HELP! * GREEN=global GREY=local Global HTML version of Foils prepared 21 May 1996

Foil 82 CareWeb for Telemedicine/Nursing - I

From The Information Highway amd Multimedia Information Resources for Goethe Institut Goethe Institut Annual Meeting -- 22 May 1996. by Geoffrey Fox * See also color IMAGE

Community collaboration including NPAC, SU College of Nursing, Syracuse City School District and SUNY Health Science Center (Univ. Hospital).
Initial goal is to provide electronic student health record database, healthcare education and Web based interactive consultation between nurses, nurse practitioners and pediatricians.
Trial demo implementation completed May'96. Trial deployment in select New York and North Carolina schools expected in fall '96.
CareWeb core module is given by Oracle database at NPAC with WOW/OWA/Internet gateway, remotely accessed by CareWeb customers.
The system integrates and offers customized access to ~30 databases, managing information about users, health education resources, and patient health records.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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