Basic HTML version of Foils prepared January 8 98

Foil 6 Features and Concepts of ICWU - II

From Plans for ICWU International Collaborative University China Trip Dec 27 97 - Jan 6 98 -- January 5 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox, Xiaoming Li

8)Delivery language is English -- Does this restrict too much lecturers who can be involved?
9)Course material must satisfy some constraints so that it is compatible with delivery technology
10)All student and curricula material will be stored in a database
11)Participating Institutions -- Universities providing students, teachers, resources, mentors -- Research organizations like NPAC or NCSA/CRPC -- Industry supplying employees as Students -- sponsoring Industry for resources (equipment and funds) -- Government Agencies
12)All students must be assigned to a "participating Institution" which may be remote from student. The assigned institution is responsible for grading and mentoring. Ratio of students to mentors/graders should be quite small initially. Another constraint is on central resources and as number of students increases, central resources must increase
13)Training in tools and curricula Sessions will be offered for mentors and graders
14)Teachers can deliver lectures and/or mentor students

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