HELP! * GREEN=global GREY=local Global HTML version of Foils prepared 21 May 1996

Foil 70 Scalable Certificates in Computational Science

From The Information Highway amd Multimedia Information Resources for Goethe Institut Goethe Institut Annual Meeting -- 22 May 1996. by Geoffrey Fox * See also color IMAGE

We suggest that Universities historically are "approved" to give "licenses" i.e. certification that students have a certain level of knowledge
In the emerging Web based Virtual University, the traditional type and length of learening cycles is not obviously appropriate
Further we need to bootstrap WebWisdom and "suck customers in" a little bit at a time!
Thus suggest Scalable Certificates
  • Level 1: One day (6 hours)
  • Level 2: One Week (30 hours)
  • Level 3: One Semester/Quarter Course (120 hours)
  • Level 4: Minor/Certificate -- about 5 courses (600 hours)
  • Level 5: Masters degree -- about 12 courses (1400 hours)
Note these certificates are also portable as can take anywhere at any time!
Traditionally, University courses are 1/3 interaction and 2/3 study/homework
  • i.e. 120 hour course is 40 hours lectruring

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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