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Scripted foilset And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany on April 21,23 97. Foils prepared April 27 97
Outside Index Summary of Material

This talk was presented at the "Kolloquium uber Parallelverarbeitung in technisch-naturwissenschaftlichen" at Aachen April 21, 1997 and (without PetaFlop comments) at the Pallas Software company (Bruhl Germany) April 23, 1997
The visit was sponsored by GMD Bonn SCAI (Ulrich Trottenberg)
We discussed the expected PetaFlop architectures with their challenges and then the new software approaches suggested by the Web
Please go to URL http://www.npac.syr.edu/projects/javaforcse
We describe 3 major areas where Java (and other Web Technologies) can have significant impact
1) Java can be used to build user Interfaces and here we describe the Virtual Programming Laboratory VPL
2) Java can support coarse grain integration and metacomputing
  • Here we describe both WebFlow (AVS on the web) and Tango (a Java Collaboratory)
  • Both Computational Steering and "Forces Modelling" seem naturally implemented with this technology
3) Java as a traditional compiled language for computational kernels
  • Integration of Interpreted and Compiled Environments
  • The latter discussion included details on parallel Java

Table of Contents for full HTML of And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies

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1 And the Future is ........
The Use of Java in Scientific Computing and PetaFlop Systems!
See: http://www.npac.syr.edu/users/gcf/petaflopapril97

2 Java and PetaFlop Systems Abstract
3 Supercomputer Architectures in Years 2005-2010 -- I
4 Supercomputer Architectures in Years 2005-2010 -- II
5 Supercomputer Architectures in Years 2005-2010 -- III
6 Performance Per Transistor
7 New "Strawman" PIM Processing Node Macro
8 "Strawman" Chip Floorplan
9 Comparison of Supercomputer Architectures
10 Overall Remarks on the March to PetaFlops - II
11 10 Possible PetaFlop Applications
12 Time for a Software Revolution?
13 The Current HPCC Program Execution Model (PEM) illustratrated by MPI/HPF
14 The PetaSoft Program Execution Model
15 Java for Scientific Computing Resource
16 Web Software is the Best!
17 Synergy of InterNet and IntraNets
18 Implications of the Computing Pyramid
19 We have the Web Tools in Place - I !
20 We have the Web Tools in Place - II!
21 What is the Problem -I?
22 What is the Problem -II?
23 Opportunities in HPCC - I?
24 There are (at least) 3 Major Roles for JAVA in Computation
25 The 3 Roles of Java
26 Java for Building User Interfaces
27 Summary of the VPL -- Virtual Programming Laboratory
28 The Virtual Programming Laboratory
29 Structure of Java Wrappers in the VPL
30 The Java Applet Supporting Data Visualization in the VPL
31 Kivanc Dincer's Java FrontEnd to Pablo - I
32 What is Relevance of VRML(2) for Scientific Computing?
33 GIS integration with Weather Simulation application - II.
34 Opportunities in HPCC - II?
35 Web Based MetaComputing
36 Article on MIP Sucking Java Applets
37 Java Server Based Web Computing
38 Java Server Structure in WebFlow
39 TANGOsim Collaboration/ Simulation/ Training in Java
40 Typical Web Collaboration Architecture
41 The TANGOsim C2 Application
42 TANGO Highlights - I
43 TANGO Highlights - II
44 RomeLab C2 Auxiliary Applications
45 TANGOsim for Distributed Simulation and Computational Steering - I
46 TANGOsim for Distributed Simulation and Computational Steering - II
47 Java as the Language for Computational Kernels!
48 Some Critical Features of Java as a Programming Language
49 Comparison of Java and Fortran 77/90
50 Java Links the Bottom and Top of Pyramid
51 Isn't the Web hardware and software too slow to be interesting for HPCC? -Java- I
52 What Limits Performance of Compiled Java?
53 Isn't the Web hardware and software too slow to be interesting for HPCC? -Java- III
54 Decomposition Versus Integration
55 Classes of Simulations and their High Performance Needs
56 Some Critical Features of Java and Parallelism - II
57 Approachs to Parallel Java - SPMD Model i.e. user writes Node Program
58 Approachs to Parallel Java - High Level - I
59 Approachs to Parallel Java - High Level - II
60 Network of Web Servers and Clients
61 More on Interpreted Java Front Ends
62 Integration of Interpreted and Compiled Environments
63 Hierarchy of Software Levels
64 Classes of Simulations and their High Performance Needs
65 Some Critical Features of Java and Parallelism - II
66 Isn't the Web hardware and software too slow to be interesting for HPCC? -Java- II
67 Remarks on HPJava -- Data Parallel Java - II
68 Select Active Processors in HPJava Demo
69 Game of Life Execution Pattern in HPJava Demo
70 Approachs to Parallel Java - High Level - III

