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Scripted foilset Multidisciplinary Applications

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at MAPINT97 Workshop on 16-18 June 97. Foils prepared 27 June 97
Outside Index Summary of Material

We distinguish multidisciplinary problems, metacomputing and Interoperable interfaces
We need to consider difficulties of metaproblems, metacomputers and even harder meta-institutions
we illustrate with two examples: one from Europe couples two applications (CFD and structures)
One ASOP, from an ambitious NASA funded industry study considers Integrated Product and Process Development of a future aircraft
We discuss in consequence of Web distributed computing framework

Table of Contents for full HTML of Multidisciplinary Applications

Denote Foils where Image Critical
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1 Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT 97 Dayton 16 June 97
2 Abstract of Multidisciplinary Application Talk
3 3 Important Areas! What are we doing and What are we not doing!
4 Interoperable Interfaces
5 VPL 2.0 File Manager Screen
6 Login to SP2 with a Web Interface at NIST - I
7 Login to SP2 with a Web Interface at NIST - III
8 Multidisciplinary Applications
9 Metacomputing
10 Metacomputing Includes
11 The Mapping of Heterogeneous Metaproblems onto Heterogeneous Metacomputer Systems
12 Computer Science Issues in 3 Categories
13 Possible Java Frameworks for Computing
14 New Java Frameworks for Advanced Web Services (I)
15 New Java Frameworks for Advanced Web Services (II)
16 Possible Java Frameworks for Computing
17 Too many Frameworks!
18 Proposed Java Computing Services Framework
19 Implementation of a Java Computing Framework
20 What is the HPJava@NPAC
21 Motivation of HPJava@NPAC - I A high performance Java Framework
22 Motivation of HPJava@NPAC - II A high performance Java Framework
23 Mechanisms for Data Parallelism in HPJava
24 Computing Services at 3 levels
25 Java Server versus HP level - I
26 Java Server versus HP level - I
27 Technology Convergence Roadmap - Overview
28 Java Server versus HP level - II
29 Role of Collaboratory Systems
30 HPJava@NPAC Prototype SubSystems - I
31 WebFlow Integration
32 WebFlow and PCRC
33 General Web Integration Model
34 Integrated Compiled and Interpreted Environments II
35 Linkage of HPF Interpreter to Compiler
36 HPJava@NPAC Prototype SubSystems - II (components)
37 Two Examples of Multidisciplinary Applications
38 The CISPAR Multidisciplinary Project
39 Computing Model in CISPAR
40 Coupling in CISPAR
41 COCOLIB Features
42 Three Possible Implementations
43 ASOP and Multidisciplinary Analysis and Design(MAD)
44 ASOP Implemented on the NII for Aeronautics Systems
45 Architecture of Web Software
46 Use of NII Services in Particular Applications
-- Manufacturing of Complex Systems

47 Cost is the Major Technology Challenge
48 Life Cycle Cost is a Design Variable in ASOP
49 NII Enhances ASOP in a Multi-Organization Activity
50 1.5 Cost Model Toolkit
51 1.6 Process Modeling Toolkit
52 ASOP Process Modeling Toolkit
53 1.7 Simulation Engine
54 2.0 ASOP Object Backplane - Integration Services to Users
55 Phase 2 Implementation Framework - Engineous
56 Phase 3 Engine Design & Manufacturing
57 2.1-2.5 ASOP Object Backplane Leverages NII
58 2.1 Collaboration Services - Support Virtual Co-location
59 2.2 Configuration Control Services - Critical for User
60 2.3 Metacomputing Services - Distributed Computing
61 2.4 Security and Access Services - Critical to ASOP
62 2.5 Object & Data Services - Robust Integration for ASOP

Outside Index Summary of Material

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared 27 June 97

Foil 1 Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT 97 Dayton 16 June 97

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
Full HTML Index
Geoffrey Fox
Syracuse University
111 College Place Syracuse NY 13244 4100

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared 27 June 97

Foil 2 Abstract of Multidisciplinary Application Talk

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
Full HTML Index
We distinguish multidisciplinary problems, metacomputing and Interoperable interfaces
We need to consider difficulties of metaproblems, metacomputers and even harder meta-institutions
we illustrate with two examples: one from Europe couples two applications (CFD and structures)
One ASOP, from an ambitious NASA funded industry study considers Integrated Product and Process Development of a future aircraft
We discuss in consequence of Web distributed computing framework

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared 27 June 97

Foil 3 3 Important Areas! What are we doing and What are we not doing!

