HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared June 8,1995

Foil 34 Components of InfoMall

From Overview of InfoMall --1995 Used in General NPAC and InfoMall Presentations -- January to December 1995. by Geoffrey C. Fox * Important Information in IMAGE

InfoTech is a program that gathers, evaluates and integrates the best global HPCC research technologies and deposits them into the warehouse InfoWare as RTPs (Reusable Technology Pieces)
InfoTeam represents software teams which are either small businesses or groups inside large corporations. InfoTeam takes RTPs and integrates and develops them into domain specific RAPs (Reusable Application Pieces)
InfoMarket provides the primary link between the software development process (InfoTeam, InfoTech) and the HPCC consumers. This link initially establishes technical and market criteria for commercialization potential. It also performs the commercialization functions ultimately leading to product sales. InfoMarket includes in the INFOMALL partnership both marketing arms of HPCC vendors but also other market organizations with unique consumer relationships. This includes computer services (outsourcing), consulting and system integration companies.
The remaining INFOMALL stores provide essential services and infrastructure needed to implement the above process. This includes InfoSchool which offers training, education and consulting to all customers; HPCC facilities on which to develop, test and deploy software products; economic development and other support for small businesses

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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