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Status of WebFlow HPcc and JWORB

Given by Wojtek Furmanski, Tom Haupt at SANDIA Presentation on 11 March 98. Foils prepared 15 March 98

We first describe the architecture of current WebFlow implementation of an NCSA Grand Challenge -- that for Quantum Montecarlo Simulations
This shows multi-tier structure and integration of databases and Globus
Then we describe Status and Design of JWORB which is a Java Server that combines CORBA Web and COM capabilities and so implements concept of the pragmatic object Web
We give performance results compared to RMI and CORBA brokers
We describe a "ping demo" which nicely shows interplay between CORBA and Web capabilities
We describe the RTI application to distributed modeling and simulation

This mixed presentation uses parts of the following base foilsets which can also be looked at on their own!
GeneralFoils98A          General NPAC Foils-98A starting January 98 
NPACScreenDumps97        Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC 
                          Projects  January 97-
CompGridSept97           Commodity(Web) Technologies in the service of
                           Computational Grids
NPACScreenDumps98        Collection of Images for General NPAC 
                          Projects  January 98-
JWORBStatusMar98         Status of JWORB Java Web/CORBA Server

Table of Contents for Status of WebFlow HPcc and JWORB

          GeneralFoils98A 057 001 Status of JWORB WebFlow HPcc and HLA
                                   Applications Integration with 
          GeneralFoils98A 058 002 Abstract of WebFlow and JWORB Status

Basic WebFlow
          GeneralFoils98A 049 003 Visual Programming WebFlow, DARP on 
          GeneralFoils98A 018 004 WebFlow Flip Module
        NPACScreenDumps97 208 005 WebFlow Globus and FrontEnd 
                                  (DARP,SciVis) Architecture II
           CompGridSept97 022 006 Example of WebFlow = AVS/Khoros 
                                  using Web
           CompGridSept97 023 007 WebFlow: Image Processing
        NPACScreenDumps97 213 008 Use of HSV filter in WebFlow
        NPACScreenDumps97 215 009 Use of Wave Filter in WebFlow

DARP Architecture
        NPACScreenDumps97 202 010 Planned Architecture of DARP User 
                                  Level Debugging and Rapid 
                                  Prototyping System
        NPACScreenDumps97 226 011 Code WebFlow and Image Processing 
                                  Parameters for Spatial Filter from 
                                  SciVis in WebFlow from DARP II
        NPACScreenDumps97 227 012 Code WebFlow and Image Processing 
                                  Parameters and SciVis Output from 
                                  DARP I

Status of WebFlow used in NCSA Alliance Project
        NPACScreenDumps98 066 013 Description of Quantum Montecarlo 
                                  Computational Structure
        NPACScreenDumps98 067 014 Logical Structure of Hpcc 
                                  Implementation of Quantum Montecarlo
        NPACScreenDumps98 068 015 Description of WebFlow 
                                  Implementation of Quantum Montecarlo
        NPACScreenDumps98 069 016 Physical Architecture of 
                                  WebFlow/Globus Quantum Montecarlo 
                                  Problem Solving Environment

Status of JWORB
         JWORBStatusMar98 001 017 JWORB as of March 9, `98 NPAC's Java
                                   Web Server
         JWORBStatusMar98 003 018 JWORB - Java Web Object Request 
         JWORBStatusMar98 004 019 JWORB - Integrates Distributed 
                                  Object Models
         JWORBStatusMar98 005 020 JWORB based Object Web Integration
         JWORBStatusMar98 006 021 JWORB - Current Status (March `98)
         JWORBStatusMar98 007 022 JWORB - Early Performance Results
         JWORBStatusMar98 008 023 JWORB Performance
         JWORBStatusMar98 009 024 JWORB - Demo of HTTP+IIOP 
         JWORBStatusMar98 010 025 JWORB Demo for HTTP+IIOP Integration
         JWORBStatusMar98 011 026 JWORB Demo for HTTP+IIOP Integration
         JWORBStatusMar98 012 027 JWORB -Next Steps (Spring/Summer 
         JWORBStatusMar98 013 028 Early JWORB based Applications
         JWORBStatusMar98 014 029 WebHLA as of March 9,  `98
         JWORBStatusMar98 015 030 WebHLA - Current JWORB Application 
         JWORBStatusMar98 016 031 DoD M&S versus Object Web
         JWORBStatusMar98 017 032 HLA, RTI, CORBA, DMSO  and JWORB
         JWORBStatusMar98 018 033 JWORB based Object Web RTI
         JWORBStatusMar98 019 034 RTI 1.0
         JWORBStatusMar98 020 035 RTI Time Management
         JWORBStatusMar98 021 036 Data Distribution Management
         JWORBStatusMar98 022 037 JWORB based Object Web RTI
         JWORBStatusMar98 023 038 WebHLA Projects at NPAC
         JWORBStatusMar98 024 039 WebHLA - Planning Parallel & 
                                  Distributed RTI - Ultimate Scenario
         JWORBStatusMar98 025 040 WebHLA - Fall `97
         JWORBStatusMar98 026 041 Use of WebFlow in WebHLA
         JWORBStatusMar98 027 042 HLA FEDEP  Federation Development 
         JWORBStatusMar98 028 043 WebFlow based Visual Simulation 
         JWORBStatusMar98 029 044 WebHLA based Virtual Prototyping 

List of Foils Used as they occur

GeneralFoils98A          General NPAC Foils-98A starting January 98 
57 58 49 18
NPACScreenDumps97        Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC 
                          Projects  January 97-
208 213 215 202 226 227
CompGridSept97           Commodity(Web) Technologies in the service of
                           Computational Grids
22 23
NPACScreenDumps98        Collection of Images for General NPAC 
                          Projects  January 98-
66 67 68 69
JWORBStatusMar98         Status of JWORB Java Web/CORBA Server
1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Sorted List of Foils Used

GeneralFoils98A          General NPAC Foils-98A starting January 98 
18 49 57 58
NPACScreenDumps97        Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC 
                          Projects  January 97-
202 208 213 215 226 227
CompGridSept97           Commodity(Web) Technologies in the service of
                           Computational Grids
22 23
NPACScreenDumps98        Collection of Images for General NPAC 
                          Projects  January 98-
66 67 68 69
JWORBStatusMar98         Status of JWORB Java Web/CORBA Server
1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

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