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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Interoperable Interfaces: allow a given problem to be easily run on any one of many different hosts
Multidisciplinary Problems: A single job involves multiple different modules (say CFD and structures) which can on one or more machines
  • Call this a metaproblem
Metacomputing: Linkage of multiple, typically heterogeneous, computers to solve a given problem -- this is often a metaproblem
  • Metacomputing often used for multidisciplinary applications!

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared 27 June 97

Foil 4 Interoperable Interfaces

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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One example is VPL -- Virtual Programming Laboratory -- interface to HPF and MPI used by Syracuse and Cornell in courses/training
If you agree that it can be web based then naturally Implemented as Java Framework for Computing Services
Any Job
Computer A
Computer B
Computer C
Universal Interface

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared 27 June 97

Foil 5 VPL 2.0 File Manager Screen

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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Click on SnapShots in Virtual Programming Lab

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Foil 6 Login to SP2 with a Web Interface at NIST - I

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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From NIST Sp2 Web Interface by Robert Lipman http://www.nist.gov/itl/div887/sasg/websubmit/

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Foil 7 Login to SP2 with a Web Interface at NIST - III

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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From NIST Sp2 Web Interface by Robert Lipman htt/www.nist.gov/itl/div887/sasg/websubmit/

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Foil 8 Multidisciplinary Applications

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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Metaproblem Individual Computer or Metacomputer
Software Bus
Sequential or parallel or
Hardware Bus/Network of Metacomputer

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Foil 9 Metacomputing

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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Mapping of general Problem or metaproblem onto general local or wide area network of computers
Any Job
Computer A
Computer B
Computer C
Computer D

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Foil 10 Metacomputing Includes

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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Includes cases like: with a --&#062 A and b --&#062 B which is classic distributed computing
As well as classic parallel computing (e.g. HPF) with a heterogeneous target
And arbitrary mixtures thereof
12 Node SP-2
8 node PC Cluster

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared 27 June 97

Foil 11 The Mapping of Heterogeneous Metaproblems onto Heterogeneous Metacomputer Systems

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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Foil 12 Computer Science Issues in 3 Categories

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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Multidisciplinary Applications (in their simplest implementation) are distributed computing which is integration at server level in my Java Framework for distributed computing
General Metacomputing is the much harder combination of heterogeneous decomposition and integration
Interoperable interfaces involve setting of standards for a client server integration (Java computing services framework)

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared 27 June 97

Foil 13 Possible Java Frameworks for Computing

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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Geoffrey Fox, Wojtek Furmanski
Syracuse University
111 College Place Syracuse NY 13244 4100

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared 27 June 97

Foil 14 New Java Frameworks for Advanced Web Services (I)

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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A large number of new Java APIs for advanced Web Services are emerging from JavaSoft and partners. Many current problems such as with the NPS WebDIS networking will be soon solved in a more robust, stable and elegant fashion by the new high-level APIs.
Java APIs are organized in Java Frameworks. Current list of frameworks include:
  • Java Applet Framework - base JDK1.0.2 packages such as java.lang, java.util, java.io, java.net and java.awt.
  • Java Enterprise Framework - JavaIDL (CORBA API), RMI (Remote Method Invocation a.k.a Java-to-Java custom (non-CORBA) ORB), JDBC (Java Database Connectivity), Java Serialization, Java Web Server.

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared 27 June 97

Foil 15 New Java Frameworks for Advanced Web Services (II)

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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Java Security Framework - support for authentication encryption, digital signatures.
Java Commerce Framework - Java Wallet, Java Cassettes (digital credit cards).
Java Beans Framework - componentware API with support for GUI negotiation and merging, persistence (JAR files), event filtering, introspection, visual application builders
Java Media Framework - Java2D (with Adobe), animation (with Macromedia), audio/video (with Intel), Java3D (with SGI), JSDA (Java Shared Data API).
All APIs listed are either already operational within JDK1.1, or still in works (spec only or alpha or beta release) but with the final release dates in 1997.

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared 27 June 97

Foil 16 Possible Java Frameworks for Computing

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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Numerical Computing Framework
  • library interfaces, (sparse) matrix storage, complex, evaluation rules, IEEE floating point support, "BLAS"
Distributed Simulation Framework
  • Java implementations of DMSO HLA and DIS standards
Computing Services Framework
  • Enables Interoperable web compute interfaces
High Performance Framework
  • Parallel Computing, I/O, Databases, Object Brokers
  • Java MPI Interface
Distributed Computing Framework
  • Network of Java Servers

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared 27 June 97

Foil 17 Too many Frameworks!

