Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 15 March 98

Foil 24 JWORB - Demo of HTTP+IIOP Integration

From General NPAC Foils-98A starting January 98 (PowerPoint) SANDIA Presentation -- 11 March 98. by Wojtek Furmanski, Tom Haupt

1 Screendumps illustrate Performance Monitoring Applet which measures and displays real-time performance of the ping sequence between Netscape4 ORBlet client and JWORB server using IIOP protocol.
2 Screen 1 illustrates the Performance Monitoring applet in a typical steady state of operation
3 Screen 2 illustrates the same applet while the client downloads a Web page (with JWORB paper text and gifs) from JWORB/HTTP server - HTTP spikes indicate transient performance losses in the IIOP channel.

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