Scripted HTML version of Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 22 What is the Problem -II?

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. by Geoffrey C. Fox *

4)Web Technologies are very rich and are perhaps 10 times as complicated as HPCC and Parallel Programming
Much harder to match the drumbeat of web than drumbeat of HPCC
I use a research <--> Teach iterative cycle to learn and understand significance of new technologies
  • I now spend a great deal more time teaching than I used to!
  • The amount of important material appears to require this!
5)Rapid evolution of technologies implies that any "product" is bound to be out of date
  • Use (Web) standards to make it easier to incorporate new standards
  • But VRML2 very different from VRML1
  • JDBC very different from Oracle WoW database technology

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