Scripted HTML version of Foils prepared 26 January 97

Foil 91 PetaSoft Recommendations 1) to 3) Memory and Software Hierarchy

From Variety of Foils Used Starting January 97 General -- 1997. by Geoffrey C. Fox *

1)Explore issues in design of petaComputer machine models which will support the controllable hierarchical memory systems in a range of important architectures
  • Research and development in areas of findings 3) and 4)
2)Explore techniques for control of memory hierarchy for petaComputer architectures
  • Use testbeds
3)Explore issues in designing layered software architectures -- particularly efficient mapping and efficient interfaces to lower levels
  • Use context of petaflop applications and machines
  • e.g. HPF is a possible layer while HPF Extrinsics is an interface to a lower (MPI) layer

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