HELP! * YELLOW=global GREY=local Global HTML version of Foils prepared February 11,1996

Foil 7 World Wide Web (WWW) is key to HPCC Implementation

From IBM Tutorial on Web Technology for HPCC IBM Poughkeepsie -- February 7 1996. by Geoffrey Fox * See also color IMAGE

It provides a pervasive and highly innovative technology base
  • It includes parallel computing as a special case when we impose tight synchronization constraints
  • Correspondingly parallel computing brings key algorithm, language and methodology to WWW distributed computing environment
  • Interesting to compare community of Web Hackers to IBM or Microsoft as software organizations
Note Intel Teraflop computer will have 9000 P6's but WWW will have at least one thousand times as many possible nodes varying (eventually) from supercomputers to settop boxes
WWW is important as it allows rich (world wide linkage of simulation and information capabilities) open and portable environment

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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