HELP! * GREEN=global GREY=local Global HTML version of Foils prepared 10 November 1995

Foil 62 WebHPL: HPCC Infrastructure for WebWindows

From Software and System Issues in use of Optical Interconnects in MPPs MPPOI 95 Conference -- 24 October 95. by Geoffrey C. Fox * See also color IMAGE

In WebWork, we also propose an interpreter of HPFCL -- High Performance Fortran Coordination Language, which will support coarse grain distributed HPF computation. Compiled HPF modules, published on individual nodes of the WWVM, will be easily invoked by HPFCL scripts, integrated with GUI front-ends (such as Khoros etc.) and employed in collective computation on the WWVM.
In WebHPL we further explore the concept of interpreted HPCC language environments and we propose an object-oriented Web based parallel programming environment supporting HPF and C++ for distributed metacomputing.
WebHPL, or Web based High Performance Languages, is our most ambitious project in the area of Web and HPCC integration. It addresses both base software engineering and applications, and it refers both to backend and frontend layers of language compilers and interpreters, seeking a uniform programming model for interactive HPCC.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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