Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 22 May 98

Foil 30 Interface between Emulator and PetaSIM Pathfinder

From PetaSIM and its relationship to Application Emulators Arpa Review at Maryland University -- 18 May 98. by Yuhong Wen, Geoffrey C. Fox

1 Excerpt from Execution Script:
2 move data0 from disks0 to bus30
3 move data0 from bus30 to bus20
4 move data0 from bus20 to bus10
5 move data0 from bus10 to mem0
6 move data0 from mem0 to bus10
7 move data0 from bus10 to bus20
8 move data0 from bus20 to nwa0
9 move data0 from nwa0 to network0
10 move data0 from network0 to nwa11
11 move data0 from nwa11 to bus211
12 move data0 from bus211 to bus111
13 move data0 from bus111 to mem11
14 move data0 from mem11 to bus111
15 move data0 from bus111 to cpu11
16 compute data0 on cpu11

in Table To:

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