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LOCAL foilset Basic Lectures on Java Language Applets Graphics Networking

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at Trip to China and Icase Tutorial on July 12-28 and June 10-13 96. Foils prepared July 10 1996
Abstract * Foil Index for this file

See also color IMAGE
Overview including History and alpha versus production issues
Comparison of Java and Javascript
Overall Java Philosophy and Features including security etc.
Java Programming Language
Object Oriented and Class Structure
Applet Programming and Threads
Abstract Windowing Toolkit
Networking and I/O; native classes
Futures and HPCC Implications
Hot Java is not discussed as current version not evaluated

Table of Contents for full HTML of Basic Lectures on Java Language Applets Graphics Networking

1 Java Tutorial - June 1996
Java Language , Applets ,
Graphics and Abstract Windows Toolkit
Networking etc.
given at ICASE June 10-13 1996
Trip to China July 12-28 1996

2 Abstract of Java Tutorial
3 Overview and History of Java Development
4 What are Java and HotJava in a NutShell?
5 HotJava Story 1994-1996
6 HotJava Alpha Capabilities
7 HotJava's Future 1996- ?
8 Overview -- Java and the World Wide Web
9 Overview -- What are Java applets in detail?
10 Running a Java Applet
11 History of Java Language and Team
12 History of Java Language and Team (contd)
13 JDK 1.0 -- The Real Java Development Kit!
14 Java Beta Books -- I
15 Java Beta Books -- II
16 Java Beta Books -- III
17 Java vs. JavaScript
18 Comparison of Java and JavaScript -- I
19 Comparison of Java and JavaScript -- II
20 Overall Java Philosophy and Features
21 Some Key Java Features
22 Java Features -- It's Simple and Familiar!
23 Java Features -- It's Object-oriented
24 Java Features -- It's Architecture-Neutral
25 Java Features -- It's Portable
26 Java Features -- It's Somewhat Interpreted
27 Java Features -- It's Distributed
28 Java Features -- It's Robust
29 Java Features -- It's (Hopefully) Secure
30 Java Features -- High Performance
31 Java Features -- It's Multithreaded
32 Java Features -- It's Dynamic
33 Sun's Comparison of Language Features
34 The Java Programming Language
35 Java Language Discussion -- Table of Contents
36 Program structure and the simplest examples
37 Java Language -- Program Structure
38 Java Language -- Lexical Issues I
39 Java Language -- Lexical Issues II
40 Java in Practice --
Applets and Applications
Use from HTML

41 Applications Versus Applets - I
42 Applications Versus Applets - II
43 Applet Tag: Calling Applets from HTML - I
44 Applet Tag: Calling Applets from HTML - II
45 <param> Tags and Applets
46 Hello World Applet from Sun Tutorial
Getting Started

47 Hello World Application from Sun Tutorial
Getting Started

48 Java Language Basics
An example using arrays is found at the end of the Applet Basics section of JavaStroll

49 Java Language -- Variable/Expression Types
50 Java Language -- Types: Array
51 Java Language -- More on Arrays
52 Java Language -- Expressions
53 Java Language -- Control Flow I
54 Java Language -- Control Flow II -- continue
55 Java Language -- Control Flow III -- break and for loop
56 Java Language -- Control Flow IV -- break and switch
57 Java Language -- Control Flow V -- continue and switch
58 The Java Object Model: Classes, Instances and Methods
59 The Java Object Model Overview
60 Date Application from Sun Tutorial
Anatomy of an Application

61 Counting Application from Sun Tutorial
Nuts and Bolts of Java

62 Java Language -- Overview of Classes
63 Instantiating an Object from its Class
64 Constructors of Objects
65 Class Finalizers
66 Java Language -- Types of Classes - I
67 Java Language -- Types of Classes - II
68 Java Language -- Methods
69 The Java Object Model: Inheritance and the Class Hierarchy
70 Use of Methods Defined in Parent
71 Use of Methods Defined in Parent but overridden in child class
72 Comments on Casting
73 Review of the Array Class
74 Array - A Pseudo Class!
75 By value and By reference
76 Comments on Overloading and Overriding in Classes
77 Object-Oriented
Programming Examples:
Basic Class Operations

78 A little more complicated Paint Method for Applets
79 Some More Methods for mPoint
80 Inheritance or Subclassing
81 Abstract Methods
and Classes
(classes without implementation)

82 Comments on abstract Methods and Classes
83 Java Language -- Interfaces - Overview
84 Cars as an Examples of Interfaces/ Multiple Inheritance
85 Picture of Interfaces and Classes for Cars and their Manufacture
86 Java Language -- Interface Example -- Implementing Storable
87 Interfaces can be used as Classes in type specification
88 Further Features of Interfaces
89 More on Interfaces -- Why use them
90 More on Interfaces -- Real Examples
91 Packages in Java
92 Overview of Packages and Directory Structure
93 Using packages
94 Java System Packages
95 Somewhat more Detail on Applets and Graphics
96 The java.awt.Graphics Class
97 The java.awt.Font and FontMetrics Classes
98 The java.awt.Color Classes
99 Some Basic Methods for Applets -- I
100 Some Basic Methods for Applets -- II
101 A Simple Useful Applet from Sun for Animation
102 Sun's Animator.class Applet
103 Details of Using the Sun animator Applet --I
104 Details of Using the Sun animator Applet --II
105 Threads are part of the Java Language!
106 Initial Remarks on Threads
107 Threads as Discussed in Sun's Tutorial
108 Thread Execution and Concurrency
109 The Life of a Thread
110 Sun's Digital Clock Applet to Illustrate Threads -- I
111 Sun's Digital Clock Applet to Illustrate Threads -- II
112 Synchronized Method and Blocks
113 Sun's Synchronized Block Example
114 Threads and Synchronization - I
115 Threads and Synchronization - wait()
116 Threads and Synchronization - notify()
117 Threads and Synchronization - Example
118 Useful Basic Java Classes
119 The Overarching Object Class
120 Determining and Testing Class of Object
121 java.lang.Object Wrappers
122 The java.lang.Math class
123 The Date class
124 The String class
125 More on Strings, and the StringBuffer class
126 ReverseString Class from Sun Tutorial
127 The Vector class
128 Methods for Vectors
129 The Hashtable class
130 More on the Java Language: Exceptions
131 Java Language -- Handling Errors Using Exceptions
132 Basic Structure of Exception Handling in Nested Calls
133 Examples of Exception Hierarchy
134 finally illustrated by Handling Exceptions in Closing a File
135 Classes of Exceptions
136 Exceptions in Applets
137 Summary of Object-Oriented Concepts
138 Summary of Object-Oriented Concepts - I
139 Summary of Object-Oriented Concepts - II
140 Back to Details on Graphics and Animation
141 Graphics is Event-Driven: paint method
142 Changing Graphics: repaint method
143 Some Graphics Methods
144 Getting Images the getImage Applet Method
145 Drawing Images -- the drawImage Graphics Method
146 Image Downloading -- imageObserver, MediaTracker
147 Flickering in Applets and its Solution
148 The default Update(Graphics g) Method
149 ColorSwirl -- An Example from Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days - I
150 ColorSwirl -- An Example from Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days - run Method
151 ColorSwirl -- An Example from Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days - paint and update
152 Double Buffering to Reduce Flicker - I
153 Double Buffering to Reduce Flicker - II
154 Event Handling
155 Events in the java.awt -- Mouse, Keyboard Interaction - I
156 Events in the java.awt -- Mouse, Keyboard Interaction - II
157 Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT): Components such as buttons, textfields, etc.
158 Structure of the java.awt GUI Components - I
159 Structure of the java.awt GUI Components - II
160 Picture of the AWT Component Class and its inheritance
161 Some Simple AWT Components -- label,button
162 AWT Components -- Checkbox
163 AWT Components -- Radio Buttons , CheckboxGroup
164 Some Further AWT Components -- typical subunits of panels
165 Some Further AWT Components -- Canvas, Window - I
166 Some Further AWT Components -- Canvas, Window - II
167 Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT):
Actions in response to Mouse and Keyboard etc.

168 Actions associated with Components in AWT - I
169 Actions associated with Components in AWT - II
170 Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT):

171 Layout of Components in a Panel
172 Description and Example of BorderLayout
173 Brief Description of Four Other LayoutManager's
174 FlowLayouts in detail
175 Hierarchical use of LayoutManagers
176 Networking, Web Access and I/O
177 Networking, Web Access and I/O in Java
178 Security Concerns for Applets
179 Table for Java file and network access
180 Accessing URL's in Java -- URL, showDocument
181 Accessing URL's in Java -- URLConnection
182 Input/Output in Java -- InputStreams -- I
183 Input/Output in Java -- (Filter etc.)InputStreams -- II
184 Accessing URL's in Java -- InputStreams and URLConnections
185 Performance
and dreaming about the Future

186 Use of Native Classes to Speed Up Execution
187 Comments on Native C Methods
188 HPCC and Java -- High Performance HPjava -- I
189 HPCC and Java -- HPjava -- II

This table of Contents Abstract

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Foil 1 Java Tutorial - June 1996
Java Language , Applets ,
Graphics and Abstract Windows Toolkit
Networking etc.
given at ICASE June 10-13 1996
Trip to China July 12-28 1996

From Basic Lectures on Java Language Applets Graphics Networking Trip to China and Icase Tutorial -- July 12-28 and June 10-13 96. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
Instructors: Geoffrey Fox ,Wojtek Furmanski,
Nancy McCracken, Michael Chang, Meryem Ispirli
Syracuse University
111 College Place
New York 13244-4100

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Foil 2 Abstract of Java Tutorial

From Basic Lectures on Java Language Applets Graphics Networking Trip to China and Icase Tutorial -- July 12-28 and June 10-13 96. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
Overview including History and alpha versus production issues
Comparison of Java and Javascript
Overall Java Philosophy and Features including security etc.
Java Programming Language
Object Oriented and Class Structure
Applet Programming and Threads
Abstract Windowing Toolkit
Networking and I/O; native classes
Futures and HPCC Implications
Hot Java is not discussed as current version not evaluated

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Foil 3 Overview and History of Java Development

From Basic Lectures on Java Language Applets Graphics Networking Trip to China and Icase Tutorial -- July 12-28 and June 10-13 96. * See also color IMAGE
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Foil 4 What are Java and HotJava in a NutShell?

From Basic Lectures on Java Language Applets Graphics Networking Trip to China and Icase Tutorial -- July 12-28 and June 10-13 96. * See also color IMAGE
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What is Java?
  • A simple, object oriented, distributed, interpreted, robust, safe, architechture neutral, portable, high performance, multithreaded, dynamic language.
What is HotJava?
  • Web browser written entirely in Java-based language
  • Toolkit for building Web-aware applications
  • Alpha version received a lot of attention from april to november 1995 but the latest version only came in april 1996 and has not been evaluated in detail by NPAC
    • It is clearly less sophisticated than Netscape 2.0/3.0 at the moment!

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Foil 5 HotJava Story 1994-1996

From Basic Lectures on Java Language Applets Graphics Networking Trip to China and Icase Tutorial -- July 12-28 and June 10-13 96. * See also color IMAGE
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HotJava alpha3 (1994-5)
  • Java-based proof of concept
  • dynamic Web content (applets)
  • Did not have:
    • Real security
    • A Well-defined Applet API
HotJava 1.0 (1996)
  • Completely new implementation
  • Modular architecture
    • Customizable without source code
    • Multi-threaded for higher interactivity
    • State of the art: HTML 2.0+, applets, installable handlers.

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Foil 6 HotJava Alpha Capabilities

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Alpha release of Java/Hotjava included:
  • C source code for the Java interpreter (Virtual Machine)
  • Java foundation classes (base language support, I/O, networking, Internet protocols, windowing, graphics, utilities)
  • HotJava browser package used to build HotJava in Java. Includes 'hotjava' class which 'is' HotJava application.
In Short, Alpha Java/HotJava was a complete software release of all system components, free for research and subject to ($125K) licence for business use.

