Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 14 Dec 97

Foil 28 What are General Properties of Curricula Objects

From Master Set of WebWisdom Education and Training System: Distributed Objects and Collaboration NSF Workshop -- 3 Dec 97. by Geoffrey C. Fox

Each object has contents which could be embedded document types such as images, bullets ..
Each object has a "Next" and "Previous" object inherited from container
There would be for each display of object, an "up/down" state representing where (e.g. which bullet) teacher or student is
One would attach to object, the audio/video clip of teacher presenting it
There would be as in PowerPoint, "notes" attached to object
Licensing information
There would be log events attached to object used in assessment as well grades and grading method.
Particular curricula objects would inherit general properties but also have special properties which would be different for an HTML page and Physics Simulation Java Applet

© Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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