CRS for Irregular Distributed Arrays (Maryland)
HPF Compilers
HPC++ Compilers
Retargeting Existing Compilers
Developing New Compilers
Other Compilers
Common computational functions (SU)
Common data movement routines (SU)
CRS for Regular Distributed Arrays (Syracuse)
Common Runtime System Interface (Indiana)
Common code and data descriptors for arrays in HPC languages
Common compiler data movement interface specifications
CRS Inter-operability
with other RTS
Address translation mechanisms (UoM)
Common data movement deriving and optimizing routines (IU)
Texas (DAGH)
Future Compilers
Community Driven Investigation of sequential and parallel Java as a scientific and engineering programming language
Second June 21 Workshop at PPoPP has ᡪ attendees
New algorithms and high performance implementations for combine, scatter runtime
High level SPMD Programming Model above MPI
New approaches to integrating HPF, C++, Java in interpreted and compiled modes using Web technology
New ways of detecting optimal collective communication needed by HPF statements
Compiler front end test suite
There is a web-based DIS project at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) at Monterey, CA, led by Don Brutzman who is NPS faculty, member of VRML Consortium and Moderator of newly formed dis-java-vrml mailing list.
The goal of the project is to explore Java for DIS protocol implementation and networking, VRML2 for visualization of the simulated virtual DIS worlds, and Web browsers for the GUI packaging and integration.
The current NPS experiment uses exclusively Java, VRML and HTML to implement a proof-of-the-concept demo. In a more complete Web DIS, the actual simulation engines will be likely provided by the optimized legacy codes, suitably interfaced to Java based communication and VRML based rendering.
Web'97 is already quite elaborate at the client/browser side but still rather simplistic at the server side (base HTTP with CGI extensions).
New Java Frameworks (Enterprise, Media) bring new family of Java servers that can implement an object based middleware and backend layers for the Web based services including computing.
One critical development in the distributed objects domain is the IIOP (Internet Inter-ORB Protocol), mandatory in CORBA2 and offering a new server-to-server communication standard between commercial ORBs from various vendors.
At the moment, Web Server market is dominated by customized or/and proprietary systems but there is a new strong tendency to standardize the Web middleware around the CORBA paradigm.
'Java based ORB' is a CORBA2 compliant ORB written exclusively in Java, and hence fully portable and ready to run also on the Wintel platform, where distributed objects were so far under control of Microsoft DCOM/ActiveX model.
The new emergent Object Web framework includes Web servers in the middleware, Java applets in the front-end and Java ORBs on both sides.
Client-side ORB (or ORBlet) can be either downloaded as part of the applet, or resident on the client host, or embedded in the browser (as planned by Netscape).
Applet downloads via HTTP and connects via ORBlet's IIOP to a middleware ORB. This middleware ORB can be either another server or part of the Web server.
Middleware ORB connects via IIOP to other ORBs on the CORBA bus. This mechanism enables global connectivity via CORBA white/yellow page services such as Naming Service or Trader Service and their federations.
Client-side ORBlet is also a lightweight server - hence clients can be called by servers via the CORBA callback mechanism. This enables interactive feedback, asynchronous notification and a variety of collaboratory frameworks over the CORBA bus.
DoD modeling community is currently evolving towards the HLA(High level Architecture) framework with the RTI (Run Time Infrastructure) based communication bus.
The goal of HLA/RTI is to enhance interoperability across more diverse simulators than in the DIS realm, ranging from real-time to time-stepped to event-driven paradigms.
HLA defines a set of rules governing how simulators (federates) interact with each others. Federates describe their objects via Object Model Template (OMT) and agree on a common Federation Object Model (FOM).
The overall HLA/RTI model is strongly influenced by the CORBA architecture and in fact the current prototype development is indeed CORBA based.
We next step is to combine CORBA2 (Initial HLA/RTI is CORBA1) with NPS prototype ideas to give a fully object and Web integrated event driven simulation environment.
Java3D is natural visualization environment in this scenario
Our HPCC Server model is consistent with the Object Web trends
The servers provide high functionality CORBA2 services with an event based control mechanisms
A new HPCORBA data transfer layer implements high performance object method invocations
Current WebFlow functionality, limited to classical dataflow, can be extended to support also visual authoring of CORBA business objects and in a component based software approach, WebFlow will be a CORBA vertical framework aimed at distributed computing.
JavaBeans are the base software components which have a visual programming model which links ideas in systems such as Hence CODE AVS WebFlow with modern software engineering practice.
In summary, we propose HPCORBA based WebFlow with JavaBeans front-ends as an effective delivery platform for integrating HPCC and DoD Modeling, Simulation and Testing environments with modern high productivity software development environments.
The following figure illustrates a possible CORBA-HPCC integration framework ( HPCORBA )
Each node of a parallel machine runs a lightweight (e.g. Nexus based ) ORBlet which enables both local and remote object services.
Coming CORBA3/MOM based messaging and object-by-value frameworks adapted to provide high-performance (e.g. MPI based) object-oriented (IIOP based) inter-node communication.
Parallel Computation graphs are represented by Interface Definition Language (IDL) in a language independent way and optimized by parallel compiler technologies.
Specific language bindings would result in HPF, HPC++ or HPJava implementations.
This framework provides interoperability with the emergent Object Web software industry and offers an elegant solution for scalable parallel I/O ( linking HPCORBA with Oracle CORBA )