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Foil 7 HotJava's Future 1996- ?

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HotJava toolkit (1996-): class libraries for building web-aware applications i.e. The "Browser" class
  • HTML parsing
  • Document editing, formating, presentation (MVC-based)
  • Web navigation
  • Communications
Natural Use of HotJava is for applications where it is critical to customize User Interface to a greater degree than Netscape allows
Netscape hopes you will use JavaScript to customize a core browser supplied by Netscape

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Foil 8 Overview -- Java and the World Wide Web

From Basic Lectures on Java Language Applets Graphics Networking Trip to China and Icase Tutorial -- July 12-28 and June 10-13 96. * Critical Information in IMAGE
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Browsers (HotJava, Netscape 2.0/3.0 ..) supporting Java allow arbitrarily sophisticated dynamic multimedia applications inserts called Applets, written in Java, to be embedded in the regular HTML pages and activated on each exposure of a given page.

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Foil 9 Overview -- What are Java applets in detail?

From Basic Lectures on Java Language Applets Graphics Networking Trip to China and Icase Tutorial -- July 12-28 and June 10-13 96. * See also color IMAGE
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Applet constructs are implemented in terms of a
  • special HTML tag: <APPLET codebase="URL directory path" code="Java class file name" width=".." height=".." >
  • where the URL and class file name points to a chunk of server side software that is to be downloaded and executed at the client side on each presentation of a page containing this applet which executes in window specified in size by width and height in picxels.

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Foil 10 Running a Java Applet

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Steps to running a Java Applet:
  • 1. Write an HTML file that refers to the applet using the APPLET tag, described in later pages.
  • 2. If necessary, write the Java code and compile into class files
  • 3. Visit the HTML file with a web browser or with appletviewer.
Using a Browser
  • With a Java-enabled web browser, such as Netscape 2.0/3.0 or HotJava, you run an applet by "surfing" to a web page containing the APPLET tag.
Using appletviewer
  • When doing development, use appletviewer to run applets by specifying the HTML file on the command line:
    • appletviewer stock.html

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Foil 11 History of Java Language and Team

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Starts in 1991 by Project Green --- a group in Sun that detaches from the main campus as a semi-autonomous task force focused on operating software for consumer electronic devices such as smart set-top boxes
Gosling (creator of Sun NeWS which had major conceptual impact both on current Java and Telescript models) realizes that C++ is not adequate and initiates development of a new language Oak, later renamed as Java.
A PDA (Personal Digital Assistant -- codename *7) based on Oak/Java ready in 1993. Green Team incorporates as FirstPerson, Inc.
*7 proposal to Time-Warner rejected in 1993. 3DO deal falls through in 1994. FirstPerson, Inc. dissolves.
Small group (~30 people, now Java Team) continues development and decides to adapt Oak as a Web technology.

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Foil 12 History of Java Language and Team (contd)

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An experimental web browser written in Java, called WebRunner and later renamed as HotJava, ready in 1994.
Java/HotJava published in April '95.
Netscape licences Java in May '95 and builds Java into Netscape 2.0 -- This confuses ownership and open-ness of Java
Beta JDK (Java Development Kit) published in summer/fall '95. It is better software but lower functionality than Alpha.
First alpha Java books appear in fall '95 such as a popular overview by SAMS and technical book "Java!" by Tim Ritchey, edited by New Riders.
Dec 4 1995 Business Week cover story on "Software Revolution --- The Web Changes Everything" exposes Java as a breakthrough force in the expanding Web/Internet. Also points out that "Java as a business" is yet to be defined.
In next week, SGI IBM Adobe Macromedia and finally Microsoft adopt/license Java. It appears that Java will be open and should be adopted by open Web community

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Foil 13 JDK 1.0 -- The Real Java Development Kit!

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Version 1.0 of JDK released January 96 by JavaSoft
1.0 JDK should be the Internet standard and so compatible with ongoing Java implementations by all licensees, most notably Netscape. Beta/1.0 JDK includes:
  • Java Compiler (.java to .class) for Sun Solaris and Windows NT/95 avaliable as .class itself (Javac written in Java) but no source
  • Java source for the foundation classes (modified and incompatible with alpha)
  • appletviewer to run/preview applets
  • tools for converting alpha applets to beta applets.
  • Source code for the interpreter

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Foil 14 Java Beta Books -- I

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Hooked on Java, by Java developers Arthur van Hoff, Sami Shaio, Orca Starbuck, Addison-Wesley, is the (first) serious (but still rather high-level) book on beta Java. It contains example applets, but not much on programming.
Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days, by Laura Lemay and Charles L. Perkins, Publishing, is a "how-to" book at the intermediate programming level. It concentrates on applets and windowing more than the object-oriented part of the language.
Java in a Nutshell, by David Flanagan, is the language reference book in the familiar O'Reilly series.

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Foil 15 Java Beta Books -- II

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The Java Programming Language, by Ken Arnold and James Gosling, Addison-Wesley, May 1996, has lots of details on the language basics for intermediate and advanced programmers. It covers threads and i/o packages, but not applets or windowing packages.
  • All serious computer scientists should read to understand fundamentals
Java Primer Plus, supercharging Web applications with the Java programming language, by Paul M. Tyma, Gabriel Torok, and Troy Downing,, doesn't assume a lot of programming background, has chatty explanations and still covers lots of programming detail.

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Foil 16 Java Beta Books -- III

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There are four books in the Java Series from SunSoft Press, Prentice-Hall.
  • instant Java*, by John A. Pew, contains multimedia and animation applets for HTML authors. This is not a programming book.
  • Java by example, by Jerry R. Jackson and Alan L. McClellan, covers all key features with examples, but not as much detail about the language.
  • just Java, by Peter van der Linden, for intermediate programmers, gives good explanations of key features without going into every detail.
  • core Java, by Gary Cornell and Cay S. Horstmann, offers detailed coverage of the language and packages for advanced programmers.
* this title is great, but what happened to "express Java", "Percolating through Java", and "Java for Drips"?

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Foil 17 Java vs. JavaScript

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Foil 18 Comparison of Java and JavaScript -- I

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Netscape renames Livescript as Javascript and this is an interesting variant of Java which is fully interpreted -- use for overall customization of client
Use Java for detailed programming and JavaScript for overall integration of client interface and system
JavaScript: Interpreted by client and NOT compiled
Java: Compiled on Server before execution on client
  • Note both are reasonably "pure" C/C++ like languages and do NOT have useful sh/awk text and system enhancements of Perl(5)
JavaScript: Object based -- no classes or inheritance -- built in extensible objects
Java: Object-oriented. Programs consist of object classes with inheritance

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Foil 19 Comparison of Java and JavaScript -- II

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JavaScript: Integrated with HTML as embedded ascii but of course HTML looks rather irrelevant at times!
Java: Applets distinct from HTML but invoked from HTML Pages
JavaScript: do not declare variables' datatypes -- Loose typing
Java: MUST declare variables' datatypes -- Strong typing
JavaScript -- Dynamic Binding -- object references computed at runtime
Java -- Static Binding -- object references must exist at compile time
Java and JavaScript are secure and cannot write to disk

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Foil 20 Overall Java Philosophy and Features

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Foil 21 Some Key Java Features

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Document The Java: A White Paper by Sun Microsystems -- October 1995 draft by James Gosling and Henry McGilton -- enumerates the following main features of Java:
Simple and Familiar
Somewhat Interpreted
High performance
Multi Threaded

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Foil 22 Java Features -- It's Simple and Familiar!

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Java omits several rarely used, poorly understood and confusing features of C++ including operator overloading, multiple inheritance, pointers and automatic type coercions.
It adds automatic garbage collection which makes dynamic programming easier in Java than in C or C++.
  • No more mallocs!
It also adds 'Interface' construct, similar to Objective C concept, which often compensates for the lack of multiple inheritance by allowing method calling syntax to be "inherited".
The resulting language is familiar as it looks like C++ but is simpler and hence easier to program in.
It also results in a much smaller kernel which is suitable for planned Java ports to consumer electronic devices. Base (alpha) interpreter is ~40Kb, libraries and threads add additional 175Kb.

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Foil 23 Java Features -- It's Object-oriented

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Java model can be viewed as a C++ subset, with some dynamic elements inherited from Objective-C (method overloading, garbage collection).
Structures, Unions and Functions are absorbed into data and methods of Java classes -- Java is Simple!
The strength of Java object-oriented model is not is sophistication but in simplicity and the extensive class library associated with the system (some 250 public classes were released in both alpha and beta).
Java class plays also a role of a communication atom in the Web embedding model. Applet classes identify themselves by names in the HTML applet tag. Applet downloads other classes, present in the applet source. Hence, the Java class names play the role of addressing mode for the distributed Java code database.

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Foil 24 Java Features -- It's Architecture-Neutral

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C/C++ programming in a heterogeneous network environment requires use and compatibility across several vendor platforms and the corresponding compilers. This problem is solved in Java by designing platform-independent binary representation called Java bytecode (or opcode).
Java compiler (written in Java and platform-independent) reads Java source and generates Java bytecode. These bytecodes are shipped to client machines upon browser requests.
Each client machine must run Java interpreter which performs runtime execution of Java bytecodes. Java interpreter is written in POSIX compliant ANSI C and needs to be ported to and conventionally compiled (once) on each individual platform.
Once the interpreter is ported, application developers don't need to worry at all about platform specificity and differences between native compilers.

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Foil 25 Java Features -- It's Portable

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Java language offers a uniform abstract (virtual) machine model which is identical for all platforms.
SUN owns the Java Virtual Machine (see online report) -- it is universal while classes can be added by any user
Unlike in C/C++ where various integers match the architecture of a physical machine at hand, Java byte, char short, int and long are always of the same size, equal to 8, 16, 16(unicode), 32 and 64 bits, respectively.
  • No header files, preprocessors,#define etc.
  • floating point is always IEEE 754
Differences between vendor specific windowing environments (X Windows, MS Windows, Macintosh) are removed in terms of the Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT) metaphor.
AWT is given by ~60 Java classes (alpha) which offer a universal GUI programming model, portable between UNIX, PC and Mac, and translated automatically to native windowing systems on individual platforms by Java interpreters.

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Foil 26 Java Features -- It's Somewhat Interpreted

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Java represents a compromise between fully compiled (like C/C++) and fully interpreted (like Smalltalk or Perl) models.
Java "compiler" produces a binary bytecode output which is portable and much smaller than the real binary for a specific machine (Typical bytecode size is of order of the original source code, within a factor of 2).
Java "interpreter" executes this bytecode and is therefore less dynamic than e.g. Perl interpreter (which performs an equivalent bytecode construction internally and on-the-fly when reading the program source).
In general, the compilation process is: a) time consuming and b) platform specific. Hence, interpreters are built and used to facilitate a) rapid prototyping and/or b) portability. Java model is focused on platform independence but the development throughput is also reasonable since the Java compiler is fast and generates compact bytecode output.

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Foil 27 Java Features -- It's Distributed

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Popular TCP/IP based protocols such as FTP or HTTP are supported in terms of network protocol classes. This facilitates various forms of distributed processing. New protocols (e.g. PVM etc.) can added and dynamically installed.
Distributed computing model of Java is mainly client-server, with Java compiler preparing the opcodes at the server side, and Java interpreter executing it at the client side.
One can expect more dynamic uses of Java with Java threads on both Server and Client side communicating with each other. This is illustrated by Java based Collaboratory developed by Vishal Mehra as NPAC/Ece Master's Thesis

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Foil 28 Java Features -- It's Robust

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Java enforces compiler-time type checking and eliminates this way some error prone constructs of C/C++.
Pointer arithmetic is fully eliminated which allows e.g. for runtime checking of array subscripts and enforces security of the Java model.
Explicit declarations are always required, i.e. C-style implicit declarations are abandoned. This allows the Java complier to perform early error detection.
Rapid prototyping in Java is less natural than in JavaScript,Lisp, Tcl, Smalltalk or Perl, but the software quality assurance of Java is higher than in these more dynamic and 'forgiving' languages.