Outside Index Summary of Material

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 1 And the Future is ........
The Use of Java in Scientific Computing and PetaFlop Systems!
See: http://www.npac.syr.edu/users/gcf/petaflopapril97

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Talks in Germany April 21-23 1997
Geoffrey Fox
Syracuse University
111 College Place
New York 13244-4100

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 2 Java and PetaFlop Systems Abstract

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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This talk was presented at the "Kolloquium uber Parallelverarbeitung in technisch-naturwissenschaftlichen" at Aachen April 21, 1997 and (without PetaFlop comments) at the Pallas Software company (Bruhl Germany) April 23, 1997
The visit was sponsored by GMD Bonn SCAI (Ulrich Trottenberg)
We discussed the expected PetaFlop architectures with their challenges and then the new software approaches suggested by the Web
Please go to URL http://www.npac.syr.edu/projects/javaforcse
We describe 3 major areas where Java (and other Web Technologies) can have significant impact
1) Java can be used to build user Interfaces and here we describe the Virtual Programming Laboratory VPL
2) Java can support coarse grain integration and metacomputing
  • Here we describe both WebFlow (AVS on the web) and Tango (a Java Collaboratory)
  • Both Computational Steering and "Forces Modelling" seem naturally implemented with this technology
3) Java as a traditional compiled language for computational kernels
  • Integration of Interpreted and Compiled Environments
  • The latter discussion included details on parallel Java

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 3 Supercomputer Architectures in Years 2005-2010 -- I

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Conventional (Distributed Shared Memory) Silcon
  • Clock Speed 1GHz
  • 4 eight way parallel Complex RISC nodes per chip
  • 4000 Processing chips gives over 100 tera(fl)ops
  • 8000 2 Gigabyte DRAM gives 16 Terabytes Memory
Note Memory per Flop is much less than one to one
Natural scaling says time steps decrease at same rate as spatial intervals and so memory needed goes like (FLOPS in Gigaflops)**.75
  • If One Gigaflop requires One Gigabyte of memory (Or is it one Teraflop that needs one Terabyte?)

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 4 Supercomputer Architectures in Years 2005-2010 -- II

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Superconducting Technology is promising but can it compete with silicon juggernaut?
Should be able to build a simple 200 Ghz Superconducting CPU with modest superconducting caches (around 32 Kilobytes)
Must use same DRAM technology as for silicon CPU ?
So tremendous challenge to build latency tolerant algorithms (as over a factor of 100 difference in CPU and memory speed) but advantage of factor 30-100 less parallelism needed

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 5 Supercomputer Architectures in Years 2005-2010 -- III

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Processor in Memory (PIM) Architecture is follow on to J machine (MIT) Execube (IBM -- Peter Kogge) Mosaic (Seitz)
  • More Interesting in 2007 as processors are be "real" and have nontrivial amount of memory
  • Naturally fetch a complete row (column) of memory at each access - perhaps 1024 bits
One could take in year 2007 each two gigabyte memory chip and alternatively build as a mosaic of
  • One Gigabyte of Memory
  • 1000 250,000 transistor simple CPU's running at 1 Gigaflop each and each with one megabyte of on chip memory
12000 chips (Same amount of Silicon as in first design but perhaps more power) gives:
  • 12 Terabytes of Memory
  • 12 Petaflops performance
  • This design "extrapolates" specialized DSP's , the GRAPE (specialized teraflop N body machine) etc to a "somewhat specialized" system with a general CPU but a special memory poor architecture with particular 2/3D layout

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Foil 6 Performance Per Transistor

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Performance data from uP vendors
Transistor count excludes on-chip caches
Performance normalized by clock rate
Conclusion: Simplest is best! (250K Transistor CPU)
Millions of Transistors (CPU)
Millions of Transistors (CPU)
Normalized SPECINTS
Normalized SPECFLTS

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Foil 7 New "Strawman" PIM Processing Node Macro

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Foil 8 "Strawman" Chip Floorplan

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Foil 9 Comparison of Supercomputer Architectures