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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These are too many frameworks and probably several are rather controversial as there is no agreed model of the use of Web in Computing
  • In fact, many people believe this is a mistake!
The most promising for early consideration are
1) The Numerical Computing Framework which is essentially use of Java in Computational Science and Engineering
2) The Computing Services Framework which we give a little more detail on.

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared 27 June 97

Foil 18 Proposed Java Computing Services Framework

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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Enables development of Web Interfaces to run a given job on any computer compliant with this framework just as JDBC gives a universal interface to any relational database
Compiling, Executing
Scheduling jobs as in Codine or LSF
Accessing and storing into File Systems
Visualization Interface (how applets access server side information)

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared 27 June 97

Foil 19 Implementation of a Java Computing Framework

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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The Computing Services Framework allows vendors to compete on User Front End (GUI) or back end services
The framework is implemented as a set of drivers which map generic Java Interfaces to particular software (e.g. a compiler) on particular machines.

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared 27 June 97

Foil 20 What is the HPJava@NPAC

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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HPJava@NPAC is a set of prototypes to explore features of a Java Framework for High Performance Computing
  • Some of the work holds for more general Java Computing Frameworks
We are now integrating them together to produce a reasonably complete Java based Prototype High Performance Computing Environment

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Foil 21 Motivation of HPJava@NPAC - I A high performance Java Framework

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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HPCC is a small field with limited resources for a very hard problem and must leverage as much software as possible
The Web provides an excellent pervasive user interface with Java Applets and WebWindows
The Web provides a potentially excellent high performance object oriented language (Java) for scientific and engineering computation
The Web provides a rich but modest performance distributed computing environment based on either Web Servers or Clients
  • We will choose to use servers as higher functionality although currently less broadly deployed

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Foil 22 Motivation of HPJava@NPAC - II A high performance Java Framework

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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So the Web provides "everything" except high performance and data parallelism(!)
  • Use Intranets and not Internets -- or Web software on tightly coupled parallel systems
  • Supply HPCC specific software that enables low latency communication and synchronization
Agree on standards (The High Performance Java Framework) so that one can maximize software re-use

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Foil 23 Mechanisms for Data Parallelism in HPJava

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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Java Wrappers (native classes or Server socket connections) around existing data parallel Fortran or C++
Native Java and MPI
  • Need Java MPI Interface as part of framework
Data Parallel Extensions of Java
  • Natural extensions of HPF and HPC++
  • Note one of the best C++ mechanisms (standard template library) doesn't work in Java
Java threads for data parallelism on SMP's

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Foil 24 Computing Services at 3 levels

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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1:User View: Interoperable Web Interface accessing services through Java Compute Services Framework 2:Network of Java Servers provide distributed services to databases, compute engines, collaboratories, object brokers, instruments
  • All control at this level
High Performance layer accessed when distributed services have insufficient performance
  • Hopefully transparent to user
  • implements data but not control level
Compute processes linked by MPI or distributed units of database, object broker, I/O system etc.
Java Servers

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Foil 25 Java Server versus HP level - I

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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If performance adequate, use server level as universal and so certainly put all control at server level
Coarse grain Integration at Server level
Fine grain linkage at High Performance layer
Java Socket

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Foil 26 Java Server versus HP level - I

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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Note JDBC (Java Database Connection) links clients to servers at natural (sequential) SQL query and database connection level
  • This is at server not high performance level
  • parallel database invoked transparently if implemented by server
CORBA is similar except parallel CORBA still needs to be understood!
  • Only at server level so far with JavaIDL
Suggest Java Compute Framework similarly defines interfaces to distributed computing level
  • Drop down to HPCC if and only if necessary

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Foil 27 Technology Convergence Roadmap - Overview

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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Foil 28 Java Server versus HP level - II

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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Compare two ways of linking two modules or two programs of a multidisciplinary application where each module has internal MPI implementation
Server Based or High Performance MPI InterModule connectivity

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Foil 29 Role of Collaboratory Systems

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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Systems like Tango or Habanero built around Java Servers integrate a group of multiple clients as a "Service" at the middle Java Server level
Group of collaborating clients
and client applications
Object Broker