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Foil 29 Java Features -- It's (Hopefully) Secure

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Java binaries are shipped across the network and executed on client machines. Security is therefore a critical issue and strongly enforced in Java.
  • Java contains its own networking classes which are designed to be secure
Modifications of the C++ model such as eliminating pointer arithmetic and coercion were dictated mainly by the security requirements.
Most viruses are based on acquiring access to private/protected sectors of computer memory which is impossible in Java.
Java opcodes are executed at the client side by Java interpreter which operates exclusively on the virtual memory. Hence, unless there are security bugs in the Java interpreter itself, the model is safe and users cannot create security holes by incorrectly or maliciously written applets.
The byte codes sent across network are verified at the client which prevents evil/corrupted classes from causing problems

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Foil 30 Java Features -- High Performance

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Java interpreter performs on-the-fly runtime execution of the Java bytecodes which results typically in a satisfactory performance.
  • NOT true in initial software which is often 100 times slower than C but this is expected to improve as true compilers are produced and general software improves!
Support for generating native machine code out of Java bytecodes, viewed as intermediate compiler form, is also provided and useful for performance demanding applications.
The performance of the machine code, generated from Java bytecodes, is comparable to that offered by typical C/C++ compilers on the same platform.
Several of these concepts are in fact similar as in the OSF/ANDF project. Using ANDF terminology, we would call Java compiler a 'producer', and the machine code generator discussed here, an 'installer'. Default Java working mode doesn't use installers but directly interprets the intermediate form (this mode is supported in ANDF by GAI -- Generalized ANDF Interpreter).
ANDF model is in principle applicable to all languages. Java/HotJava system implements ANDF concepts for the Java language.

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Foil 31 Java Features -- It's Multithreaded

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Java model offers preemptive multithreading, implemented in terms of the Thread class. Thread methods offer a set of synchronization primitives based on monitor and conditional variable paradigm by C.A.R. Hoare. Java threads inherit some features from the pioneering Cedar/Mesa System by Xerox Park that gave birth to Macintosh and object-oriented programming.
A typical use of Java multithreading in applet programming is to have several independent but related simulations (e.g. various sorting algorithms), running concurrently in an applet window. Multithreading is also used internally by the HotJava browser to handle multiple document dynamics.
Another interesting application domain are multi-HotJava environments to come such as collaboratory or gaming.
Java threads don't have built-in point-to-point communication primitives. Various thread communication environments can be provided by coupling the thread and network protocol objects.

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Foil 32 Java Features -- It's Dynamic

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Java model is more dynamic than C++ and closer to Smalltalk or Perl.
Subclasses don't need to to be recompiled after superclass implementation is updated.
Classes have runtime representation (implemented in terms of the Class class) which allows one to look up type of a given object instance at runtime (in C cannot know if pointer is to integer or browser!)
C++ has "fragile superclass" problem where must recompile children if change anything (method/instance variable) in a superclass or referenced class -- Java resolves references at runtime and avoids this.

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Foil 33 Sun's Comparison of Language Features

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l Good l Fair l Poor

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Foil 34 The Java Programming Language

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The original resource was the The Java Language Specification by Sun Microsystems, Inc., March 1995 updated to October 1995 but superceded by Gosling and Arnold Book
  • Addison Wesley has several other fundamental Java books on Application Programming Interface and Language Specification and Virtual Machine (by end of summer 1996) web site has plenty of references including
  • Tutorial:
  • Books:
  • Collection of Applets:
Most of the books cited earlier have CDROM's with examples or the JDK.

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Foil 35 Java Language Discussion -- Table of Contents

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Program Structure
Lexical Issues
Applet versus Application
Variables and Expressions
Types and Array
Control Flow
Object Model and Classes
This is followed by discussion of Implementation in terms of Applet Programming, Threads, Graphics and the Abstract Windowing Toolkit, Networking and I/O, Native classes, HPCC implications

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Foil 36 Program structure and the simplest examples

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Foil 37 Java Language -- Program Structure

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Source code of a Java program consists of one or more compilation units, implemented as files with .java extension.
Each compilation unit can contain:
  • a package statement
  • import statements
  • class declarations
  • interface declarations
Java compiler (called javac) reads java source and produces a set of binary bytecode files with .class extensions, one for each class declared in the source file. For example, if implements Foo and Fred classes, then "javac" will generate Foo.class and Fred.class files.
Suppose that Foo implements an applet and Fred is an auxiliary class used by Foo. If HotJava/Netscape encounters a tag <APPLET code="Foo.class">, it will download Foo.class and Fred.class files and it will start interpreting bytecodes in Foo.class.

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Foil 38 Java Language -- Lexical Issues I

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Lexical structure inherits a lot from C/C++. There are however some notable differences which are listed below.
Java characters are based on 16--bit wide Unicode Worldwide Character Encoding rather than the usual 8--bit wide ASCII.
This allows full support of all alphabets and hence all languages
Three types of comments are supported:
  • // ignore all till the end of this line
  • /* ignore all between starts */
  • /** an insert into an automatically generated software documentation */
for /** */ one inserts HTML documentation with some simple macros such as @see (to designate see also) BEFORE the method or class being documented

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Foil 39 Java Language -- Lexical Issues II

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Java reserves the following keywords:
abstract boolean break byte case catch
char class const continue default do double
else extends final finally float for
goto if implements import instanceof int
interface long native new
package private protected public return
short static super switch synchronized this
throw throws transient try void volatile while
Note goto is not allowed in Java but its still reserved!
null true and false are literals with special meaning but not keywords

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Foil 40 Java in Practice --
Applets and Applications
Use from HTML

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More examples are in the Applet Basics section of JavaStroll

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Foil 41 Applications Versus Applets - I

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Applications are .java files with a main class which reads arguments and is excuted first
One uses javac to compile the application converting .java to .class
Then run the interpreter java with the .class file as argument
.java files are in Java; .class files are in universal bytecodes
The resources javac and java are part of JDK and are not in Netscape and so are currently not broadly available. You must log in to our servers to use them
So instead in this course we will use applets so all the Java threads are distributed around and don't grind our servers to a halt

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Foil 42 Applications Versus Applets - II

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Applets should NOT have main method but rather init, stop, paint etc.
They should be run through javac compiler getting a .class file as before
Create an HTML file (say HelloWorld.HTML in same directory as .class file) and include in this
<applet code="Example.class" width=500 height=200 > </applet> in simplest case with no parameters where applet will run in window of given width and height (in pixels)
If you have JDK on one's machine, one can run the applet with appletviewer HelloWorld.html
Alternatively run Netscape 2.0 essentially anywhere and applet is interpreted and run by Java interpreter built into Netscape.
This way we can compile on places with JDK installed but run almost anywhere!

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Foil 43 Applet Tag: Calling Applets from HTML - I

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Given the following HTML
<APPLET CODE="StockGraph"
  • WIDTH=200 HEIGHT=200>
Runs the "StockGraph.class" executable as an applet.
WIDTH and HEIGHT are attributes that are passed along to the applet.
If the optional CODEBASE attribute is provided, then load the executable image from the directory specified by CODEBASE.
  • Without the CODEBASE attribute, will look for StockGraph.class in the local server's hierarchy (relative to where the HTML was loaded)
  • With the CODEBASE attribute will look for StockGraph.class on the given http hierarchy.
Tag and attribute names are case insensitive.

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Foil 44 Applet Tag: Calling Applets from HTML - II

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<APPLET CODE="StockGraph" WIDTH=200 HEIGHT=200
  • ALT="-- StockGraph Not Supported --"
Put a bunch of text here to be displayed by browsers such as Netscape 2.0 on Windows 3.1 that do not support Java
ALT specifies text to displayed if the browser understands the applet tag, but if unable to run applets.
NAME specifies the name of this instance of the applet; This will make it possible for applets on the same page to find and communicate with each other.
ALIGN specifies the alignment of the applet. The possible values are the same as those available in the IMG tag (top, middle, bottom, texttop, absmiddle, baseline, absbottom, left, right).
  • Align=top which aligns top of applet with top of tallest item in the line
  • Align=texttop which aligns top of applet with top of the tallest text in the line
VSPACE and HSPACE specifies the vertical and horizontal spacing in pixels, around the applet space.

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Foil 45 <param> Tags and Applets

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<applet .... > can be followed by
<param name=attributename1 value="attributevalue1" > .......
<param name=attributenameN value="attributevalueN" >
The Java program accesses this information by
String attribute;
attribute = getParamter("attributename1");
if( attribute == null )
  • attribute = yourdefaultvalue; // null is Java way of saying unset
Typically this processing would be in init() method of Applet

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Foil 46 Hello World Applet from Sun Tutorial
Getting Started

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This prints in applet window, the classic Hello World string!
import java.awt.Graphics
public class HelloWorld extends java.applet.Applet {
  • public void paint(Graphics g) {
    • g.drawString("Hello world!", 50, 25);
  • }
g which is of class Graphics, is window in which applet runs (i.e. is displayed)

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Foil 47 Hello World Application from Sun Tutorial
Getting Started

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This is "application" version of previous applet
class HelloWorldApp {
  • public static void main (String args[]) {
    • System.out.println("Hello World!");
  • }
Note args are of class String and needed even though HelloWorldApp has no command line arguments

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Foil 48 Java Language Basics
An example using arrays is found at the end of the Applet Basics section of JavaStroll

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Foil 49 Java Language -- Variable/Expression Types

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Each Java variable or expression has a definite type. There are three "types" of types!
  • There are Primitive or Simple types such as integers or booleans which are built-in.
  • New composite types (objects) can be constructed in terms of classes and interfaces. The type of an object is its class or interface
  • Arrays we will see are a sort of "almost" object!
First we discuss the Primitive Types
There are 4 integer types: byte, short, int, long of size 8, 16, 32 and 64 bits, respectively.
Float is 32 bits, double is 64 bits. Floating point arithmetic and data formats are defined by IEEE754 standard.
Characters are given by 16bit Unicode charset and represented as short integers.
One can use casts such as longint = (long) i; // which can be explicit as here and sometimes implied (see later)
Note booleans are either TRUE or FALSE -- they are not 0, 1 ,-1 ...

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Foil 50 Java Language -- Types: Array

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Arrays are "true" or "first class" objects in Java and no pointer arithmetic is supported.
An Array is declared as:
  • int vec[];
  • alternative syntax: int[] vec;
and created by:
  • vec = new int[128];
or concisely:
  • int vec[] = new int[128];
Arrays of arbitrary objects can be constructed,
  • e.g. Thread myThreadList[] = new Thread[1024];
  • The only difference is that in the case of primitive types, the array elements are actually allocated. In the case of arbitrary objects, an array of object references is created; before you use array elements, you must call the constructor of that type for each element.

