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Multidisciplinary Applications

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at MAPINT97 Workshop on 16-18 June 97. Foils prepared 27 June 97

We distinguish multidisciplinary problems, metacomputing and Interoperable interfaces
We need to consider difficulties of metaproblems, metacomputers and even harder meta-institutions
we illustrate with two examples: one from Europe couples two applications (CFD and structures)
One ASOP, from an ambitious NASA funded industry study considers Integrated Product and Process Development of a future aircraft
We discuss in consequence of Web distributed computing framework

This mixed presentation uses parts of the following base foilsets which can also be looked at on their own!
DaytonJune97Master         Master Set of Foils for Two Talks at Dayton
                             (Multidisciplinary Applications, Tango 
NPACScreenDumps97          Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC 
                            Projects  January 97-
NPACScreenDumps96          Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC 
                            Projects April96-
Ida Industry Survey-1      Part A:Overview of HPCC Applications in 
                            Industry for Halloween IDA Presentation
JavaFrameWorksJune97       Possible Java Frameworks for Computing
DISHPCCARLJune97           Distributed Simulation (DIS,HLA) HPCC and 
                            the Object Web
PCRCMay97Master            Overview of Parallel Compiler Runtime 
                            Consortium Activities Master Foilset
GeneralFoils97             Variety of Foils Used Starting January 97
HPFInterpreterJune97       HPF Interpreter using Web Technologies
NIIASOP95B Master          Master of Overview of NII and Web 
                            Technology for NII ASOP Review  at Langley
ASOPSept95A                ASOP Framework and Technology Plan
CPS616Master97             Overview of CPS616 Technologies of the 
                            Information Age 1997
ASOPSept95B                ASOP Requirements for the NII

Table of Contents for Multidisciplinary Applications

         DaytonJune97Master 001 001 Multidisciplinary Applications 
                                    MAPINT 97 Dayton 16 June 97
         DaytonJune97Master 002 002 Abstract of Multidisciplinary 
                                    Application Talk
         DaytonJune97Master 003 003 3 Important Areas! What are we 
                                    doing and What are we not doing!

Interoperable Interfaces
         DaytonJune97Master 004 004 Interoperable Interfaces
          NPACScreenDumps97 177 005 VPL 2.0 File Manager Screen
          NPACScreenDumps96 179 006 Login to SP2 with a Web Interface 
                                    at NIST - I
          NPACScreenDumps96 181 007 Login to SP2 with a Web Interface 
                                    at NIST - III

MultiDisciplinary Applications
         DaytonJune97Master 005 008 Multidisciplinary Applications

         DaytonJune97Master 006 009 Metacomputing
         DaytonJune97Master 007 010 Metacomputing Includes
      Ida Industry Survey-1 040 011 The Mapping of Heterogeneous 
                                    Metaproblems onto Heterogeneous 
                                    Metacomputer Systems

Summary of 3 Areas Discussed
         DaytonJune97Master 008 012 Computer Science Issues in 3 

Java Frameworks?
       JavaFrameWorksJune97 001 013 Possible Java Frameworks for 
           DISHPCCARLJune97 024 014 New Java Frameworks for Advanced 
                                    Web Services (I)
           DISHPCCARLJune97 025 015 New Java Frameworks for Advanced 
                                    Web Services (II)
       JavaFrameWorksJune97 002 016 Possible Java Frameworks for 
       JavaFrameWorksJune97 003 017 Too many Frameworks!
       JavaFrameWorksJune97 004 018 Proposed Java Computing Services 
       JavaFrameWorksJune97 005 019 Implementation of a Java Computing

       JavaFrameWorksJune97 006 020 What is the HPJava@NPAC
       JavaFrameWorksJune97 007 021 Motivation of HPJava@NPAC - I A 
                                    high performance Java Framework
       JavaFrameWorksJune97 008 022 Motivation of HPJava@NPAC - II A 
                                    high performance Java Framework
       JavaFrameWorksJune97 009 023 Mechanisms for Data Parallelism in
       JavaFrameWorksJune97 010 024 Computing Services at 3 levels
       JavaFrameWorksJune97 011 025 Java Server versus HP level - I
       JavaFrameWorksJune97 012 026 Java Server versus HP level - I
           DISHPCCARLJune97 005 027 Technology Convergence Roadmap - 
       JavaFrameWorksJune97 013 028 Java Server versus HP level - II
       JavaFrameWorksJune97 014 029 Role of Collaboratory Systems

HPJava @NPAC Projects
       JavaFrameWorksJune97 015 030 HPJava@NPAC Prototype SubSystems -
            PCRCMay97Master 009 031 WebFlow Integration
            PCRCMay97Master 010 032 WebFlow and PCRC
            PCRCMay97Master 011 033 General Web Integration Model
             GeneralFoils97 064 034 Integrated Compiled and 
                                    Interpreted Environments II
       HPFInterpreterJune97 005 035 Linkage of HPF Interpreter to 
       JavaFrameWorksJune97 016 036 HPJava@NPAC Prototype SubSystems -
                                     II (components)