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Fixing 10-20 Terabytes of Memory, we can get
16000 way parallel natural evolution of today's machines with various architectures from distributed shared memory to clustered heirarchy
  • Peak Performance is 150 Teraflops with memory systems like today but worse with more levels of cache
5000 way parallel Superconducting system with 1 Petaflop performance but terrible imbalance between CPU and memory speeds
12 million way parallel PIM system with 12 petaflop performance and "distributed memory architecture" as off chip access with have serious penalities
There are many hybrid and intermediate choices -- these are extreme examples of "pure" architectures

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 10 Overall Remarks on the March to PetaFlops - II

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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All proposed designs have VERY deep memory hierarchies which are a challenge to algorithms, compilers and even communication subsystems
Major need for hig-end performance computers comes from government (both civilian and military) applications
  • DoE ASCI (study of aging of nuclear weopens) and Weather/Climate prediction are two examples
Government must develop systems using commercial suppliers but NOT relying on traditionasl industry applications to motivate
So Currently Petaflop initiative is thought of as an applied development project whereas HPCC was mainly a research endeavour

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 11 10 Possible PetaFlop Applications

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Nuclear Weopens Stewardship (ASCI)
Cryptology and Digital Signal Processing
Satellite Data Analysis
Climate and Environmental Modeling
3-D Protein Molecule Reconstruction
Real-Time Medical Imaging
Severe Storm Forecasting
Design of Advanced Aircraft
DNA Sequence Matching
Molecular Simulations for nanotechnology
Large Scale Economic Modelling
Intelligent Planetary Spacecraft

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 12 Time for a Software Revolution?

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Well the rest of the Software World is Changing with emergence of WebWindows Environment!
Current approaches (HPF,MPI) lack needed capability to address memory hierarchy of either today's or any future contemplated high performance architecture -- whether sequential or parallel
Problem Solving Environments are needed to support complex applications implied by both Web and increasing capabilities of scientific simulations
So I suggest rethinking High Performance Computing Software Models and Implementations!

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 13 The Current HPCC Program Execution Model (PEM) illustratrated by MPI/HPF

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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MPI represents data movement with the abstraction for a structure of machines with just two levels of memory
  • On Processor and Off Processor
This was a reasonable model in the past but even today fails to represent complex memory structure of typical microprocessor node
Note HPF Distribution Model has similar (to MPI) underlying relatively simple Abstraction for PEM

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 14 The PetaSoft Program Execution Model

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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This addresses memory hierarchy intra-processor as well as inter-processor
  • Data Movement and Replication defined between Processors as well as between levels of hierarchy on a given processor
Level 2 Cache
Level 1 Cache

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Foil 15 Java for Scientific Computing Resource

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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See Original Foil

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Foil 16 Web Software is the Best!

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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By definition, Web Software will be the "best" software ever built because it has the largest market (and so greatest leverage of investment dollars) and most creative business model (harness the world's best minds together with open interfaces)
  • As Web Software is "distributed computing infrastructure", one will need to customize and integrate for each application
  • Note PC software and perhaps even IBM business OS was high quality software but not so open and not a complete model
One should build upwards from the "democractic Web"
  • e.g. up from POTS --> ISDN/Cable Modem/ADSL --> ...
  • Not down from ..........<--- ATM
This allows you to both deliver your application to the general public (not always required but often desireable) and use the best leveraged software
Note Web Software tends to offer highest functionality as opposed to highest performance and HPCC often requires different trade-offs

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 17 Synergy of InterNet and IntraNets

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Foil 18 Implications of the Computing Pyramid

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Web Software MUST be cheaper and better than MPP software as more money invested!
Therefore natural strategy is to get parallel computing environment by adding synchronization of parallel algorithms to loosely coupled Web distributed computing model

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 19 We have the Web Tools in Place - I !

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Web Technology is still uncertain and there may be major changes but "enough" capabilities are in place to build very general (~all) applications
  • MicroSoft v Sun / Netscape uncertainities
Rapidly evolving Standards and a mechanism to get rapid consensus
Fortran 77 -> Fortran90 --> HPF --> Fortran2000 (23 years)
VRML Idea (1994) --> VRML1 deployed (95) --> VRML2 deployed (early 97) (2.3 years)
  • VRML2 (3D datastructures and Java(Script) enabled methods) is more sophisticated than Fortran ?
  • Java development time was also fast compared to "traditional" standard adoption times

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 20 We have the Web Tools in Place - II!