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Foil 51 Java Language -- More on Arrays

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Subscripts are range checked in runtime and so vec[-1] and vec[128] will generate exceptions.
Array length can be extracted via the length instance variable, e.g.
  • int len = vec.length will assign len = 128.
Arrays can have dynamic sizing
  • int sizeofarray = 67;
  • int vec[] = new int[sizeofarray];
Multidimensional arrays are arrays of arrays
  • char icon[][] = new char[16][16]
  • These arrays can be "ragged":
    • int graph[][] = new int[2][];
    • graph[0][] = new int[4];
    • graph[1][] = new int[7];

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Foil 52 Java Language -- Expressions

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Java's expressions are very similar to C and the following are valid:
i++ /* equivalent to i = i +1 */
(i > 0 ) && (j>0) /* Boolean */
i <<1 /* Left shift by 1 binary digit */
(i>0) ? true:false /* Boolean */
i >>> 2 /* Signed right shift by 2 binary digits */
"fred" + "jim" is "fredjim"
/* + Equivalent to . in Perl */
(a instanceof B) /* True iff object a is of class B */

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Foil 53 Java Language -- Control Flow I

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if(some boolean expression) {..}
else if(another boolean) {..}
else {...}
while(any boolean) {/*DoStuff*/}
do {/*Whattodo*/} while(another boolean);
for(expression1; booleanexpression ; expression2) {...}
naturally starts with expression1, applies expression2 at end of each loop, and continues as long as booleanexpression true
switch (expression) { /* Just as in C */
case Constant1: /* Do following if expression=Constant1 */
/* Bunch of Stuff */
case Constant2: /* Do following if expression=Constant2 */
/* Bunch of Stuff */
break; /* ....... */
/* Bunch of Stuff */

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Foil 54 Java Language -- Control Flow II -- continue

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One can break out of an iteration of a (nested) for loops in fashion offered by Perl but with a different syntax
outer: // label
for( int j=0; j<10; j++) { /* Note j only defined in for loop */
/* select course j */
  • for( int i=0; i<15; i++) {
  • if(studentgrade[j][i] == 4.0) {
    • /* Celebrate */
    • continue outer; // go to next iteration of outer loop
  • }
  • }
/* Continue jumps to here to next iteration of loop labelled with outer */

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Foil 55 Java Language -- Control Flow III -- break and for loop

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One can break out of (nested) for loops in fashion offered by Perl with different syntax
outer: // label
for( int j=0; j<10; j++) { /* Note j only defined in for loop */
/* select course j */
  • for( int i=0; i<15; i++) {
  • if(studentgrade[j][i] == 4.0) {
    • /* Celebrate */
    • break outer; // go to end of outer loop
  • }
  • }
/* break jumps to here out of loop labelled by outer */

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Foil 56 Java Language -- Control Flow IV -- break and switch

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loopstart: // label
for( int j=0; j <10; j++) {
switch(j) {
case 3:
if( studentgrade[j] == 2.5)
  • break loopstart; /* go to end of loop */
/* do some stuff */
/* break loopstart goes to here out of loopstart loop */

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Foil 57 Java Language -- Control Flow V -- continue and switch

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loopstart: // label of following for loop
for( int j=0; j <10; j++) {
switch(j) {
case 3:
if( studentgrade[j] == 2.5)
  • continue loopstart; /* go to next iteration of loop */
/* do some stuff */
} // End Switch Block
/* continue loopstart goes to here for next iteration of loopstart loop */
} // End loopstart for loop

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Foil 58 The Java Object Model: Classes, Instances and Methods

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Foil 59 The Java Object Model Overview

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Objects are instances of Classes which form a template to allow definition of objects of the
same type -- Classes are not objects
although one can define static or class
variables and methods which are shared
by all instances of a class
The data of an object are called instance
variables and they can be accessed for
read or write if they are made public
/* Movable Point Class */
public class mPoint {
  • public int x, y; /* Instance Variable */
  • public int dx = 1, dy = 1; /* More Instance Variables */
Better design is "data encapsulation"; instance variables are not accessed directly, but access to all necessary values is made via methods of the class.

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Foil 60 Date Application from Sun Tutorial
Anatomy of an Application

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This invokes the class Date and creates object today as an instance of this class
Date() is Constructor of Date class which sets default value (current date) in today
Date today declares today to be instance of this class
import java.util.Date;
class DateApp {
  • public static void main (String args[]) {
    • Date today = new Date();
    • System.out.println(today);
  • }

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Foil 61 Counting Application from Sun Tutorial
Nuts and Bolts of Java

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This application reads from standard input and counts number of characters which are then printed
class Count {
  • public static void main(String args[])
    • throws
  • {
    • int count = 0;
    • while ( != -1)
    • count++;
    • System.out.println("Input has " + count + " chars.");
  • }

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Foil 62 Java Language -- Overview of Classes

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Class declaration in Java shares common aspects with C++ but there are also some syntactic and semantic differences.
Only single inheritance is supported but aspects of multiple inheritance can be achieved in terms of the interface construct. Interface is similar to an abstract class with all methods being abstract and with all variables being static (global). Unlike classes, interfaces can be multiply-inherited.
ClassModifiers class className [extends superClass] [implements interfaces] {
e.g. public class Test extends Applet implements Runnable {
defines an applet that can use threads which have methods defined by Runnable interface

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Foil 63 Instantiating an Object from its Class

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Suppose we have defined a class called mPoint for a movable point which has position (x,y) Color color and can be moved by amount (dx,dy) at each step
mPoint BunchofPoints[2]; /* defines BunchofPoints to be 2 dimensional array of mPoint objects -- it does not instantiate BunchofPoints */
FirstPoint = new mPoint(); /* Allocates an instance of mPoint and invokes Constructor of mPoint to Initialize */
FirstPoint.dy=5; /* Redefines values of instance variables dx,dy for object FirstPoint */
mPoint could be defined by
import java.awt.*;
public class mPoint {
  • int x, y;
  • int dx = 1, dy = 1;
  • Color color =;

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Foil 64 Constructors of Objects

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Methods of identical name to class are special -- they are constructors
mPoint() { /* Default Constructor */
  • x=0;
  • y=0;
We can overload method to define different versions with different numbers and types of arguments
mPoint(int x, int y) { /* Constructor to set Specific Initial values */
  • this.x = x;
  • this.y = y;
Note this refers to current object
mPoint can have other methods to set its instance variables such as:
public void setDelta(int _dx, int _dy) {
  • dx = _dx;
  • dy = _dy;
} /* where we don't need this as used _dx, _dy */

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Foil 65 Class Finalizers

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Any class can have an optional finalizer that will perform any necessary clean-up needed when garbage collector (which is automatic in Java) tries to delete object and free-up resources it uses
An example is given for an object that uses an I/O stream and needs to close it on termination
protected void finalize() {
  • try {
    • file.close();
  • } catch (Exception e) { /* Catches ANY exception */
  • }
Earlier one might have set this up with syntax such as that on next foil

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Foil 66 Java Language -- Types of Classes - I

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Possible ClassModifiers are:
abstract -- Contains abstract methods without implementation -- typically such abstract classes have several subclasses that define implementation of methods
public -- May be used by code outside the class package and (unix) file must be called where ClassName is unique public class in file
private -- this class can only be used within current file -- i.e current class
friendly(i.e. empty ClassModifier) -- class can be used only within current package
protected -- Only accessible to subclasses

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Foil 67 Java Language -- Types of Classes - II

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threadsafe: Instance or static variables will never change asynchronously and so can use compiler optimizations such as assigning to registers. Next modifier -- final -- is also valuable to compilers
final -- Cannot have a subclass for classes
  • cannot be overridden for methods
  • final variables have a constant value e.g.
    • final int ageatdeath = 101;
transient -- specifies that objects are not persistent
Note most of these modifiers can be used either for a class or an object -- a particular instance of a class
  • abstract only makes sense for a class and transient is perhaps more useful on an object basis

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Foil 68 Java Language -- Methods

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MethodModifier ReturnType Name(argType1 arg1, ......)
Returntypes are either simple types (int, byte etc.), arrays or class names
Possible MethodModifiers are:
  • public -- This method is accessible by all methods inside and outside class
  • protected -- This method is only accessible by a subclass
  • private -- This method is only accessible to other methods in this class
  • friendly(i.e. empty) -- This method is accessible by methods in classes that are in same package
  • final -- a method that cannot be overriden
  • static -- This method is shared by ALL instances of this class and can be invoked with <Class>.method syntax as well as <Instance>.method
  • synchronized -- This method locks object on entry and unlocks it on exit. If the object is already locked, the method waits until the lock is released before executing -- can be used on methods or statement blocks
  • native -- to declare methods implemented in a platform -- dependent language, e.g. C.

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Foil 69 The Java Object Model: Inheritance and the Class Hierarchy

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Foil 70 Use of Methods Defined in Parent

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Call to method in Object2 (message) from object1 is passed up the class hierarchy until a definition is found

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Foil 71 Use of Methods Defined in Parent but overridden in child class

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Call to method in Object2 (message) from object1 is passed up the class hierarchy until a definition is found

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Foil 72 Comments on Casting

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Casting is supported between types and class types. Syntax:
  • (classname)reference
Two forms of casting are possible: widening and narrowing
Widening, where the subclass is used as an instance of the superclass, is performed implicitly
Narrowing, where the superclass is used as an instance of the subclass, must be performed explicitly
Given Parent: Dot -> DrawableDot (Child):
  • Widening: An instance of DrawableDot is used as an instance of Dot
  • Narrowing: An instance of Dot is used as an instance of DrawableDot
Casting between sibling classes is a compile-time error

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Foil 73 Review of the Array Class

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Arrays replace pointer arithmetic. They're created with the new operator:
  • char s[] = new char[30];
Indexing is 0-based.
No multi-dimensional arrays. Must use arrays of arrays:
  • int i[][] = new int[3][4];
Brackets may follow array element type. The following are equivalent:
  • int iarray[];
  • int[] iarray;
  • byte f(int n)[];
  • byte[] f(int n);
Array bounds checking occurs at runtime.
The length of an array can be found by using .length:
  • int a[][] = new int[10][3];
  • System.out.println(a.length); // prints 10
  • System.out.println(a[0].length); // prints 3

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Foil 74 Array - A Pseudo Class!

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Not in any package
One final instance variable: length
For each primitive type (and all classes), there's an implicit Array subclass
Cannot be extended (subclassed)
Superclass is Object
Inherits methods from Object
(new int[5]).getClass().getSuperclass()
will return Java.lang.Object

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Foil 75 By value and By reference

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Many languages are confusing as they differ in often unstated distinction between the value and "handle" -- Java is no exception! (reference,address,pointer) of an entity
a = b; // sets value of a to value of b
However if a or b is an object , b is in fact a reference and so one sets a to refer to same object as b (i.e. same "location" in memory)
  • if you change b in some way, then a will be changed accordingly
  • Note null is value of an object which has not been assigned (constructed) and so does not point anywhere
If a and b are primitive types, then they hold "actual literals" and so if b=66, then a is set to 66
  • In this case if you change b, then a is left unchanged
Arguments to Methods are always passed by value BUT if an object is an argument, then that value is ALWAYS a reference and so in practice
  • Primitive types are passed by value
  • Objects are passed by reference
Arrays reflect properties of what they are arrays of!

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Foil 76 Comments on Overloading and Overriding in Classes

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Overriding Methods
  • To override a method, a subclass of the class that originally declared the method must declare a method with the same name, return type (or a subclass of that return type), and same parameter list.
  • When the method is invoked on an instance of the subclass, the new method is called rather than the original method.
  • The overridden method can be invoked using the super variable.
  • Super can be used to refer to instance variables in the superclass as well.
Overload Resolution is based on what is called the Signature of a Method (see Arnold-Gosling book) which reflects:
  • Lowest conversion cost of parameter list, based on type and number.
  • Return type and declaration order not important.
  • Java will declare an error if method is invoked where there is not one with a unique signature which matches call after removing less specific methods (use of objects in hierarchy can cause lots of confusing matches!)

