Basic HTML version of Foils prepared Oct 26,97

Foil 11 Second two Solutions of O(N2) Computational Complexity

From Master Set of Foils for GEM Computational Science Presentation GEM Workshop Santa Fe -- October 24-25 1997. by Geoffrey C. Fox

3) Cutoff long range forces (common strategy in chemistry where Forces fall off faster (E.g. 1/r5) than in gravity)
  • This leads to a classic nearest neighbor O(N) algorithm with irregular geometry causes minor implementation issues
Use the new "fast multipole" algorithms which have been very successful in other related areas
  • Astrophysics
  • Computational Electromagnetic
  • Vortex approach to CFD
Instead of zeroing out contributions of far away particles, these methods do an ingenious multipole expansion of the contributions of far away regions

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