HELP! * GREEN=global GREY=local Global HTML version of Foils prepared 21 May 1996

Foil 28 Some (New) Web Technologies in a Nutshell - V

From The Information Highway amd Multimedia Information Resources for Goethe Institut Goethe Institut Annual Meeting -- 22 May 1996. by Geoffrey Fox * See also color IMAGE

VRML 1.0 widely available and specifies static 3D scenes through which you can navigate. Already provides universal visualization environment and we have examples of use In Geographical Information Systems
  • Note can embed clickable URL's as with ImageMaps which can be used to annotate images to provide interactive educational resources
VRML 2.0 is just released with prototype browsers but still aspects of technology are under intense research/debate.
  • This is designed to support full interactivity (televirtuality) with texture mapped video, avatars etc.
  • VRML 2.0 will require huge computing resources whether used as the virtual car-dealership / interactivity gaming or more academic uses such as collaboration between teachers and students

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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