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Foil 77 Object-Oriented
Programming Examples:
Basic Class Operations

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See the entire mPoint example in the Object-Oriented Programming section of JavaStroll

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Foil 78 A little more complicated Paint Method for Applets

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paint is an important method in applets which is defined in parent component class as the null method
It must be overwritten by any dynamic applets that need to update display.
import java.awt.*; // imports all classes in java.awt package -- this applet needs Graphics, Font, Color which could be listed separately
public class HelloWorld extends java.applet.Applet {
Font f = new Font("TimesRoman",Font.BOLD,36);
public void paint(Graphics g) {
g.drawString("Hello world!", 50, 25); }

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Foil 79 Some More Methods for mPoint

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import java.awt.*; /* Imports Graphics Method for display */
public class mPoint { /* Continue as before and add */
  • public void setColor(Color color) {this.color=color;}
  • public void checkBoundry(Rectangle rect) { /* check if object crosses boundary */
    • int nx = x+dx; /* caculate new location */
    • int ny = y+dy;
    • if ( (nx < rect.x) || (nx >= rect.x+rect.width) ) dx = -dx;
    • if ( (ny < rect.y) || (ny >= rect.y+rect.height) ) dy = -dy;
  • }
  • public void move(Graphics g) { /* move object */
    • x += dx; /* update location */
    • y += dy;
    • paint(g);
  • }
  • public void paint(Graphics g) /* actually draw point */
  • { g.setColor(color);
    • g.drawOval(x,y,1,1);}

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Foil 80 Inheritance or Subclassing

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We can define a new class mRectangle that extends mPoint where (x,y,color) from mPoint are lower left hand corner/color and we add width and height
public class mRectangle extends mPoint {
  • int w, h;
  • public mRectangle(int _x, int _y, int _w, int _h) {
    • super(_x, _y); /* call mPoint's constructor */
    • w = _w;
    • h = _h;
  • } /* End mRectangle Constructor */
/* overwrite the mPoint's checkBoundry method */
  • public void checkBoundry(Rectangle rect) {
    • int nx = x+dx;
    • int ny = y+dy;
    • if ( (nx < rect.x) || (nx+w >= rect.x+rect.width) ) dx = -dx;
    • if ( (ny < rect.y) || (ny+h >= rect.y+rect.height) ) dy = -dy;
  • }
  • public void paint(Graphics g) { /* Override mPoint Method */
    • g.setColor(color);
    • g.drawRect(x, y, w, h);
  • }

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Foil 81 Abstract Methods
and Classes
(classes without implementation)

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Foil 82 Comments on abstract Methods and Classes

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An abstract method has no body and must be defined in some subclass of the class in which they are declared.
Constructors, static methods, private methods cannot be abstract
A method that overrides a superclass method cannot be abstract
Classes that contain abstract methods and classes that inherit abstract methods without overriding them are considered abstract classes
It is compile-time error to instantiated an abstract class or attempt to call an abstract method directly.

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Foil 83 Java Language -- Interfaces - Overview

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An interfaces specifies a collection of methods without implementing their bodies.
  • public interface Storable {
    • public void store(Stream s);
    • public void retrieve(Stream s);
  • }
Interfaces are used to indicate that a class has a certain behavior (has certain methods) without conveying anything else about the class.
Interfaces solve some of the same problems as multiple inheritance, without as much overhead at runtime.
  • There is a small performance penalty because interfaces involve dynamic method binding.
Interfaces can be implemented by classes on unrelated inferitance trees, making it unnecessary to add methods to common superclass.

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Foil 84 Cars as an Examples of Interfaces/ Multiple Inheritance

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We could imagine a Ford Mustang as inheriting from two major sources
Firstly a set of manufacturing companies -- make these interfaces as "qualitative"
Secondly from a set of Vehicle types which we will make real classes as there are non trivial methods involved in constructing cars

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Foil 85 Picture of Interfaces and Classes for Cars and their Manufacture

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Cars MyFordMustang = new Cars(Lots of Options)
is a particluar instance of class Cars

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Foil 86 Java Language -- Interface Example -- Implementing Storable

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A class may implement an interface, in which case it provides the body for the methods specified in the interface.
  • public class Picture implements Storable {
    • public void store(Stream s) {
    • // JPEG compress image before storing
    • }
    • public void retrieve(Stream s) {
    • // JPEG decompress image before retrieving
    • }
  • }
  • public class StudentRecord implements Storable {
    • ...
  • }

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Foil 87 Interfaces can be used as Classes in type specification

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Interfaces behave exactly as classes when used as a type.
The syntax interfaceName variableName declares a variable or parameter to be an instance of some class that implements interfaceName.
  • public class StudentBody {
    • Stream s;
    • Picture id_photo;
    • StudentRecord id_card;
    • ...
    • public void register() {
    • save(id_photo);
    • save(id_card);
    • }
    • public void save(Storable o) {
    • }
  • }

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Foil 88 Further Features of Interfaces

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Interfaces are either public or have the default friendly access (public for the package and private elsewhere)
Methods in an interface are always abstract and have the same access as the interface. No other modifiers may be applied
Variables in an interface are public, static, and final. They must be initialized.
When a class implements an interface:
  • it implements all the methods described in the interface
  • or it is an abstract class, which leaves the implementation of some or all of the interface methods to its subclasses
Interfaces can incorporate one or more other interfaces, using the extends keyword:
  • public interface DoesItAll extends Storable, Paintable {
    • public void doesSomethingElse();
  • }
A class can implement more than one interface:
  • public class Picture implements Storable, Paintable {
    • public void store(Stream s) {...}
    • public void retrieve(Stream s) {...}
    • public void refresh() {...}
  • }

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Foil 89 More on Interfaces -- Why use them

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Note that Interfaces often play a software engineering as opposed to required functional role
For instance, the printable interface (which is fictitious and not part of current Java release) establishs that any class implementing it can be "printed" with a standard method -- "print"
Note that Interfaces are not significantly used in current Java release where perhaps there are 15 times as many class definitions as interface definitions
Two examples are Runnable and Cloneable both of which extend Object class -- note interfaces like classes can extend existing classes:

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Foil 90 More on Interfaces -- Real Examples

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The Cloneable Interface has NO methods but is used to indicate that an instance of this class can be "cloned" i.e. that the clone method (defined for overarching Object class) can be used
The Runnable Interface has one method run() which must always be overwritten and is used to indicate that class with this interface can use threads without being a subclass of Thread. Applets must use Runnable if they need explicit threads because they explicitly are a subclass of panel and as no multiple inheritance, one cannot be a subclass of two classes

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Foil 91 Packages in Java

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Foil 92 Overview of Packages and Directory Structure

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One file can contain several related classes, but only one of them can be public. If the public class is called, then the file must be called wheat.
A set of classes in different files can be grouped together in a package. Each of the files must be in the same directory and contain the command
  • package mill;
The name of the directory must also be mill.

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Foil 93 Using packages

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One uses files in a package by inserting
  • import mill.*
at the beginning of a file that needs classes from the mill package
  • Then classes in the mill package can be refered to by just using their Classname
  • Without the import command, one must explicitly say mill.Classname
Packages can be grouped hierarchically, with the corresponding directory tree. For example, the mill package could be a subpackage of agriculture. Then a class is referred to as agriculture.mill.Classname.
Except for classes provided with the Java language, all of which have the form java.X, a class that is imported or used must either be in the current directory or be accessible to the compiler through the CLASSPATH environment variable.

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Foil 94 Java System Packages

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java.lang Contains essential Java classes and is by default imported into every Java file and so import java.lang.* is unnecessary. Thread, Math, Object and Type Wrappers are here contains classes to do I/O. This is not necessary (or even allowed!) for applets which can't do much I/O in Netscape!
java.util contains various utility classes that didn't make it to java.lang. Date is here as are hashtables contains classes to do network applications. This will be important for any distributed applications
java.applet has the classes needed to support applets
java.awt has the classes to support windowing -- The Abstract Windows Toolkit
java.awt.image has image processing classes
java.awt.peer is a secret set of classes with platform dependent details

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Foil 95 Somewhat more Detail on Applets and Graphics

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Foil 96 The java.awt.Graphics Class

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java.awt has several important classes including Graphics, Color, Font and FontMetrics
Graphics class has primitives to construct basic two dimensional images with methods drawString (text), drawLine, drawRect, fillRect, drawRoundRect (for a rectangle with rounded corners!), draw3DRect (to get shadow effect as in buttons), drawPolygon (general polygon), drawOval, fillOval
There are also Image, Font, Color operations

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Foil 97 The java.awt.Font and FontMetrics Classes

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Graphicsinstance.setFont(particularFont) will set the current Font in the instance Graphicsinstance of graphics class to the value particularFont of class Font. There are several other such Font related methods in the Graphics class
The class Font has an important constructor used as in
Font particularFont = new Font("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,36);
where one can use Courier Helvetica etc. instead of Time Roman
Font.PLAIN, Font.BOLD, Font.ITALIC are possible text styles
FontMetrics fm = getFontMetrics(particularFont); // allows one to find out about the font
fm.stringWidth("text"); // returns pixel width of string "text"
fm.getHeight(); // returns total height of one line of Font

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Foil 98 The java.awt.Color Classes

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Color c = new Color (redvalue, greenvalue, bluevalue); // red/green/bluevalue can be specified as integers in 0.....255 or floating point numbers from 0 to 1.
c is generated as a Color in RGB format.
graphicsobject.setColor(c); // sets current color in graphicsobject which is used for all subsequent operations
graphicsobject.setFont(particularFont); // similarily sets font hereafter as on previous page
There are particular Color instances already defined such as
Color.white equivalent to Color(255,255,255) as equivalent to Color(0,0,0) as equivalent to Color(255,175,175)

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Foil 99 Some Basic Methods for Applets -- I

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Some of These are in Applet and some in parent (in particular Component)
public void init() is called ONCE and ONCE only when the applet is loaded or reloaded. Set initial parameters etc. here.
public void destroy() is what you do when Applet is entirely finished and you need to clean up stray threads or connections to be closed.
public void start() is called whenever the applet is started which can happen several times during an applet's life-cycle as it starts each time you revisit a page
public void stop() is called when we temporarily leave Applet to visit another page. A wise move would be to suspend running of Threads to save system resources.

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Foil 100 Some Basic Methods for Applets -- II

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public void paint(Graphics g) actually has an argument and draws what you want on the screen
There is somewhat confusing other methods update() and repaint() which need to used in advanced applications. You may need to call repaint() in a dynamic applet to change display but update() would not need to be called as invoked by repaint(). However update() is sometimes best overridden
public void repaint() is a request by you to the Java runtime to update screen
public void update(Graphics g) is invoked by repaint() and performs the screen update which involves clearing screen and invoking paint()

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Foil 101 A Simple Useful Applet from Sun for Animation

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Foil 102 Sun's Animator.class Applet

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Sun distributes a general purpose Animation applet with the Java Development Kit
  • 1. quick: users don't have to write their own program in order to get interesting animation effects.
  • 2. flexibility: user can assign the directory and the file name for the image frame and sound files by using imagesource, soundsource, soundtrack, and sound parameters in applet tag.
  • 1. Image blinking: This applet fail to use double buffering and one can see serious blinking on screen.
  • 2. Separating the frames into different files makes it easy to program but will slow down the image loading process.

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Foil 103 Details of Using the Sun animator Applet --I

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1. Prepare a directory. and cd to this directory.
2. Copy Animator.class, ParseException.class, and ImageNotFoundException.class into your directory.
3. create a directory audio and put your audio file in it.
Your audio files can be called,, etc.
  • The background soundtrack could be any .au file.
4. create a directory images and put your image files in it.
  • your image files can be called T1.gif, T2.gif, etc.
  • the loading message can be called loading-msg.gif.
5. prepare a HTML page which has the following type of applet tag:
<applet code=Animator.class width=200 height=200>
<param name=imagesource value="images">
<param name=endimage value=10>
<param name=soundsource value="audio">
<param name=soundtrack>
<param name=sounds value="|||||||||">
<param name=pause value=200>

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Foil 104 Details of Using the Sun animator Applet --II

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the imagesource attribute indicate you put your image files in directory images.
the endimage value 10 indicate that you have 10 image files held in
  • T1.gif, T2.gif, ..., to T10.gif
The soundsource indicate that you put your sound files in audio directory.
The sounds attribute lets you express your audio file sequence.
the pause attribute is the pause (ms) between each image frame.
There are other parameters which can be set such as:
<param name=startup value="loading-msg.gif">
This image will show up first to remind user that image is loading.

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Foil 105 Threads are part of the Java Language!