2 MultiDisciplinary Projects CISPAR ASOP
         DaytonJune97Master 009 037 Two Examples of Multidisciplinary 

CISPAR in europe
         DaytonJune97Master 010 038 The CISPAR Multidisciplinary 
         DaytonJune97Master 011 039 Computing Model in CISPAR
         DaytonJune97Master 012 040 Coupling in CISPAR
         DaytonJune97Master 013 041 COCOLIB Features
         DaytonJune97Master 014 042 Three Possible Implementations

          NIIASOP95B Master 015 043 ASOP and Multidisciplinary 
                                    Analysis and Design(MAD)
                ASOPSept95A 002 044 ASOP Implemented on the NII for 
                                    Aeronautics Systems
             CPS616Master97 010 045 Architecture of Web Software
          NIIASOP95B Master 014 046 Use of NII Services in Particular 
                                    -- Manufacturing of Complex 
                ASOPSept95B 007 047 Cost is the Major Technology 
                ASOPSept95B 008 048 Life Cycle Cost is a Design 
                                    Variable in ASOP
                ASOPSept95B 009 049 NII Enhances ASOP in a 
                                    Multi-Organization Activity
                ASOPSept95B 020 050 1.5 Cost Model Toolkit
                ASOPSept95B 021 051 1.6 Process Modeling Toolkit
                ASOPSept95A 015 052 ASOP Process Modeling Toolkit
                ASOPSept95B 022 053 1.7 Simulation Engine
                ASOPSept95B 024 054 2.0  ASOP Object Backplane - 
                                    Integration Services to Users
                ASOPSept95B 040 055 Phase 2 Implementation Framework -
                ASOPSept95B 041 056 Phase 3 Engine Design & 
                ASOPSept95B 025 057 2.1-2.5 ASOP Object Backplane 
                                    Leverages NII
                ASOPSept95A 023 058 2.1 Collaboration Services - 
                                    Support Virtual Co-location
                ASOPSept95A 024 059 2.2 Configuration Control Services
                                     - Critical for User
                ASOPSept95A 025 060 2.3 Metacomputing Services - 
                                    Distributed Computing
                ASOPSept95A 026 061 2.4 Security and Access Services -
                                     Critical to ASOP
                ASOPSept95A 027 062 2.5 Object & Data Services - 
                                    Robust Integration for ASOP

List of Foils Used as they occur

DaytonJune97Master         Master Set of Foils for Two Talks at Dayton
                             (Multidisciplinary Applications, Tango 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
NPACScreenDumps97          Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC 
                            Projects  January 97-
NPACScreenDumps96          Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC 
                            Projects April96-
179 181
Ida Industry Survey-1      Part A:Overview of HPCC Applications in 
                            Industry for Halloween IDA Presentation
JavaFrameWorksJune97       Possible Java Frameworks for Computing
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
DISHPCCARLJune97           Distributed Simulation (DIS,HLA) HPCC and 
                            the Object Web
24 25 5
PCRCMay97Master            Overview of Parallel Compiler Runtime 
                            Consortium Activities Master Foilset
9 10 11
GeneralFoils97             Variety of Foils Used Starting January 97
HPFInterpreterJune97       HPF Interpreter using Web Technologies
NIIASOP95B Master          Master of Overview of NII and Web 
                            Technology for NII ASOP Review  at Langley
15 14
ASOPSept95A                ASOP Framework and Technology Plan
2 15 23 24 25 26 27
CPS616Master97             Overview of CPS616 Technologies of the 
                            Information Age 1997
ASOPSept95B                ASOP Requirements for the NII
7 8 9 20 21 22 24 40 41 25

Sorted List of Foils Used

DaytonJune97Master         Master Set of Foils for Two Talks at Dayton
                             (Multidisciplinary Applications, Tango 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
NPACScreenDumps97          Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC 
                            Projects  January 97-
NPACScreenDumps96          Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC 
                            Projects April96-
179 181
Ida Industry Survey-1      Part A:Overview of HPCC Applications in 
                            Industry for Halloween IDA Presentation
JavaFrameWorksJune97       Possible Java Frameworks for Computing
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
DISHPCCARLJune97           Distributed Simulation (DIS,HLA) HPCC and 
                            the Object Web
5 24 25
PCRCMay97Master            Overview of Parallel Compiler Runtime 
                            Consortium Activities Master Foilset
9 10 11
GeneralFoils97             Variety of Foils Used Starting January 97
HPFInterpreterJune97       HPF Interpreter using Web Technologies
NIIASOP95B Master          Master of Overview of NII and Web 
                            Technology for NII ASOP Review  at Langley
14 15
ASOPSept95A                ASOP Framework and Technology Plan
2 15 23 24 25 26 27
CPS616Master97             Overview of CPS616 Technologies of the 
                            Information Age 1997
ASOPSept95B                ASOP Requirements for the NII
7 8 9 20 21 22 24 25 40 41

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