HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared 26 January 97

Foil 11 Some Important Trends -- COTS is King!

From Variety of Foils Used Starting January 97 General -- 1997. by Geoffrey C. Fox *

1 Everybody now believes in COTS -- Consumer On the Shelf Technology -- one must use commercial building blocks for any specialized system whether it be a DoD weopens program or high end Supercomputer
  • These are both Niche Markets!
2 COTS for hardware can be applied to a greater or less extent
  • Gordon Bell's SNAP system says we will only have ATM networks of PC's running WindowsNT
  • SGI HP and IBM will take commodity processor nodes but link with custom switches (with different versions of distributed shared memory support)
3 COTS for Software is less common but (I expect) to become much more common
  • HPF producing HTTP not MPI with Java visulalization is an example of Software COTS

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