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See JavaStroll for A Basic Thread Example

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Foil 106 Initial Remarks on Threads

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Java is remarkable for threads being built into the language
Threads are processes which are typically "light-weight" (unlike UNIX processes) which communicate by a combination of shared memory and messaging
  • This communication mechanism is what you get from natural access to methods and variables in Java classes
The Java Threads do not give all you want and for those coming from an HPCC background, we note Java threads have no immediate support for some key parallel computing concepts (see work of Chandy at Caltech) and distributed memory (threads running in separate operating system instances)
Java threads are based on basic monitors ("lock mechanism") for synchronization which was introduced by Hoare

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Foil 107 Threads as Discussed in Sun's Tutorial

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One can implement threads in two ways
  • Firstly subclassing the Thread class and overriding its run() method
  • Secondly by creating a Thread with a Runnable object (i. e. that implements Runnable interface)
Only the second way is possible for applets as these already extend Applet class and so cannot multiply inherit from the Thread class
Threads must have a run method which is code Thread executes.
If you are using first way, this is written for this particular thread and overrides run() in Thread class
In second way, the created Thread automatically takes its run() method to be the run method of the applet

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Foil 108 Thread Execution and Concurrency

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Threads enable you to have multiple flows of control, running concurrently.
Concurrency does not necessarily mean that threads actually run at the same time, but that the Java interpreter switches between threads.
Threads may also be assigned priority, in which case the higher priority thread may pre-empt the lower one.

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Foil 109 The Life of a Thread

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Each thread is always in one of five states, shown in this diagram with the most common methods for changing state:

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Foil 110 Sun's Digital Clock Applet to Illustrate Threads -- I

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import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.util.Date;
public class Clock extends java.applet.Applet
    • implements Runnable {
Thread runner;
public void start () {
if (runner == null) {
runner = new Thread (this, "Clock");
runner.start ();

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Foil 111 Sun's Digital Clock Applet to Illustrate Threads -- II

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public void run () {
while (true) {
repaint ();
try { runner.sleep(1000);
  • } catch (InterruptedException e) {}
} // end while
} // end run()
public void paint (Graphics g) {
Date now = new Date ();
g.drawString (now.getHours() + ":"+ now.getMinutes() + ":"+now.getSeconds(), 5, 10);
public void stop () {
if (runner != null)
  • {runner.stop();runner=null;}
} // End Digital Clock Applet

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Foil 112 Synchronized Method and Blocks

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Synchronized methods and blocks must acquire a lock before running
Code will therefore not run at the same time as other code that needs access to the same resource.
Each object has one lock associated with it and each class has exactly one lock
When invoked, a synchronized method waits until it can acquire the lock for the current instance (i.e., this); a static synchronized method waits to acquire the class lock
Lock is released when code is done executing
Locks are advisory
synchronized blocks specify the object on which to synchronize

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Foil 113 Sun's Synchronized Block Example

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class Coach { // Give the Bunt Signal AFTER setting it!
  • Sign sig = new Sign();
  • ...
  • void setBunt() {
    • synchronized (sig) { // Wait for Lock associated with sig
    • sig.bunt = true;
    • }
  • }
  • void giveSign() {
    • synchronized (sig) { // Wait for Lock associated with sig
    • and will not get it until setBunt releases
  • System.out.println("bunt is "+sig.bunt);
  • }
  • } // Continue with coach .....

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Foil 114 Threads and Synchronization - I

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A Synchronized method provides a guarantee that the method is the only synchronized method in the object running at the time.
This is useful if the resource is contained completely in the object, and in general, no waiting for a resource is necessary. (The operation is contained completely in the method)
  • public synchronized void do_it() {
    • Do_my_stuff();
  • }
More fine-grained synchronization can be obtained by synchronizing on the particular object:
  • Object obj;
  • public void do_it() {
    • synchronized(obj) {
    • ... change the state of obj ...
    • }
    • ... do other time-consuming stuff ...
  • }

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Foil 115 Threads and Synchronization - wait()

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void wait()
void wait(int timeout)
  • The wait() method is part of the Object class, and hence available for every object.
  • This method simply causes the thread to wait until notified or until the timeout occurs.
  • timeout is an optional argument. If missing or zero, thread waits until notify/notifyall called
  • This method must be called from a synchronized method.
  • wait() will be called while thread owns lock associated with a particular object. wait() releases this lock (atomically i.e. safely)

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Foil 116 Threads and Synchronization - notify()

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Threadsafe Variables
void notify()
void notifyAll()
  • The notify() and notifyall() methods are part of the Object class, and hence available for every object.
  • These methods must be called from a synchronized method.
  • These methods simply notifies a thread that is waiting.
notify() notifies the thread associated with given synchronization object that has been waiting the longest time
notifyall() notifies all threads associated with given object
One can mark a variable as "threadsafe" to notify the compiler that only one thread will be modifying this variable.

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Foil 117 Threads and Synchronization - Example

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public class AddApplet extends Applet implements Runnable {
  • Thread t;
  • boolean go_ahead = false;
  • int a, b, totle;
  • public void start() {
    • t = new Thread(this);
    • t.start();
  • }
  • public synchronized void run() {
    • while ( true ) {
    • while ( !go_ahead ) wait(); // wait for notify signal
    • totle = a + b;
    • go_ahead = false;
    • System.out.println("totle = "+totle);
    • }
  • }
  • public synchronized void adder(int i, int j) {
    • a = i; b = j;
    • notify(); // Notify the thread that a,b are ready
  • }

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Foil 118 Useful Basic Java Classes

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See the end of the JavaStroll section on Applet Basics for an example using the Math class

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Foil 119 The Overarching Object Class

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public class Object is the root of the Class hierarchy. Every java class has Object as its ultimate parent and so any object (object with a small o is any instance of any class) can use methods of Object
Methods of Object (used as object.Method()) include:
clone() Creates a clone of the object
equals(another object) compares two objects returning boolean answer
getClass() returns a descriptor of type Class (a child of Object) defining class of object
toString() returns a String which represents "value" of object. It is expected that each subclass will override this method
wait() in various forms is used to cause threads to wait
finalize() contains code to perform when object is deleted by system (I.e. garbage collected)

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Foil 120 Determining and Testing Class of Object

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Suppose an object is called obj , then we get Class of obj by
Class itsclass = obj.getClass(); // and the name of this class by:
String name = itsclass.getName();
One can also use instanceof in following fashion
"foo" instanceof String // is evaluated to true but
mPoint pt = new mPoint(x,y);
pt instanceof String // is evaluated to false

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Foil 121 java.lang.Object Wrappers

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"types" such as int char float etc. are NOT classes
Thus one cannot use methods such as
int var;
Thus ALL types have associated wrappers used like
Character wrappedchar = new Character(char);
now wrappedchar has lots of good methods you can use such as:
There are also static (class) functions such as:
toUppercase(char ch);
isUpperCase(char ch);

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Foil 122 The java.lang.Math class

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This class provides the standard mathematical functions, using types int, long, float and double as appropriate.
It is a static class, meaning that you only use the methods, never creating objects from this class.
The methods include
  • IEEEremainder, abs, ceil, cos, exp, floor, log, max, min, pow, random, sin, sqrt, and other trig functions.
  • The random number generator is a linear congruential generator, which is fast but not random enough for many scientific applications.

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Foil 123 The Date class

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This class exists to provide an implementation of "date" structures. As is typical of data encapsulation classes, it has methods to create dates, obtain and set the parts of dates, and convert dates to other data types.
The constructor either creates today's date or any other day (and time) that you provide:
  • Date today = new Date();
  • Date ancient = new Date(999,12,31); /* Dec. 31, 999 */
  • Date deadline = new Date(1996,12,31,23,59,59)
    • /* Dec.31,1996 at 23:59:59 */

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Foil 124 The String class

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Strings are fixed length collections of Unicode characters stored as an instance of the class.
Most commonly, a string is created from a string literal or by using the constructor on an array of characters:
  • String greeting = "Hello";
  • char[] bunch = {'H','e','l','l','o'};
  • String greeting = new String(bunch);
Once created, individual characters of a string cannot be changed in place. This example shows using the methods of indexing, catenation (+), and substring to create a new string with one character changed:
  • String test = "Chicken soup with rice";
  • int a = test.indexOf('w');
  • String newtest = substring(1,a-1)+"is n"+substring(a+5);
  • /* getting "Chicken soup is nice" */

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Foil 125 More on Strings, and the StringBuffer class

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String comparison can be done with the methods equals and equalsIgnoreCase. Note that == tests if two strings are the same string instance, while equals tests if two different strings have the same characters.
Other methods include length, CharAt and toString.
The StringBuffer class has mutable strings, but is created with a fixed maximum size. It has methods such as append to extend the length of the string.

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Foil 126 ReverseString Class from Sun Tutorial

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This class returns object of class String which reverses order of characters in input object source which is also an instance of class String
class ReverseString {
  • public static String reverseIt(String source) {
    • int i, len= source.length();
    • StringBuffer dest = new StringBuffer(len);
    • for( i= (len-1); i >=0 ; i--) {
    • dest.append(source.charAt(i));
    • }
    • return dest.toString();
    • }
  • }

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Foil 127 The Vector class

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In Java, while you can give the size of arrays at run time, you cannot dynamically change the size of an array during the computation. The vector class provides a data structure with this property - the restriction is that all of the elements must be of type Object.
  • It is usually simple to insert an element of any type and Java will convert it to an Object. But when you extract an element, you must explicitly cast it to convert it back to the type you want.
A vector is created with an "initial capacity" and a "capacity increment". It always starts with 0 elements. As you add elements, if the initial capacity is exceeded, then more memory is automatically allocated in the size of the capacity increment. The default is an initial capacity of 10 and an increment which doubles each time.
  • Vector shoes = new Vector();
  • Vector orders = new Vector(100, 10);

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Foil 128 Methods for Vectors

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Elements are created with the addElement method:
  • Order missouri = new Order();
  • orders.addElement(missouri);
The object missouri of type Order is automatically converted to an Object in vector instance orders defined on previous foil.
There are methods for indexing vectors. Like arrays, the indexing is zero-based.
  • x = v.elementAt(i);
  • v.setElementAt(x,i);
The length of the Vector can be obtained:
  • int size = v.size;

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Foil 129 The Hashtable class

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This class is similar to the Perl associative array (or hash array with {} brackets). It can store a set of key and value pairs, neither of which can be null.
  • Hashtable staff = new Hashtable();
  • Employee harry = new Employee("Harry Hacker");
  • staff.put("987-98-9996", harry);
Values are retrieved by indexing with a key. Like Vectors, Hashtables only store things of type Object and you must cast the result.
  • steve = (Employee) staff.get("149-26-7355");
If there was no entry, a null is returned.
Performance of the Hashtable can also be affected by giving an initialCapacity and a loadFactor for reallocation.

