Basic HTML version of Foils prepared August 22 98

Foil 16 Dataset Object Structure

From Details of PetaSIM and its relationship to Performance Specification Languages Darpa Workshop on Performance Engineered Systems Annapolis Md. -- August 19-21 1998. by Yuhong Wen, Geoffrey C. Fox

1 Name: one per dataset object
2 choose from grid1dim, grid2dim, grid3dim, specifies type of dataset
3 bytesperunit: number of bytes in each unit
4 floatsperunit: update cost as a floating point arithmetic count
5 operationsperunit: operations in each unit
6 update(): method that updates given dataset which is contained in a CPU nodeset and a grainsize controlled by last memory nodeset visited
7 transmit(): method that calculates cost of transmission of dataset between memory levels either communication or movement up and down hierarchy
  • Methods can use other parameters or be custom

in Table To:

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