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Classic Web: HTTP Mime HTML CGI Perl etc.
Java and JavaScript Compiled to almost compiled (applet) to fully Interpreted Programming Language
VRML2 as a dynamic 3D Datastructure for products and their simulation object
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) and general Web linked databases
Dynamic Java Servers and Clients
Rich Web Collaboration environment building electronic societies
Security -- still needs maturing as very clumsy or non existent at present in many cases
Compression/ Quality of Service for Web Multimedia
  • Do need higher bandwidth for real video although current POTS (perhaps ISDN needed) adequate for conferencing
Emerging Web Object model including integration of Corba (see JavaBeans and Orblets)

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 21 What is the Problem -I?

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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1)Compute Power ? Maybe
2)Network Bandwidth? In some cases
3)Implementing / Discovering new ways of doing Business? Usually the major issue
  • e.g. Can academic Compute Science compete with Industry?
  • Importance of industry implies "we" need a greater focus on "products"
Which organizations will still be here 10 years from now ? Consider University education as an example

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Foil 22 What is the Problem -II?

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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4)Web Technologies are very rich and are perhaps 10 times as complicated as HPCC and Parallel Programming
Much harder to match the drumbeat of web than drumbeat of HPCC
I use a research <--> Teach iterative cycle to learn and understand significance of new technologies
  • I now spend a great deal more time teaching than I used to!
  • The amount of important material appears to require this!
5)Rapid evolution of technologies implies that any "product" is bound to be out of date
  • Use (Web) standards to make it easier to incorporate new standards
  • But VRML2 very different from VRML1
  • JDBC very different from Oracle WoW database technology

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 23 Opportunities in HPCC - I?

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Problem with HPCC is not ideas but rather finding enough people to implement robust rich software
  • No more people so take software from elsewhere
View parallel computing as a special case of distributed computing with tighter synchronization and lower latency
  • Enhance Web technologies accordingly and use as new HPCC software infrastructure
Java/JavaScript front ends for interoperability and visualization is first step
  • This will link to wrappers around existing Fortran/C++/HPF/MPI code
  • Users will find it convenient to modify this front end as so this is trojan horse which will lead for existing Fortran users converting to Java

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 24 There are (at least) 3 Major Roles for JAVA in Computation

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Java for the User Interface: This is roughly the "WebWindows Philosophy" of building applications to Web Server/Client Standards
Java for Coarse Grain Software Integration: see collaboration and metacomputing
Java as a high performance scientific language: for "inner" (and outer) loops Here parallelism is important but sequential issues also critical and first issues to examine!

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 25 The 3 Roles of Java

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Foil 26 Java for Building User Interfaces

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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This is least controversial and is essentially WebWindows for User Interfaces
Fortran was never good at user interfaces!

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Foil 27 Summary of the VPL -- Virtual Programming Laboratory

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Initially Aimed at education where usability higher priority than performance
Teaching Java and JavaScript greatly aided by interpreted technology which allow integration of demonstrations into lectures
VPL aimed at allowing embedding of F90, HPF and MPI (etc.) examples in lectures and convenient support of homeworks for transient inexperienced users.
Features of VPL:
  • Text Editor and File Manager
  • Web Interface for compilation and job submittal with simple aids such as prompts on HPF syntax, choice of platform and automatic makefiles
  • Client side Java applets for Performance and Data visualization
  • Security mechanisms

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Foil 28 The Virtual Programming Laboratory

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Foil 29 Structure of Java Wrappers in the VPL

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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User registers data in Java Applet and running HPF/MPI program and transfers between client applet and running simulation in a fashion similar to AVS

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Foil 30 The Java Applet Supporting Data Visualization in the VPL

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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This interacts via wrappers to MPI/HPF/F90 running programs

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Foil 31 Kivanc Dincer's Java FrontEnd to Pablo - I

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Foil 32 What is Relevance of VRML(2) for Scientific Computing?

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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VRML naturally gives 3D visualization with usual Web advantage of running on PC's and Workstations
Its universality implies can use in industry to specify products so can design, manufacture and market from the same(related) specification
Should impact PDES/STEP and such industry product specification standards
VRML will need extension to handle this but it is a good start and allows user defined types
VRML and Parallel Computing?
  • Breakup up a VRML image with INLINE construct to allow parallel rendering of complex images (i.e. parallel VRML viewer)
  • Invocation of parallel simulation programs as a VRML2 Script e.g. VRML2 cars invoke parallel crash codes when they hit each other!

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 33 GIS integration with Weather Simulation application - II.

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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NPAC Web Based Geographical Information System in Stand Alone Mode
A GIS application is a specialized OpenInventor viewer, however it accepts any OpenInventor 2.1 scene model. That's why it's so easy to integrate it with third party applications, which produce IO/VRML output. The images show GIS integration with Weather Simulation application. A GIS viewer can also display animated objects controlled by Simulation Engine.

