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Screendumps of Living Textbook web pages

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at on July 17, 1995. Foils prepared June 17,1995

Note LivingTextbook renamed Living Schoolbook for trademark reasons

see Screendumps of kidsweb web pages for electronic version of KidsWeb

see also Living Schoolbook overview Hyperlinked "Paper" Submitted by NPAC to Supercomputing 95 on Living Textbook

Table of Contents for Screendumps of Living Textbook web pages

001 WebPages from the Living Textbook project created by screendumps
002 Living Textbook Home Page and diagrams of NYNET network
003 New York State Interactive Journey Page and clickable map of 
    downtown Syracuse
004 Collection of African-American images from Syracuse
005 African-American images from the 1940's includes a wedding party
006 African-American images from the late 1800's to early 1900's   
    includes a grandmother and child
007 Discovery Channel project

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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