HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared 26 January 97

Foil 27 Target Flow in Porous Media Problem (Glimm - Petaflop Workshop)

From Variety of Foils Used Starting January 97 General -- 1997. by Geoffrey C. Fox *

1 Oil Resevoir Simulation
2 Geological variation occurs down to pore size of rock - almost 10-6 metres - model this (statistically)
3 Want to calculate flow between wells which are about 400 metres apart
4 103x103x102 = 108 grid elements
5 30 species
6 104 time steps
7 300 separate cases need to be considered
8 3x109 words of memory per case
9 1012 words total if all cases considered in parallel
10 1019 floating point operation
11 3 hours on a petaflop computer

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