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 34 Opportunities in HPCC - II?

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Parallel Java is inevitable and indeed Java will replace Fortran and C++ in general scientific computing
  • We have evaluated what it takes to produce Java interfaces (wrappers) to existing libraries and will deliver this on compiler runtime (see Java-MPI at our Web Site)
The (commercial) Web itself will lead to "coarse grain software integration" in AVS like data flow environments
  • This will implement metacomputing with a rather different model than before
  • Link mobile Web modules rather than decomposing problems
Web Collaboration technology can revolutionize computational steering
  • Java Servers will link Instruments, People, Computers

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Foil 35 Web Based MetaComputing

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Can use network of Web Clients and/or Web Servers
Not clear if distinction (in capability) between web server and client will remain
Web Client Models Include SuperWeb from UCSB and hotwired article "Suck your Mips".
More powerful but less pervasive is a pure Web Server model as in NPAC WebFlow
Can either use in controlled (IntraNets or run a server on every node of your MPP) or uncontrolled (the whole world wide web) fashion
  • Uncontrolled mode has interesting economic implications and is controversial in security, network performance area
Note total compute power in all Web "clients" is about 1000 times that in all Central Supercomputers

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Foil 36 Article on MIP Sucking Java Applets

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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http://www.packet.com/packet/ Hot Wired Tuesday January 7 Edition
Applet calculates pi while you read article!

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Foil 37 Java Server Based Web Computing

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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High Level WebHPL (Interpreted Interface to parallel Java, Fortran, C++)
or WebFlow (AVS on the Web)
Low Level WebVM (MPI on the Web) is linked servers

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Foil 38 Java Server Structure in WebFlow

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Using Servlets (Jeeves) or Resource Objects (Jigsaw)

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Foil 39 TANGOsim Collaboration/ Simulation/ Training in Java

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Java is basis of Web Collaboration Systems with Applets Coordinated by Java Server
Habanero from NCSA was one of first
TANGOsim uses more modern Web Technology and incorporates a Discrete Event Simulator

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Foil 40 Typical Web Collaboration Architecture

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Replicated Applications
1)Virtual Users 2)Customized Views

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Foil 41 The TANGOsim C2 Application

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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MultiMedia Mail
C2 Commander
Event Driven
C2 Radar Officer
C2 Weather Officer
Message Routing
SW/Data Distrib.
MultiMedia Mail
Engine Controller
All Clients
Typical Clients

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Foil 42 TANGO Highlights - I

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Entirely Web-based system (runtime implemented in Java)
Able to tap any information resources
Self-distributing software model (applets not applications)
Unrestricted inter-applet communication
Supports all basic collaboratory functions:
  • statefull system, security/session management, data/event distribution, scalable multimedia support (VTC, digital networked video)

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Foil 43 TANGO Highlights - II

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Language independent: support for non-Java applications
  • APIs available for Java, C, C++, JavaScript
Archiving system for session replays
  • Relational database backend
Dynamic and flexible master-slave mode
Entirely open, extensible system with growing set of applications
Multiplatform: SGI/Sun/Win 95/NT
TANGOsim mode provides support for discrete event simulations
Used in Command and Control, telemedicine, and weather application in Rome Laboratory Project that funded.

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 44 RomeLab C2 Auxiliary Applications

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Collaboratory Web browser
Collaboratory search engine
Mmail - TANGO multimedia mail
  • supports test, images, audio, video
  • persistent storage for MM messages
Weather with 2D and 3D views and simulation and sensor data displays
All apps collaboratory and compatible with Simulation Engine, hence scriptable.

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 45 TANGOsim for Distributed Simulation and Computational Steering - I

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Clearly Java Collaboration Systems are natural implementations of general environments that mix computers and people
Computational Steering -- a simulation is like a participant in a Tango session which has
  • simulation engine
  • visualization subsystem
  • one of more computaional scientists
Need to link to Tango, Java data analysis/visulaization front ends as well as distributed resource management systems such as ARMS from Cornell

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 46 TANGOsim for Distributed Simulation and Computational Steering - II

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Note synergy with Java Server based distributed computing such as WebFlow which builds an AVS like environment with graphical interfaces to software Integration
More ambitious to upgrade discrete event simulation component of TANGOsim to support full SIMNET/DSI (Distributed Simulation Internet) functionality.
Note that Java is natural language for DSI/Forces Modelling because these typically use object parallelism which fits both language and applet/JavaBean capabilities.
See discussion in http://www.npac.syr.edu/projects/javaforcse

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 47 Java as the Language for Computational Kernels!

