HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 58 Approachs to Parallel Java - High Level - I

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. by Geoffrey C. Fox *

1 Parallel C++ approach (Standard Template Libraries etc.) does not work
  • Cannot overload operators
2 Could copy HPF directive approach but as this requires major compiler development, this does not seem appropriate in near future
  • Approachs that need simple preprocessor are probably acceptable
  • parallel Fortran 77 approach is easier with identification of loop level parallelism
3 In particular can use this with Java threads running on SMP as target i.e. use Java runtime to get parallelism automatically if we spawn appropriate threads
4 This work can be done on .class (Bytecode) or .java (Java language) files

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