Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at Used in General NPAC and InfoMall Presentations on January to December 1995. Foils prepared June 8,1995
Abstract * Foil Index for this file
Secs 33
Important Information in IMAGE
This overview of InfoMall covers the Federal HPCC and State Economic Development Rationale updated to December 1994. The NPAC organization is reviewed as well as the current status and prospects for use of HPCC in industry. The InfoMall and National High Performance Software Exchange technology development processes are discussed. |
This table of Contents
Geoffrey C Fox |
Syracuse University |
111 College Place |
Syracuse NY 13244-4100 |
This overview of InfoMall covers the Federal HPCC and State Economic Development Rationale updated to December 1994. The NPAC organization is reviewed as well as the current status and prospects for use of HPCC in industry. The InfoMall and National High Performance Software Exchange technology development processes are discussed. |
Performance of both communication networks and computers will increase by a factor of 1000 during the 1990's
Competitive advantage to industries that can use either or both High Performance Computers and Communication Networks. (United States clearly ahead of Japan and Europe in these technologies.) |
Computation joins theory and experiment as the three complementary approachs to study of science and engineering |
Current industries such as Media and Telecommunications which have been dominated by analog technologies will need to adjust to growing use of digital (computer) technologies |
Need for new educational approachs such as Computational Science centered on interdiciplinary border between computer science and applications with both a
Data Parallelism - universal form of scaling parallelism |
Functional Parallelism - Important but typically modest speedup. - Critical in multidisciplinary applications. |
On any machine architecture
Switch from conventional to new types of technology is a phase transition |
Needs headroom (Carver Mead) which is large (factor of 10 ?) due to large new software investment |
Machines such as the nCUBE-1 and CM-2 were comparable in cost performance to conventional supercomputers
Cray T3D, Intel Paragon, CM-5, DECmpp (Maspar MP-2), IBM SP-2, nCUBE-3 have enough headroom to take over from traditional computers ? |
ATM networks have rapidly transitioned from research Gigabit networks to commercial deployment
Computer Hardware trends imply that all computers (PC's ---> Supercomputers) will be parallel by the year 2000
Software is challenge and could prevent/delay hardware trend that suggests parallelism will be a mainline computer architecture
Originally $2.9 billion over 5 years starting in 1992 and
The Grand Challenges
Nearly all grand challenges have industrial payoff but technology transfer NOT funded by HPCCI |
4 Chemistry (--> Biochemistry) Grand Challenges |
6 Physics Grand Challenges |
5 Environmental Grand Challenges |
5 Space Science and Astronomy Grand Challenges |
Partial Differential Equations |
Particle Dynamics and Multidisciplinary Integration |
Image Processing |
Some: |
Visualization |
Artificial Intelligence |
Not Much: |
Network Simulation |
Economic (and other complex system) modeling |
Scheduling |
Manufacturing |
Education |
Entertainment |
Information Processing |
BMC3IS (Command & Control in military war) |
Decision Support in global economic war |
High Performance Computing & Communication (HPCC) is a rapidly advancing technology, which influences many economic sectors and high technology areas. The development of HPCC provides opportunities for creating new industry and offers existing industries a competitive advantage. INFOMALL is a resource for New York State centered on introducing and integrating HPCC into the state's Industry. As new types of computers, specifically, parallel processors, are key to HPCC, new approaches
involving collaboration between computer users and developers and industry and academia are essential. To foster this collaboration, INFOMALL has six major components:
Geoffrey Fox - Director |
Denny Eaton - InfoMall MidHudson |
Steve Warzala -- Manager InfoMall |
What have we learnt ?
Experience dominated by academic and research applications as opposed to real = "industry and government" problems
In simulation arena, HPCC will work in principle but the need to develop or port large complex codes represents a serious handicap (see next foil) which for instance could hold up the "obvious" use of HPCC in Manufacturing by 10 to 20 years |
In High Speed Network arena, most applications such as "video-on-demand" are "new" and so HPCC competes much more favorably with traditional computer technology. |
In database arena, we can also expect quicker adoption of HPCC than for silmulation
Industrial and Government Simulations in "old" areas where computation is well established
Must have better software to port and maintain large parallel codes -- can only convert once!
Define information generally to include both CNN headline news and the insights on QCD gotten from lattice gauge theories |
Information Production e.g. Simulation
Information Analysis e.g. Extraction of location of oil from seismic data, Extraction of customer preferences from purchase data
Information Access and Dissemination - InfoVision e.g. Transaction Processing, Video-On-Demand
Information Integration .
These involve combinations of Information Production, Analysis, Access and Dissemination and thus need the Integration of the various Software and Machines Architecture Issues discussed there |
Sometimes Called System of Systems |
25: Military and Civilian Command and Control (C2, C3, C4I ....)
26 to 28: Applications of InfoVision Services
29: Real-Time Control Systems
30: Electronic Banking
31: Electronic Shopping |
32: Agile Manufacturing -- Multidiscplinary Design and Concurrent Engineering
33: Education
PDE Partial Differential Equation |
FEM Finite Element Method |
FD Finite Difference |
ED Event Driven Simulation |
TS Time Stepped Simulation |
CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics |
VR Virtual Reality |
HPF High Performance Fortran |
Adaptive Software for Irregular Loosely Synchronous Problems
Asynchronous Software for asynchronous problems |
(AsyncSoft) |
Integration Software to integrate components of metaproblems |
Software |
InfoTech is a program that gathers, evaluates and integrates the best global HPCC research technologies and deposits them into the warehouse InfoWare as RTPs (Reusable Technology Pieces) |
InfoTeam represents software teams which are either small businesses or groups inside large corporations. InfoTeam takes RTPs and integrates and develops them into domain specific RAPs (Reusable Application Pieces) |
InfoMarket provides the primary link between the software development process (InfoTeam, InfoTech) and the HPCC consumers. This link initially establishes technical and market criteria for commercialization potential. It also performs the commercialization functions ultimately leading to product sales. InfoMarket includes in the INFOMALL partnership both marketing arms of HPCC vendors but also other market organizations with unique consumer relationships. This includes computer services (outsourcing), consulting and system integration companies. |
The remaining INFOMALL stores provide essential services and infrastructure needed to implement the above process. This includes InfoSchool which offers training, education and consulting to all customers; HPCC facilities on which to develop, test and deploy software products; economic development and other support for small businesses |
Note: Parallel Computing and HPCC synonymous
These are either the components needed to build applications or the components of the sophisticated system software needed to support or build HPCC applications on parallel machines
Enabling Technologies particularly relevant for InfoMall (and CRPC or NPAC) as development needs substantial computer science expertise, and major interdisciplinary collaborations |
Conventional start-up assistance
Enabling Technologies
Access to HPCC facilities
Support for Virtual Corporation of several small companies
Supply technologies to (small) businesses in software systems area
Feed lessons back to national community |
Gather and classify available candidate and enabling technologies grouped by functionality |
Gather and classify requirements for technologies by application area. |
Match technologies with applicatio |
Evaluate, Develop, Modify, Integrate particular enabling/candidate technologies.
Develop Resource Material
Supply technologies/lessons from technologies to national computer science research community, users (and those that support them) in academia and industry |