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Foil 130 More on the Java Language: Exceptions

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Foil 131 Java Language -- Handling Errors Using Exceptions

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The language itself supports concept of an exception
Java supports a hierarchical model of exceptions which allow and indeed require user to supply suitable handlers for any exception that can occur in a Java program
Note exceptions that can occur in a method must either be caught (i.e. handled inside method) or thrown (i.e. returned to callee)
Thrown exceptions are like returned arguments and are for instance part of interface to a method
Exceptions are all (at some level in hierarchy) subclasses of Throwable class

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Foil 132 Basic Structure of Exception Handling in Nested Calls

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method1 {
  • try {
    • call method2;
  • } catch (Exception3 e) {
    • doErrorProcessing(e);
  • }
method2 throws Exception3 {
  • call method3; // method2 just passes exception through
method3 throws Exception3 {
  • call dividebyzeroorreadfileorsomething; // create exception

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Foil 133 Examples of Exception Hierarchy

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As Examples of hierarchy:
catch(InvalidIndexException e) {..} would catch particular exception whereas
catch(ArrayException e) {..} would catch all Arrayexceptions

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Foil 134 finally illustrated by Handling Exceptions in Closing a File

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File file; /* defines file to be object of class File */
  • file = new File("filenameyouwant");
  • .......
  • file.write("stuff put out");
} catch (IOException e) {
/* This catches ALL I/O errors including read and write stuff */
/* After Handling Some How */
return; /* but the finally clause will be executed whether or not code terminates normally */
} /* We must close file whatever happens */
finally {
  • file.close();

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Foil 135 Classes of Exceptions

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There are two subclasses of Throwable
  • Error such as OutOfMemoryError which do NOT have to be caught as they are serious but unpredictable and could typically occur anywhere!
  • Exception which we have discussed
Exception has a subclass RuntimeException that need NOT be caught
Typical RuntimeException subclasses are
ArithmeticException ClassCastException IndexOutofBoundException

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Foil 136 Exceptions in Applets

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When writing a Java applet, your code is overriding one of the standard applet methods, and you are not allowed to throw any exceptions that it would not. So, in general, you must handle exceptions.
What to do: The standard trick of writing a message to System.out works fine for debugging when running with the applet viewer. It also works fine with the Netscape browser for errors that you don't really expect to happen in working code (like your code had a null pointer) because Netscape provides a "Java console" under the Options menu that displays all messages.
However, for errors that you really want to bring to the attention of the user, such as they typed in their URL incorrectly and the network methods returned a "malformedURLException", you can put up a pop-up window in the style of professional GUI programs.
Note that you don't have to micromanage exceptions - you don't have to put a "try-catch" construct around every statement that can throw an exception. You can put the "try-catch" around the entire code with the same catch action or even put different catches for different actions of the errors.

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Foil 137 Summary of Object-Oriented Concepts

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Lets take a breather before next more advanced topics!

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Foil 138 Summary of Object-Oriented Concepts - I

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Class: A template for an object which contains variables and methods which can be inherited from other superclasses and whose calling sequence and existence can be defined by interfaces
Object or Instance: A particular realization of some class; different instances usually have different values for their variables or instances but the same methods
Simple types: variables defined by int, char etc. are NOT objects but each has an associated wrapper class which can be used with greater power but lower efficiency
Superclass: A class further up in the inheritance tree
Subclass: A class further down in the inheritance tree
Abstract classes:contain abstract methods which are not implemented and only define interfaces. Subclasses will provide implementations

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Foil 139 Summary of Object-Oriented Concepts - II

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Method or Instance Method: the usual type of method which is defined in a class and operates in instances of class or subclasses of defining class
static or class method: A method defined in a class which can operate on the class itself or on any object
static or class variable: A variable that is owned by the class and all its instances as a whole. It is stored in class and not in particular instances.
Interface: A collection of abstract behavior(method) specifications that individual classes can then implement
Package: A collection of classes and interfaces. Classes or interfaces from packages other than java.lang must be explicitly imported or referred to by full package name

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Foil 140 Back to Details on Graphics and Animation

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See JavaStroll for examples of Graphics Images and Double Buffering

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Foil 141 Graphics is Event-Driven: paint method

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In every applet or windows application, the windowing system creates an Image with a Graphics object to keep track of the state of the window.
In order to draw or write text to the window, you must override the paint method:
  • void paint(Graphics g)
In this method you put everything you want to draw in the window. The Graphics object g has things like a current color and current font, and there are methods for you to change these as well as draw.
The window system can be interrupted for various reasons - the user resized it or some other window was put on top of it and then removed - and it does not save a copy of the pixels. Instead it calls a method called update, which blanks the screen and then calls paint(g). So even if you only draw one window, paint can be called many times.

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Foil 142 Changing Graphics: repaint method

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Most applets and windows applications want to change what is drawn on the screen over its lifetime. This can be a sequenced animation, response to user input or mouse events, and so on.
Whenever you want to redraw the screen, call
  • void repaint();
Repaint gets the graphics context and creates a thread to call update, which calls your paint function. So all your drawing changes are also put into paint.

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Foil 143 Some Graphics Methods

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Changing the current state:
  • g.setColor(;
  • Font f = new Font("Helvetica", Font.ITALIC, 14);
  • g.setFont(f);
There are many other attributes of text that can be affected by FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(f);
such as leading, height, and kerning.
Drawing text: g.drawString
Drawing shapes: g.drawLine, g.drawRect, g.drawOval, g.drawArc - and filled shape versions: g.fillRect, etc.
One draws a sequence of text and shapes to define the screen, where the position of the object in the screen is given by pixel coordinates. If one object overlaps another, the latest one drawn covers up the area of overlap.
  • The exception to this is XOR graphics, which may be used to temporarily highlight a particular color. This is an advanced technique as other colors will also be affected.

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Foil 144 Getting Images the getImage Applet Method

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The Applet class provides a method getImage, which retrieves an image from a web server and creates an instance of the Image class.
Image img = getImage(new URL(""));
Another form of getImage retrieves the image file relative to the directory of the HTML or the directory of the java code.
Image img = getImage(getDocumentBase(), "images/image.gif");
Image img = getImage(getCodeBase(), "images/image.gif");

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Foil 145 Drawing Images -- the drawImage Graphics Method

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The Graphics class provides a method drawImage to actually display the image on the browser screen.
You can also scale the image to a particular width and height.

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Foil 146 Image Downloading -- imageObserver, MediaTracker

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When drawImage is called, it draws only the pixels of the image that are already available.
Then it creates a thread for the imageObserver. Whenever more of the image becomes available, it activates the method imageUpdate, which in turn which call paint and drawImage, so that more of the image should show on the screen.
The default imageUpdate doesn't work if you are double buffering the window in which the image appears.
More control over showing the image as it downloads can be obtained by working with the imageObserver class and the new MediaTracker class.

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Foil 147 Flickering in Applets and its Solution

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Unless you are careful, dynamic applets will give flickering screens
This is due to cycle
update(g) clearing screen
paint(g) drawing new screen .....
where flicker caused by rapid clear-paint cycle.
There are two ways to solve this problem which involve changing update in different ways
  • 1: Change update() either not to clear screen at all (because you know paint() will write over parts that are to be changed) or to just clear the parts of the screen that are changed
  • or 2:Double Buffering

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Foil 148 The default Update(Graphics g) Method

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This sets background color and initializes applet bounding rectangle to this color
public void update(Graphics g) {
getBackground() and getForeground() are methods in component class
fillRect() is a method in Graphics class

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Foil 149 ColorSwirl -- An Example from Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days - I

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This example draws a text message in color and cycles through a series of colors. It doesn't require blanking the screen.
public class ColorSwirl extends java.applet.Applet
implements Runnable {
Font f= new Font ("TimesRoman", Font.BOLD, 48);
Color colors [] = new color [50];
Thread runThread;
public void start () {
if (RunThread == null) {
runThread = new Thread (this);
runThread.start ();
  • }}

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Foil 150 ColorSwirl -- An Example from Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days - run Method

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public void run () {
float c = 0; // initialize the color array
for (int i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) {
colors [i] = Color.getHSBColor (c, (float) 1.0, (float) 1.0);
c +=.02; }
int i = 0; // cycle through the colors
while (true) { setForeground (colors [i]);
repaint ();
try {Thread.sleep(50);}
catch (InterruptedException e) {}
if (i == color.length) i = 0;
} // End while(true)
} // end run()

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Foil 151 ColorSwirl -- An Example from Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days - paint and update

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public void stop () {
  • if (runThread != null) {
runThread = null;
  • }
public void paint(Graphic g) {
g.drawString ("All the Swirly Colors", 15,50);
public void update(Graphics g) {
paint(g); } // No need to clear background as unchanged! -- only color of letters changes
} // end Applet ColorSwirl

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Foil 152 Double Buffering to Reduce Flicker - I

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Here you have two "graphics contexts" (frame buffers of the size of the applet), and you construct the next image for an animation "off-line" in the second frame buffer.
This frame buffer is then directly copied to the main applet Graphics object without clearing image as in default update()
In init(), you would create the frame buffer:
  • Image OffscreenImage; // Place to hold Image
  • Graphics offscreenGraphics; /* The second graphics context of offscreenImage */
  • offscreenImage = createImage(width,height);
  • offscreenGraphics = offscreenImage.getGraphics();

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Foil 153 Double Buffering to Reduce Flicker - II

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In paint(), one will construct applet image in offscreenGraphics as opposed to the argument g of paint(). So one would see statements such as:
  • offscreenGraphics.drawImage(img,10,10,this);
Finally at end of paint(), one could transfer the double buffered image to g by
  • g.drawImage(offscreenImage,0,0,this);
One would also need to override the update() method by
public void update(Graphics g) {

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Foil 154 Event Handling

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See JavaStroll for a complete example of mouse handling events for moving objects.

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Foil 155 Events in the java.awt -- Mouse, Keyboard Interaction - I

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Events ( distinguish these from Exceptions!) are the way the AWT interacts with the user at mouse or keyboard.
The AWT calls particular event handlers (analogous to exception or interrupt handlers) when user interacts with system in particular ways.
The handling is defined in packages java.awt and java.awt.peer (the machine dependent stuff) with method handleEvent() in class Component(peer)
One could add additional capability here for systems with nifty virtual reality and other user interfaces but we won't cover this here!
public boolean keyDown(Event evt, int key) {} method is called when you press keyboard.

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Foil 156 Events in the java.awt -- Mouse, Keyboard Interaction - II

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The Event class has various special class (static) variables defined including
Event.F1 -- the F1 key
Event.UP The Up arrow etc.
The Component class (grandparent of Applet) has a rich set of Event handlers which you should override if you wish to process particular input
public boolean mouseDown(Event evt, int x, int y) {
  • anchor = new Point(x,y); // record position of mouse click
  • return true; // must do this
Other handlers are mouseDrag, mouseEnter (enters current component), mouseExit, mouseMove (with its button up), keyUp, keyDown

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Foil 157 Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT): Components such as buttons, textfields, etc.

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See JavaStroll for an example with Layouts and Buttons

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Foil 158 Structure of the java.awt GUI Components - I

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In Java, the GUI (Graphical User Interface) is built hierarchically in terms of Components -- one Component nested inside another starting with the smallest Buttons, including Menus, TextFields etc. and ending with full Window divided into Frames, MenuBars etc.
Not all useful Classes are inherited from Component. For instance Menu inherits from MenuComponent (interface) --> MenuItem --> Menu
One also needs a set of methods and classes to define the layout of the Components in a particular Panel
LayoutManager is a java.awt interface with several particular layout strategies implemented as classes under this interface
The Container class has methods to interact with LayoutManager classes

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Foil 159 Structure of the java.awt GUI Components - II

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In the simplest use of AWT, one could add a Button to an Applet (grandchild of Container) using in the init() method for Applet
Button b = new Button("Are You Feeling well");
add(b); // add() is a Container method
The various added Components are put in the panel by the LayoutManager using order in this they were added
A Final critical part of the AWT is the actions generated by these components which are processed by overriding the action() method in Component
action(Event e, Object Anyargemightliketoreturn);
We define extra events -- such as those connected with scrolling or selecting buttons to those of basic mouse/keyboard

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Foil 160 Picture of the AWT Component Class and its inheritance

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This is incomplete!

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Foil 161 Some Simple AWT Components -- label,button

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add(new Label("aligned left")); // default alignment
produces a text string using constructor Label of Label class
add(new Button("Grade is A"));
add(new Button("Grade is B")); // surely this is lowest grade for a course on such an easy language?

