HELP! * YELLOW=global GREY=local Global HTML version of Foils prepared February 11,1996

Foil 132 A World-Wide Virtual Machine design based on Web and PVM technologies

From IBM Tutorial on Web Technology for HPCC IBM Poughkeepsie -- February 7 1996. by Geoffrey Fox * See also color IMAGE

The WWVM is accessed through a Web Browser and requests are sent to the server through HTTP Protocol.
HTTP Server starts a service master which translates given HPF program to F90 with message passing calls and starts-up other client servers.
HTTP Servers at the client side get the requests through the HTTP protocol connection, and activates a Interpreter CGI module.
Interpreter makes calls to the Runtime Support and Communication Server that sends and receives messages using PVM daemons.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

If you have any comments about this server, send e-mail to

Page produced by wwwfoil on Tue Feb 18 1997