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Foil 30 HPJava@NPAC Prototype SubSystems - I

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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VPL -- Virtual Programming Laboratory
  • WebWindows user interface to edit, compile and run HPF and MPI programs
WebFlow -- dataflow programming environment at the Java Server level
HPF Interpreter -- Java or JavaScript GUI to HPF (or MPI)
  • with middle level (server) as a "listener" matching HPF extrinsic interrupts to user execution and visualization requests

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Foil 31 WebFlow Integration

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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WebFlow gives an AVS like Interface to integrate multilanguage modules

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Foil 32 WebFlow and PCRC

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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A C++ PCRC SPMD Physics simulation is linked with disparate modules to filter output display
This demo is available on a video tape and with RealAudio narration

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Foil 33 General Web Integration Model

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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This model can be combined with emerging Web Collaboration, Object broker and database capabilities to support multidisciplinary applications and computational steering

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Foil 34 Integrated Compiled and Interpreted Environments II

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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User Interpreted Commands
invoking preloaded
Java/Javascript objects
Server invokes extrinsic
(true interpreter
or compiler invoked
Running Program
interruptable at
extrinsic interfaces

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared 27 June 97

Foil 35 Linkage of HPF Interpreter to Compiler

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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HPF statements and Visualization requests in Java, HPF etc.
HPF extrinsic procedure
Shared Object
Lexical Analysis: PCRC frontend.
HPF compilation: pghpf
Pool of shared objects
Dynamical linking
Instrumented HPF

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Foil 36 HPJava@NPAC Prototype SubSystems - II (components)

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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Fortran2Java translator of Fortran code into Java language
JavaMPI -- a partial Java Interface to MPI
TANGOsim -- Collaboratory Technology
  • links groups of clients and client application to Java Servers
SciVis Toolkit -- Library of client side applets
  • to visualize results produced by and performance data of running server side applications

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared 27 June 97

Foil 37 Two Examples of Multidisciplinary Applications

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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CISPAR: Ongoing ESPRIT (European Union) project involving academia and industry from multiple countries linking two MPI codes together (chosen from example 3D fluid and 2D solid industrial codes)
  • COCOLIB is general package for high performance parallel linkage between 2 MPI programs and to interpolate between 2D and 3D grids
ASOP MADIC was Syracuse led but largely industry driven and developed a full multidisciplinary multi-organization (inter) nationally distributed Integrated Product and Process Development (IPPD) framework
  • Complete requirements analysis but no implementation
  • 10,000 not 2 programs!

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Foil 38 The CISPAR Multidisciplinary Project

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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3 commercial codes (STAR-CD, PAM-CRASH, PERMAS) in CFD and structures
End Users from Aerospace, Ship (Insurance), Automobile and Heart Valve manufacturing arenas
High Performance computing expertise from industry (PALLAS), lab(GMD Bonn) and University (Imperial College UK)
Duration Jan 96 to Dec 98

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Foil 39 Computing Model in CISPAR

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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Each of two codes has steps
Input --&#062 Mesh Generation --&#062 Partitioning --&#062 MPI based simulation --&#062 Post Processing
COCOLIB communication library supplies Data and Control
MPI Processes of individual programs
Partition Individual Grids
COCOLIB Interpolates between grids of 2 programs

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Foil 40 Coupling in CISPAR

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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Need high performance linkage between two codes as couple "microscopically" at
  • Implicit level: 2 codes linked in simulation model as a single sparse matrix as well as
  • Semi-Implicit: Link codes after each inner iteration
  • Explicit: Only link codes after n time steps
In last case could perhaps use "high level" server linkage of codes

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Foil 41 COCOLIB Features

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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Needs heterogeneous MPI implementations
Designed to run with either
  • Both codes contained within the same MPP as different partitions
  • codes on separate MPP's but linked by high speed link (Metacomputing or rather the simpler distributed computing special case)
Must interpolate between different types (element shapes) of structured and unstructured meshes

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Foil 42 Three Possible Implementations

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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Optimal High Performance Choice
Data and Control
Data Only
CFD Server
Structures Server
Simplest Server level Implementation
Structures Server
CFD Server

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Foil 43 ASOP and Multidisciplinary Analysis and Design(MAD)

