HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared June 8,1995

Foil 24 Prospects for HPCC in Simulation Arena

From Overview of InfoMall --1995 Used in General NPAC and InfoMall Presentations -- January to December 1995. by Geoffrey C. Fox * Important Information in IMAGE

Industrial and Government Simulations in "old" areas where computation is well established
  • Are a factor of 10 to 100 larger (up to 106 lines)
    • Have a longer lifetime
    • Less accessible expertise
  • This a problem for both new codes and even more so, for porting of old codes
  • This implies that the parallel hardware must be much better (factor of >ten "headroom" in Carver Mead's model) than sequential competition.
Must have better software to port and maintain large parallel codes -- can only convert once!
  • Are software issues the same for academic and industrial production codes?
  • Probably not? So we need to integrate computer science (software) research and development with experience from industrial codes.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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