explorer version (prototype available), Macintosh and AIX support
Archive audio-video conferencing, text chat etc.
Looking into a built in window manager, more automatic support for mirror (content) servers
Link Tango user module with administrative (class) database -- link Tango and conventional mail
Lots of interesting assessment opportunities
Could build Collaboratory tools -- scientific visualization will be supported but also could do debuggers, performance visualizers etc.
EOT PACI has identified NCSA Biology Workbench, BU Biology database, and for K-12 Belvedere annotation system

© Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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