HELP! * GREEN=global GREY=local Global HTML version of Foils prepared 10 November 1995

Foil 73 WebWork Summary for PCRC

From Impact of NII on Manufacturing MAME Seminar -- 11 October 95. by Geoffrey C. Fox * See also color IMAGE

WebWork is an open, world-wide distributed computing environment based on computationally extended Web Technologies
The backend computation and information infrastructure is provided by the World-Wide Virtual Machine -- a mesh of computationally extended Web Servers (called Compute Servers)
These servers manage (via CGI mechanisms) a collection of standardized computational units called WebWork Modules.
Geographically distributed and Web-published WebWork modules interact by HTTP/MIME based message/object passing and form distributed computing surfaces called Compute-Webs
The front-end user/client interfaces are provided by evolving Web browsers with increasing support for two-way interactivity (e.g. Java, VRML) that facilitates client side control and authoring.
A natural user-level metaphor -- WebFlow -- is supported in terms of visual interactive compute-web authoring tools.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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