HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared June 1,1995

Foil 24 Video (Movie and News) on Demand (VOD) and the NII

From InfoMall and NPAC's InfoVISION Initiative -- 1995 General Overview -- January 1,1995. by Geoffrey C. Fox * See also color IMAGE

The simplest VOD applications treat InfoVision server as a "glorified" VCR with a huge stock of readily accessible prerecorded tapes
  • Movies -- With granularities of around one hour
  • Videotaped lectures -- and which can be restarted, rewound etc.
Interactive VOD will have granularity of order a minute
  • "Browse" text or video indices to form customized "channels" such as:
    • CNN Newsroom and NewSource
    • Reuters Wire Service feeds from around the world
  • These services provide video news footage of several hours per day with a textual index
    • Store several years of video footage on InfoVision servers
    • Browse textual indices e.g. for all material on Syracuse
    • Develop customized class material

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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Page produced by wwwfoil on Mon Feb 17 1997