HELP! * GREEN=global GREY=local Global HTML version of Foils prepared 10 November 1995

Foil 21 Critical Emerging Web Technologies

From NII Technologies from WebTop Productivity to Computing Minnesota Presentations at Cray Research and University -- 13-14 November 95. by Geoffrey C. Fox * See also color IMAGE

Java -- an interpreted C++ like language (script) allowing fully interactive clients which execute applets. Has full set of classes to make clients such as HOTJava. Licensed by Netscape
VRML -- a 3 dimensional HTML allowing universal description of physical objects and allowing interchange of virtual worlds, commercial product designs etc.
PERL5 -- an extension of PERL4 with full object oriented characteristics and extended pointer(array) constructs -- allows construction of Web Software obeying good software engineering practices
Telescript -- forced into semiopen by Java (!?) -- dynamic Web Transport and Server technology replacing HTTP,MIME ..
Multithreaded WebServers integrating current Web, Compute and digital multimedia delivery services -- future Enterprise Systems

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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