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Java for User Interfaces and MetaComputing is natural from its design!
Java for your favourite Conjugate Gradient routine (etc.) is less obvious .....

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 48 Some Critical Features of Java as a Programming Language

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Java likely to be a dominant language as will be learnt and used by a broad group of users
  • We have taught 3 full courses and several tutorials
  • Popular as widely applicable (growing number of API's etc.) and one gets good graphics outpiut easily.
  • Further can use Web to exchange results of your program with peers
  • Expect to be very effective in middle and high school programming
  • Kids will come to University and jobs knowing and expecting to use Java
    • They will not accept Fortran as unfamiliar and less attractive
    • They may accept C++ as a later more complicated language
    • The bottom up revolution!
Java may replace C++ as major system building language
  • Perhaps greater functionality (e.g. pointers) of C++ critical although "WebWindows" favors Java
  • but this is not topic today!

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Foil 49 Comparison of Java and Fortran 77/90

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Clearly Java can easily replace Fortran as a Scientific Computing Language as can be compiled as efficiently and has much better software engineering (object) and graphics (web) capabilities
  • Fortran90 is object oriented but very small user base and not clear if will replace Fortran77
  • Note Fortran90 discussion started in 1978 (after Fortran77 agreed) and took fourteen years and even now Cray's Fortran77 compiler is (on C90 for numerical relativity) much better than their Fortran90 compiler.
  • Originally Fortran90 (as Fortran8X) was designed precisely for Cray architecture systems!
  • This illustrates that informal standards activities (as in the Web and HPF) are most appropriate for rapidly changing technologies
Java can unify classic science and engineering computations with more qualitative macroscopic "distributed simulation and modelling" arena which is critical in military and to some extent industry

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Foil 50 Java Links the Bottom and Top of Pyramid

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Key question is performance of Java
Note Web Software can be run on High Performance IntraNets such as Iway so hardware need NOT be a problem!

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 51 Isn't the Web hardware and software too slow to be interesting for HPCC? -Java- I

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Java is currently semi-interpreted and (as in Linpack online benchmark) is about 50 times slower than good C or Fortran
  • http://www.netlib.org/benchmark/linpackjava/
Java --> (javac)--> Downloadable Universal Bytecodes --> (Java Interpreter)
--> Native Machine Code
  • Just in Time Compilers speed this up by factor of 10
However Language can be efficiently compiled with "native compilers"
Java ----> (native compiler)
---> Native (for Particular Machine) Code
Lots of Interesting Compiler issues for both compiled and scripted Java

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 52 What Limits Performance of Compiled Java?

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Syracuse Workshop saw no serious problem to High Performance Java on sequential or Shared Memory Machines
Some restrictions are needed in programming model
For instance, Avoid Complicated Exception handlers in areas compilers need to optimize!
Should be able to get comparable performance on compiled Java C and Fortran starting with either Java Language or JavaVM bytecodes
The Interpreted (Applet) JavaVM mode would always be slower than compiled Java/C/Fortran -- perhaps by a factor of two with best technology

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 53 Isn't the Web hardware and software too slow to be interesting for HPCC? -Java- III

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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One can use "native classes" which is just a predownloaded library of optimized runtime routines which can be high performance compiled Java, C, C++, Fortran, HPF etc. modules invoked by interpreted or compiled Java
  • This does NOT violate Web Philosophy in our opinion!
Use Native Classes selectively for
  • Compiler Runtime, Matrix Primitives, Image Processing and other engineering/science libraries,
  • PDE primitives such as mesh generators,
  • optimization as needed in resource management or applications

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 54 Decomposition Versus Integration

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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One can identify both decomposition and integration as key parts of parallel (high performance) computing
Thus in HPF, we have distribute to address decomposition and the compiler uses MPI or equivalent to integrate
Java brings objects and threads to help decomposition
Java servers and applets really address integration and the greatest power of Web is in integration -- not decomposition
  • Most Web computing research focusses implicitly on integration

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 55 Classes of Simulations and their High Performance Needs