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Foil 162 AWT Components -- Checkbox

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Checkbox's are on-off toggles implemented as
add(new Checkbox("Red")); // defaulted to false as initial value which can be changed by user
add(new Checkbox("Green")); // defaulted to false
add(new Checkbox("Blue"),null, true); // set to true -- second argument required but ignored here

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Foil 163 AWT Components -- Radio Buttons , CheckboxGroup

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Radiobuttons are identical to Checkbox's but grouped so that only one in a group can be on at a time. They use same class for buttons but add CheckboxGroup class
CheckboxGroup cbg = new CheckboxGroup(); // cbg is group for one set of radiobuttons
add(new Checkbox("Red", cbg, false)); // cbg is second argument!!
add(new Checkbox("Green", cbg, false));
add(new Checkbox("Blue", cbg, true)); // Only one in group cbg can be true

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Foil 164 Some Further AWT Components -- typical subunits of panels

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Choice is a class that gives a menu where you choose from various items
TextField is a simple class where user can enter information into fields
TextArea is a somewhat more sophisticated text entry area which are scrollable and so useful where amount of data to be entered is unlimited
List is another child of Component that is similar in use to Choice but gives a fixed size list which can be scrolled and where you can select one or more entries
Scrollbar is a class that defines a horizontal or vertical scrollbar. Note this is distinct from scrollbars that come with TextArea and List

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Foil 165 Some Further AWT Components -- Canvas, Window - I

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Canvas is a simple class which are used to draw on as in artist's canvas. They cannot contain other components
Upto now, we have described how to build typical Applet panels inside browser window. There are classes that allow one to generate complete windows separately from the browser window
Window Class has subclasses Frame and Dialog
Frame("TitleofWindow"); // creates a window with memubar and given title
  • Note Frame is a Container and can thereof be defined hierarchically with components that are laid out by LayoutManagers
  • Note a Frame in Java is NOT THE SAME as a frame in Netscape 2.0 and higher

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Foil 166 Some Further AWT Components -- Canvas, Window - II

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MenuBar(); // defines a menubar which can be used in a frame
Menu("Type"); // defines a menu which can itself have hierarchically defined submemus
Dialog(Frame, String Title, boolean mustbeansweredatonceornot); // defines a dialog box
Dialog boxes are used for transient data
  • Issue warning to user or require (third argument true) user to verify some action etc.

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Foil 167 Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT):
Actions in response to Mouse and Keyboard etc.

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See JavaStroll for Examples

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Foil 168 Actions associated with Components in AWT - I

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We already discussed handling Mouse and Keyboard Events. These AWT components come with new actions which need to be handled with an action() method in your applet
Put action ( a method of class Component) in Container instance that is at lowest possible level so you can customize action to things in that Container
action(Event evt, Object arg)'s are looked for in same fashion as exceptions. Scan up Containers looking for a method of this name. Scanning stops when you find an action and that method returns true holds the object that caused the Event
Object Arg returned depends on particular Component invoked
There are further's associated with the various peculiar Components -- see description of class Event for current detailed description.

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Foil 169 Actions associated with Components in AWT - II

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Suppose we have a bunch of buttons in a particular Container saying Red, Green, Blue as we illustrated earlier. Then a good action method would be
public boolean action(Event evt, Object arg) {
if( instanceof Button)
  • changeColor((String) arg); // changeColor Supplied by the user processes color defined by text string used in defining buttons
return true; // tell runtime that this event fully processed
void changeColor(String bname) { // A suitable user routine to be called by above action
if( bname.equals("Red")) setBackground(;
else if (bname.equals("Green")) setBackground(;
else if (bname.equals("Blue")) setBackground(;
else setBackground(; // our favorite color

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Foil 170 Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT):

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Foil 171 Layout of Components in a Panel

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The various panels in a container are laid out separately in terms of their subcomponents
One can lay components out "by hand" with positioning in pixel space
However this is very difficult to make machine independent. Thus one tends to use general strategies which are embodied in 5 LayoutManger's which all implement the LayoutManager Interface. One can expect further custom LayoutManager's to become available on the Web
setLayout(new FlowLayout()); // creates a basic flow layout in your panel -- actually unnecessary as default
Other available LayoutManager's are GridLayout(), BorderLayout() (default for Frame's), CardLayout() (Used for dynamic layouts) and GridBagLayout() (the most flexible)

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Foil 172 Description and Example of BorderLayout

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BorderLayout has five cells called North South East West Center and components are assigned to these cells with the add method. As used in a window, one would naturally use:
  • add("North", new TextField("Title",50));
  • add("South", new TextField("Usuallyreservedforstatusmessage",50));
Remember this is default for a Frame Container

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Foil 173 Brief Description of Four Other LayoutManager's

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FlowLayout is a one dimensional layout where components are "flowed" into panel in order they were defined. When a row is full up, it is wrapped onto next row
GridLayout is a two dimensional layout where you define a N by M set of cells and again the components are assigned sequentially to cells starting at top left hand corner -- one component is in each cell
GridBagLayout uses a new class GridBagConstraints to customize positioning of individual components in one or more cells
CardLayout lays out in time not space and each card (Displayed at one time) can be laid out with one of spatial layout schemes above

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Foil 174 FlowLayouts in detail

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This simple layout manager starts putting components in the window from the top left, continues across the row until there is no more room, starts the next row, and so on. The components can be aligned, and space between them given by the arguments hgap and vgap.
setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 5, 1);
setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER);
setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT);

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Foil 175 Hierarchical use of LayoutManagers

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Layout's can be made very sophisticated using an hierarchical approach
setLayout(new GridLayout(1,3,10,5)); // Number of cells in y, Number in x, Horizontal gap, Vertical Gap
subpanel1 = new MysubpanelClass(); // Add arguments to make subpanel1 special
subpanel2 = new MysubpanelClass();
add(Some Simple Component such as a Button);
Class MysubpanelClass extends panel { // has constructor
MysubpanelClass() { // that includes another layout such as
setLayout(new GridLayout(2,2,5,5); // etc.

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Foil 176 Networking, Web Access and I/O

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Foil 177 Networking, Web Access and I/O in Java

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This area will evolve rapidly as existing I/O systems get linked to Java with special classes such as those needed to link MPI (HPCC Message Passing) or Nexus (Well known distributed memory thread package)
One can establish Web Connection with URL class and access documents there
One can set up a more general URLConnection for more general input/output operations through Web(HTTP) protocol
One can set up a Socket link which is permanent rather than on again off again Web client-server interaction
One can send messages and so transfer information between different Applets
One can (outside Netscape) access same functionality as usual UNIX stdio library

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Foil 178 Security Concerns for Applets

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One aspect of Java security is language restrictions designed not to let a Java applet or application access memory on the machine outside of its own space.
Applets have additional restrictions:
  • they can never run a local executable program;
  • they cannot communicate with any host other than the server from which they were downloaded (the originating host);
  • they cannot read or write to the local computer's file system, except through the browser mechanism;
  • they cannot find out information about the local computer (see table on next slide for details).
As of summer 1996, no known applets have seriously broken security to steal client information or trash the local disk. Exceptions:
  • applets have been written to use up arbitrary amounts of client cpu.
  • applets with native code can trash the local disk. So far, native code is disallowed on publicly released browsers.

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Foil 179 Table for Java file and network access

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This table shows what Java programs can do in the following four cases:
  • NL - Netscape loading a URL for applet
  • NF - Netscape loading a local file for applet
  • AV - Applet viewer
JA - Java application (not an applet)
    • NL NF AV JA
read local file no no yes yes
write local file no no yes yes
get file information no no yes yes
delete file no no no yes
run another program no no yes yes
read the proper no yes yes yes
connect to network port on server yes yes yes yes
connect to network port on other host no yes yes yes
load Java library no yes yes yes
call exit no no yes yes
create a pop-up window with warning yes yes yes

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Foil 180 Accessing URL's in Java -- URL, showDocument

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First you set the URL in various ways using something like
String npacurl = "";
try {theinputurl=newURL(npacurl);} // URL class is in
catch ( MalformedURLException e) {
  • System.out.println("Bad URL: " + npacurl); }
where you are meant to test to see if URL is legal!
The simplest thing to do now is to see this page with
getAppletContext().showDocument(theinputurl, Frame targetdisplayframe);

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Foil 181 Accessing URL's in Java -- URLConnection

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More interesting is to access a URL and process the information there!
This is done using a stdio like stream (generalizes pipe) which is supported in package with usual buffering capabilities
There are methods in class URL -- InputStream in = instanceofURL.openStream(); // opens an InputStream associated with given url
More general is instanceofURL.openConnection() establishes a general connection and returns an instance of class URLConnection
  • This provides most general HTTP connectivity and indeed has some advantages over sockets as these are subject to special security restrictions in Netscape's current implementation
Note that one can connect not just to HTML files but also to CGI scripts i.e. programs at server and so obtain flexible connectivity

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Foil 182 Input/Output in Java -- InputStreams -- I

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In, there are several classes that throw IOExceptions -- please catch them!
The class InputStream is basic and it has methods such as read() skip() (bytes in a stream) available() (bytes remaining in stream) close().
InputStreams can be created from memory
InputStream s = new ByteArrayInputStream(buffer, 100, 300); // creates a stream of 300 bytes in locations 100 to 399
More usefully, they can be created from a UNIX file
InputStream s = new FileInputStream("/usr/gcf/greatidea");

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Foil 183 Input/Output in Java -- (Filter etc.)InputStreams -- II

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There is a clever class called FilterInputStream which can be used to add value to a raw InputStream. You can define your own filters but important ones provided are:
  • BufferedInputStream -- establishs an intermediate buffer to service stream
  • DataInputStream -- allows one to address stream in terms of higher level constructs -- namely read a line, read a long integer etc.
  • LineNumberInputStream -- adds line numbers to a stream
  • PushbackInputStream -- allows one to "unread" a character and put it back on the input stream

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Foil 184 Accessing URL's in Java -- InputStreams and URLConnections

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String line; // Here is a useful example
try { URLConnection conn = npacurl.openConnection();
conn.connect(); // could set options after creation of conn in above line and before connect method invoked
InputStream in = conn.getInputStream(); // establish an InputStream on this connection
DataInputStream data = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputSream(in)); // set up two filters allowing both buffering and line access to InputStream
while ((line = data.readline()) != null ) {
  • System.out.println("line"); } // print out line -- obviously put your favorite line processing here
} catch (IOException e) {processerror}
Note one useful exception EOFException which can be caught and remove testing in read loops

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Foil 185 Performance
and dreaming about the Future

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Foil 186 Use of Native Classes to Speed Up Execution

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One can essentially augment supplied Java Runtime by supplying your own C or other code implementing a particular functionality in a higher performance mode
This of course generates machine dependence and should only be used if really needed
First for classes you wish to implement in native fashion, put in your java code lines like:
public native mustgofast(arguments); // default functions
static {System.loadLibrary("faststuffhere");} // static and in class and so runs only ONCE! and loads the native code

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Foil 187 Comments on Native C Methods

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  • May call resources available from C
    • Window/Graphic Systems
    • Database
    • Networking
    • Other Third Party Libraries
  • Classes with native methods, or library linking calls, may not be downloaded across the network.
  • Libraries may not be downloaded across the network.
  • Programmer must write a native library for every platform used.
So usually user defined native method can not be used remotely in Applet.

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Foil 188 HPCC and Java -- High Performance HPjava -- I

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The activities that has gone into defining High Performance Fortran (HPF) and HPC++ can be reexamined for Java which is quite well suited for parallelism as
  • It essentially has task parallelism built in with Applet mechanism
  • As there are no pointers, it is easier to define data and other implicit parallelism so it can be efficiently implemented
Interesting Compiler challenge independent of parallelism, is to produce efficient code from bytecodes. Here a technique called "just in time" compilation does compilation at runtime and can probably increase performance of Java code by a factor of 10 or so to become comparable with performance of C
Surely many will produce Fortran C PASCAL to Java translators so you can webify your existing applications
  • This is an alternative to wrapper technology as in native classes

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Foil 189 HPCC and Java -- HPjava -- II

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Current runtime (java Threads) assume shared memory but there are interesting possible distributed memory and distributed shared memory implementations
One can imagine a dataparallel interface where methods would implement array and other data parallel operations with distributions specified by annotations as in HPF
  • Here one has a HPJava translator that produces java "plus message passing" code
Important implication for parallel CORBA using Java classes to interface with CORBA
Java based servers will allow data and task parallel Java to implement World Wide compute webs

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

If you have any comments about this server, send e-mail to

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