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Foil 7 Enterprise Models:
(Forms of Industry, Government and Academic (IGA) collaboration)

From Working Group 2 at Pasadena2 Workshop Second Pasadena Workshop on HPCC Software -- January 10-11,1995. by Geoffrey C. Fox * See also color IMAGE

1) Viable base model: Build HPCC software on an internally viable base such as distributed computing or the WWW.
2) Internally consistent model: areas where business case for HPCC is internally viable (eg decision support)
3) Partnership model: Government supported teams collaborating with industry teams (eg oil and gas)
4) Pulse/Seed support model: IGA teams to develop applications (eg Europort, IBM, TMC,...)
5) Ongoing support model: of areas of national importance, but without identified commercial markets (NSA, Weapons, QCD)
6) Dual benefit model: Government market bootstraps viable commercial market or vice versa.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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