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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1)Classic solution of large scale PDE or Particle dynamics problem
  • Data parallelism over grid points or particles
2)Modest Grain size Functional Parallelism as seen in overlap of communication and computation in a node process of a parallel implementation.
  • More generally overlap of I/O -- disk,visualization -- and computation
3)Object parallelism seen in Distributed Simulation where "world" modelled (typically by event driven simulation) as set of interacting macroscopic (larger than grid points) objects
  • Objects are weopens, military units etc. in SIMNET/DSI (Forces Modelling)
4)MetaProblems consisting of several large grain functionally distinct components such as
  • Structural Analysis, Airflow, Manufacturing Process, Pricing, Controls etc. in MDO approach to manufacturing and design
  • more generally are components of a Problem Solving Environment
Java: 1) Not Supported, 2) is Thread mechanism, 3) is Java Objects or Applets, 4) is JavaBeans or equivalent
Fortran: 1)is supported in HPF, 2--4) are not supported

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 56 Some Critical Features of Java and Parallelism - II

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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As we saw large scale Applications need many forms of parallelism and it is not needed/appropriate to use the same mechanism for each form
  • Coarse Grain Software Integration or Coordination (item 4))
    • Naturally built into Java through Applet mechanism and networking classes
  • But Data Parallelism (item 1)) -- needed for "massive parallelism" -- but although not directly supported, we can do by hand!
Thus Java needs (runtime and perhaps language) extension to support HPF/HPC++ like (shared memory model for programmer) data parallelism but "Java plus message passing" is already here
  • Most Examples of Java+MP are in Information arena (This is how you build Java Collaboratories) but scientific examples are emerging
  • We can do Java+MP for "Laplace Equation Jacobi Iteration" and this how we (Caltech) started hypercube work in 1981
  • Note that Fortran or C plus message passing (PVM,MPI) is dominant implementation technology for data parallelism over last ten years

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 57 Approachs to Parallel Java - SPMD Model i.e. user writes Node Program

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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MPI (or equivalent message passing) done either as "pure Java" or as native class interface
Threads allow overlap of communication and computation
Higher Level Libraries such as those of DAGH (Adaptive Mesh Support) or PCRC (Compiler Runtime)
Build in capabilities with classes designed for "ghost region" support etc.

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 58 Approachs to Parallel Java - High Level - I

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Parallel C++ approach (Standard Template Libraries etc.) does not work
  • Cannot overload operators
Could copy HPF directive approach but as this requires major compiler development, this does not seem appropriate in near future
  • Approachs that need simple preprocessor are probably acceptable
  • parallel Fortran 77 approach is easier with identification of loop level parallelism
In particular can use this with Java threads running on SMP as target i.e. use Java runtime to get parallelism automatically if we spawn appropriate threads
This work can be done on .class (Bytecode) or .java (Java language) files

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 59 Approachs to Parallel Java - High Level - II

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Interpreted but limited (in functionality) Java client interface to Java wrapped HPF/C++ (not necessarily and perhaps best not parallel Java)
  • Do visualization and simple data analysis support first
Note that we avoid many difficulties but lose elegance as we exchange information between the Host and running Parallel code using "text strings"
Host and parallel node "synchronize" object reference by registering names with the communication broker

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 60 Network of Web Servers and Clients

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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We can use Java as an interface to to a Web-implemented simulation linking to either Server or Client

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Foil 61 More on Interpreted Java Front Ends

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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This does not necessarily need one to use Java native class linkage to Fortran and C -- rather just to be able to send messages between running programs
PreProcessors Can make this more "automatic"
  • Such registration familiar in CORBA and many visualization systems such as AVS
  • Remote Method Synchronization (RMI) and Object Serialization in Java 1.1 are important in "native" Java solutions
More generally should study link between interpreted and compiled environments
  • Increasing performance of Computers implies interpreters getting more attractive
Need an Interpreted Java -- JavaScript is interpreted but in limited domain

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Foil 62 Integration of Interpreted and Compiled Environments

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Java raises issue of role of Interpreters versus Compilers
Success of systems like MATLAB and languages like APL show relevance of interpreters in Scientic Computing
PERL, JavaScript, TcL, Visual Basic etc. indicate growing use of Interpreters in other domain
  • Natural as computers get faster!
We suggest that integration of Interpreters and compilers is an important research issue and could suggest new models for parallelism
  • We need both Compilers and Interpreters!!
Optimizing Interpreters (as in JIT for Java)
A library model where interpreted toolkits invoke lovingly parallelized high performance libraries
Natural linkage to interpreted data analysis / visualization

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 63 Hierarchy of Software Levels

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Numerical Objects in (C++/Fortran/C/Java)
Expose the Coarse Grain Parallelism
Expose All Levels of Memory Hierarchy
a) Pure Script (Interpreted)
c) High Level Language but Optimized Compilation
d) Machine Optimized RunTime
b) Semi- Interpreted
a la Applets
Memory Levels in High
Performance CPU
Nodes of Parallel/ Distributed System

