Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 26 March 98

Foil 7 What are we doing that is possibly useful?

From Collaboration and Scientific Visualization for High Performance Data Bases ISDA Meeting Doubletree Hotel Pasadena -- March 25-27. by Geoffrey Fox

WebWisdom Education Curricula Database and Delivery system
TangoInteractive allow you to share objects to give
  • Collaborative Program Development
  • Collaborative Data Analysis and Visualization
  • Collaborative Computational Steering and/or Planning
Java Grande Forum will set Community standards to ensure Java will be a great scientific language (multidimensional arrays, Library bindings incl MPI, DSO's ..)
WebFlow is Javabean/UML frontend to Java Web Server or JWORB -- AVS Khoros .. done with modern technology
  • Has High performance (Globus) layer
SciVis pure Java collaborative scientific visualization linked to web access databases or black hole grand challenge
  • uses Java3D standard; links to Tango
  • runs on PC's or Workstation as do all Pragmatic Object Web technologies

© Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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