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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A set of manufacturing companies -- Rockwell International, Northrop Grumman, McDonnell Douglas, General Electric and General Motors is studying the NII implications for a particular MAD system "Affordable Systems Optimization Process" (ASOP)
Interesting parameters are that next major aircraft to be built could involve:
  • 6 major companies and 20,000 smaller supplier subcontractors
  • Number of engineers involved is about:
    • 50 at conceptual design
    • 200 at preliminary design
    • 2000 at final design
    • upto 10,000 in manufacturing and development
  • The design could involve upto 10,000 separate programs running in small linked clusters which vary from
    • Airflow simulation around plane to
    • expert system to plan location of inspection port to minimize maintenance costs
  • Critical is configuration management and system database

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Foil 44 ASOP Implemented on the NII for Aeronautics Systems

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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Foil 45 Architecture of Web Software

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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Application Specific NII Specific Services for
  • Education
  • HealthCare
  • Commerce
  • Manufacturing etc.

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Foil 46 Use of NII Services in Particular Applications
-- Manufacturing of Complex Systems

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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Critical feature is closely integrated collaboration of very many people and computers requiring
Metacomputing Simulation and distributed database support as in Collaboratory
Workflow support including configuration management and central CAD databases
Rich collaboration environment to support distributed design decisions
Standards and Security to allow interlinking of people and software from different organizations
Key special requirement is distributed coordination

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Foil 47 Cost is the Major Technology Challenge

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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Foil 48 Life Cycle Cost is a Design Variable in ASOP

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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Foil 49 NII Enhances ASOP in a Multi-Organization Activity

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Foil 50 1.5 Cost Model Toolkit

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Foil 51 1.6 Process Modeling Toolkit

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Foil 52 ASOP Process Modeling Toolkit

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Foil 53 1.7 Simulation Engine

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Foil 54 2.0 ASOP Object Backplane - Integration Services to Users

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Customizes general NII technologies to ASOP specific requirements
Provides the object, wrapper and agent services to share data in the ASOP design environment
Conforms to applicable protocol, ontological and data standards
Defines management, retrieval, and control functions for heterogeneous data and methods distribution
Interfaces to Team Infrastructures

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Foil 55 Phase 2 Implementation Framework - Engineous

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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Foil 56 Phase 3 Engine Design & Manufacturing

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Foil 57 2.1-2.5 ASOP Object Backplane Leverages NII

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Collaboration Services - support distributed, virtual collocation of aeronautics development teams
Configuration Control Services - provide configuration management for complex product data relationships
Metacomputing Services - facilitate effective use of powerful, distributed computing services
Security and Access Services - safeguard information and ensure validity of access to ASOP capabilities
Object and Data Service - implement for data transformations and resource integration

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Foil 58 2.1 Collaboration Services - Support Virtual Co-location

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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Employs emerging "open" NII services to support aeronautics teams and collaboration
  • PC based video and CAD conferencing
  • reliable, easy-to-use e-mail and data exchange
Expanded for large concurrent user base
  • support distributed team personnel interaction
  • allow simulation for assembly, operation, maintenance
Access additional NII bandwidth as needed

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Foil 59 2.2 Configuration Control Services - Critical for User

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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Focused on configuration control for aeronautics products and associated data
  • versioning, status, control, accounting and audit functions
  • insure correct information is presented to user
Provides services for managing common product model across distributed team
  • common semantics for data types across project
  • supports re-use of design information for new projects
Supports rollback of configurations and long-term archive of product and data configurations

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Foil 60 2.3 Metacomputing Services - Distributed Computing

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Facilitates distributed "computing" services available across an ASOP project team
Supports access to shared "supercomputer" resources on as needed basis for aeronautics ASOP projects
Interfaces to "open" NII services for ASOP users
  • information search applications across "world"
  • "virtual" access to computer services to meet specific needs
  • communication capabilities to support high bandwidth networks

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Foil 61 2.4 Security and Access Services - Critical to ASOP

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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Provides range of data/system security for ASOP
  • company proprietary data protection and exchanges
  • government classified data
  • validation of messages; integrity of messages
Support access control to ASOP capabilities
  • login and password controls
  • track user roles; access rules; administration support
Insure only authorized users access, modify, use ASOP services and information

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Foil 62 2.5 Object & Data Services - Robust Integration for ASOP

From Multidisciplinary Applications MAPINT97 Workshop -- 16-18 June 97. *
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Specializes generic "object/wrapper/agent" technologies to ASOP requirements
Provides object management; distribution; control and retrieval services
Stores and archives ASOP related data objects for re- use
Implements specific data exchange standards for data objects; i.e. STEP Application Protocols

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