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 64 Classes of Simulations and their High Performance Needs

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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1)Classic solution of large scale PDE or Particle dynamics problem
  • Data parallelism over grid points or particles
2)Modest Grain size Functional Parallelism as seen in overlap of communication and computation in a node process of a parallel implementation.
  • More generally overlap of I/O -- disk,visualization -- and computation
3)Object parallelism seen in Distributed Simulation where "world" modelled (typically by event driven simulation) as set of interacting macroscopic (larger than grid points) objects
  • Objects are weopens, military units etc. in SIMNET/DSI (Forces Modelling)
4)MetaProblems consisting of several large grain functionally distinct components such as
  • Structural Analysis, Airflow, Manufacturing Process, Pricing, Controls etc. in MDO approach to manufacturing and design
  • more generally are components of a Problem Solving Environment
Java: 1) Not Supported, 2) is Thread mechanism, 3) is Java Objects or Applets, 4) is JavaBeans or equivalent
Fortran: 1)is supported in HPF, 2--4) are not supported

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 65 Some Critical Features of Java and Parallelism - II

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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As we saw large scale Applications need many forms of parallelism and it is not needed/appropriate to use the same mechanism for each form
  • Coarse Grain Software Integration or Coordination (item 4))
    • Naturally built into Java through Applet mechanism and networking classes
  • But Data Parallelism (item 1)) -- needed for "massive parallelism" -- but although not directly supported, we can do by hand!
Thus Java needs (runtime and perhaps language) extension to support HPF/HPC++ like (shared memory model for programmer) data parallelism but "Java plus message passing" is already here
  • Most Examples of Java+MP are in Information arena (This is how you build Java Collaboratories) but scientific examples are emerging
  • We can do Java+MP for "Laplace Equation Jacobi Iteration" and this how we (Caltech) started hypercube work in 1981
  • Note that Fortran or C plus message passing (PVM,MPI) is dominant implementation technology for data parallelism over last ten years

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 66 Isn't the Web hardware and software too slow to be interesting for HPCC? -Java- II

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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Applications requires a range of capabilities in any language
High level ("Problem Solving Environment") manipulating"large" objects
  • Semi Interpreted (Java Applet) or Interpreted (Improved JavaScript)
Intermediate level Compiled Code targetted at "sequential" (multi-threaded) architecture
  • Existing Native Compiled Java using Simple types (arrays) for numerically intensive parts
  • Note as no pointers and no overloading of basic operators, Java code should be very efficient
Lower level runtime exploiting parallelism and memory hierarchies
  • "Hints" from higher level languages (in HPF style?) referencing highly functional efficient runtime optimized for high performance architectures
  • Requires extensions to both message passing and data parallel interfaces for whatever language one uses

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 67 Remarks on HPJava -- Data Parallel Java - II

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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We have proposed an approach which uses native classes for "compiler runtime" and follows an HPF style with an interpreted front-end like Matlab or APL or "host" programming model as in *LISP on CM-2
e.g. A = HParray.matmul(B,C)
  • Technically Generalizes HPF Interpreter we prototyped in 1993
  • Interpreters and objects are great as long as "coarse-grain"
  • i.e. arrays not array-elements
This leads again to Java wrappers invoked by HPF-style Java(Script) interpreter which interfaces to native HPF or other implementations.
  • e.g. access HPF array Ahpf elements from Java with wrapper object A
  • HParray A = new HParrayConstructor("Ahpf");
  • A.grabelement(1,100)

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared April 27 97

Foil 68 Select Active Processors in HPJava Demo

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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NPAC HPJava Activity -- Michael Chang and Bryan Carpenter

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Foil 69 Game of Life Execution Pattern in HPJava Demo

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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NPAC HPJava Activity -- Michael Chang and Bryan Carpenter

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Foil 70 Approachs to Parallel Java - High Level - III

From And the HPCN Future is: Petaflop Computers and Java and Web Technologies Aachen Parallel Computing Workshop, Pallas Presentation Germany -- April 21,23 97. *
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WebFlow approach with Java Servers supporting metacomputing
  • Note this is coarse grain software integration NOT decomposition
  • You decomposose problem implicitly as start bottom-up to build Web aware modules and link (integrate/coordinate) with Java Servers
Java suggests new approaches to distributed Event Driven Simulations
  • Java Objects or JavaBeans provide decomposition
  • Java Servers provide integration
As usual most things work for "embarassingly parallel" problems when integration and decomposition coincide.

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