Scripted HTML version of Foils prepared 26 January 97

Foil 26 Petaflop Performance for Flow in Porous Media?

From Variety of Foils Used Starting January 97 General -- 1997. by Geoffrey C. Fox *

Why does one need a petaflop (1015 operations per second) computer?
These are problems where quite viscous (oil, pollutants) liquids percolate through the ground
Very sensitive to details of material
Most important problems are already solved at some level, but most solutions are insufficient and need improvement in various respects:
  • under resolution of solution details, averaging of local variations and under representation of physical details
  • rapid solutions to allow efficient exploration of system parameters
  • robust and automated solution, to allow integration of results in high level decision, design and control functions
  • inverse problems (history match) to reconstruct missing data require multiple solutions of the direct problem

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